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Fluency Again

Posted by Bob on August 9th, 2010 under Coaching Session, History

The article says that the chariots on display at the Luxor museum are the first, “Mechanical systems which combine the use of kinematics, dynamics and lubrication principles.”

The reason they are in a museum is that they are rare. They are at Luxor because Egypt has been examined for a thousand years more closely than any other civilization.

Anything that is in a museum in the most closely studied civilization in history is not likely to be the earliest anything.

I told a guy Zoroastrianism was limited to Aryans, so he looked up a New Age “Zoroastrian” site. He showed me that the page led off with “People of any race are welcome.”

I asked him if he had ever seen any OTHER religious site that started off with the statement that any race could join. Why was that its first sentence?

Obviously because real Zoroastrianism HAD a racial restriction.

It is hard to talk to people who do not understand the language. It is tiresome to be endlessly explaining what any adult should be able to understand immediately.

So the Soviet Constitution of 1936 did not say, “We Idealists and Intellectuals are going to sit in our offices and tell everybody else what to do.” What they said was that “the Soviet Union is a society of workers, farmers, soldiers and intellectuals.”

Which of these four groups is going to do the sweating and bleeding and which one is assigned all the thinking and giving orders? Obviously the intellectuals are going to sit in their offices and tell everybody else what to do.

But that is only obvious to me. Because I seem to be the only one who speaks the language.

What if a congressman gave you a book by a political group and said, “Tell me what it says.” It takes you hours to read it and you know what HE wants to know about it.

Are they left or right? Well, there is a lot in there denying they are socialists. If you want to keep your job, you do not Xerox those repeated denials that they are socialists. As with the Zoroastrians, the first question is why they have all those denials.

It is considered anti-Semitic to say that Jews can be motivated in any way by Hate. Every Saturday they say things about gentiles that, if gentiles said it about Jews, would constitute hate. Jews insist that Hate is the motivation behind everybody else’s actions.

Nobody is going to come right out and say he is motivated by hatred, but if you can’t deduce official Jewry’s real attitude from this.

There is nothing theoretical or cute about this. It is a matter of keeping your job.

On Capitol Hill, nobody SAYS that when one says “Middle East,” one means, first and foremost, Israel. When you listen to a conservative talking about Iran, you are instantly aware that the distinction between an attack on Israel and one on America is instantly lost.

Nobody SAYS that Israel is the only country in the Middle East, but if you don’t KNOW it you will never get a job on the Hill.

Israel is Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

You have never heard anyone denounce black extremists as “anti-white.” They are only referred to as “anti-white AND anti-Semitic.

No one notices this but professionals, much less asks WHY it is true.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 08/09/2010 - 6:27 am

    Noise is silence.

    Whenever Israel is written about on most any well read website the Jewish Monitor and crew will hijack the comment feature by an unending stream of posts. They can be lengthy and involve a back and forth between the clique. Many appear to be prepackaged. Any suggestion that management might limit this behavior will be met with howls that debate would be stifled.

    Of course that is exactly what the behavior is designed to do: stifle debate. By turning the comment section into a massive garbage dump readers will be inclined to move on and no rational discussion or exchange of ideas will take place.

    This Jewish tactic shut down the comment section at Takimag, It has rendered the same feature at the Wall Street Journal unintelligible and is threatening the value of the comment option at AlternariveRight. It is not limited to these few venues but is omnipresent on the Web. There is some evidence pointing to it being organized out of the Israeli military.

    Mantra thinking quickly ferrets this sort of thing out by asking the simple basic question: Why is this being produced? Noise is produced because enough of it equals silence.

  2. #2 by Dave on 08/09/2010 - 9:51 am

    The Establishment is full of recipients of splendid economic rents, overcompensated consultants, members of prestigious law firms and lobbying organizations, academics, and governmental officials who think their fabulous lifestyles mean they sit with the gods and have the right to plan the lives and demand fealty from the “little people” which always means demands for greater taxation or the undertaking of dangerous involuntary missions and submission to odious and offensive policies regarding race and morals by anybody who actually works or who produces something actually needed.

    The Establishment not only demands fealty, it demands humiliation and submission to a brand of bullying that is insulting and soul destroying beyond belief. To say that the Establishment is arrogant is stupenous understatement. The Establishment is so arrogrant there is really no way to articulate it. it is beyond description. The Establishment demands much more than a pound of flesh. It wants the public to crawl, beg, humiliate itself, and cede the very basis of human decency too. It is content with nothing less than the most replusive spiritual and moral dereliction, to an extent beyond imagination.

    Developing an ear for their arrogance, their incessant “talking down” to the public is part of a very necessary change in the political environment.

    What if the political environment changes on us? What if the Establishment starts to fear real punishment for their political choices and ideological rants? What if they start to fear interrogation? What if they lose their sense of security that they and their families are going to be protected because of what they promote?

    The emergence of that kind of political environment is a game changer.

    The Establishment wants to avoid being interrogated. The avoidance of interrogation is central to their strategy. The avoidance of interrogation is at the heart of the authority relationship they attempt to assert over us. The very essence of orthodoxy is the avoidance of interrogation.

    Our enemies don’t like opponents with disciplined mindsets. I guarantee you that the more they hear about the Mantra and Mantra thinking, the more frightened they will become.

  3. #3 by BGLass on 08/09/2010 - 10:08 am

    This is why I can’t get too upset about fundamentalisms. In fundamentalisms, a word means a word. It is a method of study in which words are looked at carefully, one by one. The purpose of all fundamentalism IS TO FIND OUT WHAT IS BEING SAID. The purpose, by contrast, of Liberalizing Reading (“interpretation”) is to make the text SAY (by selecting parts) WHAT WANT NEEDS OR WANTS it to say, as opposed to what is really said—then make a case for forcing others to believe that. (or at least pretend somewhat convincingly that they believe it.)

    Only Jews have fundamentalisms by another name. They must be called Orthodoxy, but it is the same thing, the same study. But Muslims and Christians must be called fundamentalists, and “fundamentalism” is bad.

    If the Bible said what PC wants it to, then Fundamentalism would be golden. But Liberalizing is necessary. Liberal Reading merely means Selecting Text and making it mean what the communists want it to say. Taking existing texts –religious or otherwise— and selecting parts that fit with the program. Even the Orthodox do not accept the Reform.

    Now, a word meaning a word. A reading by the definitions and possible translations of each and every word, is about the most evil thing there is: “fundamentalism.”

    The underlying assumptions are always implicit in whatever is said, since there had to be a reason to say this or that. In deconstructive reading (regardless of what one thinks of it), this is what was meant when they said, “absence is always a presence.) Implicit in the said is the “un-named unsaid.” It is the reason something had to be said. What must have preceded the need to say something.

    Fundamentalists will only be liked if their book says what it is supposed to. Otherwise they might read what something ACTUALLY SAYS, and that can be dangerous. So, we know that PC hates what the Bible says. Otherwise the liberalizing reading (making the text conform to something it does not say) would not be necessary. So, what about it do they dislike the most, is the next question and so on.

    Words have to mean what they mean.

    If you read Marx or Mao, word by word, then you are called a “Scholar,” not a Marxist fundamentalist. Jews call anyone who goes to a Bible class, a “scholar.” Scholar means reading Torah word by word.

    Reading the Bible, word for word, if you are Christian, makes you insane, or a fundamentalist, which means stupid and insane.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 08/09/2010 - 11:06 am

    “Fluency” and “Temporal Provincialism” should maybe synthesized.

    As I have said and as Dave said above all these mega-cults and mini-cults need are an interogation with the right questions.

    But “respectable conservatism” remains the cult’s friends because it legitmizes the false power of said cult.

    America is the Jim Jones cult writ large, a corrupt lunatic elite who uses “racism” to keep the masses heads down and the hands busy hoeing the garden patch. Not even the respectables flag waving will save America.

  5. #5 by Dick_Whitman on 08/09/2010 - 5:35 pm

    “Mantra thinking quickly ferrets this sort of thing out by asking the simple basic question: Why is this being produced? Noise is produced because enough of it equals silence.” (bbg)

    100% Correct. I’ve noticed the same thing at the websites you mentioned(and others). Someone will write an interesting article that could be beneficial to other White people, then, the first comment following it will be something insane.

    I read a very interesting article at Occidental Dissent yesterday,but it was followed (in the comment section) by someone describing how they’d like to torcher people with jumper cables. Then following that (of course), are the mandatory anti-Jew rants, that say the same thing every day. This happens day after day after day.

    I’ve concluded that this information is produced to turn other White people off, and to act as “evidence” for future “investigations” against the so called “White Nationalist Movement.”

    If just half of these websites just tried to spread the Mantra (or some other effective talking point) instead of the daily jewish centered discourse, Whites would be much better off in the long run.

    If the managers/owners of these websites and blogs produce this kind of discourse in cooperation with our enemy, its important to remember that there will be a paper trail documenting this cooperation.

  6. #6 by Scrivener on 08/09/2010 - 8:20 pm

    He showed me that the page led off with “People of any race are welcome.”

    I asked him if he had ever seen any OTHER religious site that started off with the statement that any race could join. Why was that its first sentence?

    Applying this same logic, a few days ago on Stormfront, I pointed out that Americans are a nation.

    What’s more, our enemies KNOW we are a nation, and they know it more than respectable Conservatives who seem to think that you can take a Black African and, with the proper education and upbringing, make him interchangeable with an American.

    If we weren’t a nation, and didn’t on some level ACT as a nation, there would be no reason for the leftists to put out those “I am an American” PSAs showing a motley cast of diverse ethnicities proclaiming that they are Americans too.

  7. #7 by Frank on 08/09/2010 - 10:56 pm


    I’ve got someone else on this local news thread sayiing, “Anti-racism is just a code word for anti-White”

    “Pat Kittle” is the new kid in the game ….

  8. #8 by Frank on 08/09/2010 - 10:58 pm

    Maybe some BUGS folks can go to that link and pat “Pat” on the back !

  9. #9 by seriouswon on 08/11/2010 - 1:08 pm

    There’s also a Frank and a couple of other guys on there posting the Mantra. Neat. I posted the Mantra on my local newspaper’s site, now I can’t even find the article…tried to post it again on another article and it’s in moderation.

  10. #10 by seriouswon on 08/11/2010 - 1:09 pm

    Rather than give Pat a pat on the back…maybe we should play along undercover lover style!

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