Archive for August, 2010

BBG’s Polish-Italian-Greek- Japanese Joke

BBG says: “Way back there was a set up on TV in which a guy would tell a joke in English to a Frenchman who would tell it in French to an Italian, to a German, to a Spaniard and then back to English. Of course nothing of the joke survived, which was the joke. Comparing the thoughts between thinkers of differing civilizations, races and millennia is compounded interest on the routine. It cannot be done.”

This really hit home. This is EXACTLY what Lawrence Brown was trying to explain in Might of the West. Accepted history tries to show a single continuum of a History of Mankind, and least of its problems is that it is in different languages.

If you go back to what the Renaissance nonsense says was the basis of our science, you find that they were talking about entirely different THINGS. BBG wrote the above in response to my description of what historians like to call the origin of our atomic science in one Greek philosopher.

He was not talking about our atomic science. He was questioning the “substance” idea in form and substance. There is no debate over this subject now. He was discussing this in a different language, a different language no matter how it is translated.

Lawrence Brown points out that few if any societies had what WE would call atheists. The world kept moving, so there must be a Prime Mover pushing it. We would call a Prime Mover a god.

Now we call it inertia. Every other society took it for granted that things could only keep moving if they were constantly pushed. But we take inertia for granted in the same way.

We are not speaking the same language. We are not living in the same world.

No other society ever divided Science and Religion the way we do. Where they were separated, they were different specialties, not different fields, and certainly no more contradictory than obstetrics contradicts ophthalmology.

The Mankind Theory of History ignores all this. It HAS to. Somehow it has to look at a seventeenth century Hottentot swimming in the Zambezi (Yes, Capoids were there then) and somehow show that that is a “stage of development” leading to the Moon Landing.

That takes a LOT of twisting. But we let them get away with it.

If we talk about the Mantra, the anti-white immediately says he is only talking his own country. So he has no idea of the fate of ALL white countries.

No one points out that he is hiding behind provinciality. Anti-whites are always talking about All Mankind and A Global Point of View. Then suddenly they say they are only talking about one country, so it isn‘t genocide.

Looked at one country at a time, immigration and assimilation is a policy. Looked at globally, it is genocide. They hide behind “mixing THE races,” they hide behind, “I am only talking about my own country.”

They are hiding behind provincialism, the same provincialism they so denounce.

Their whole world view is provincial. Mommy Professors of history refuse to talk about ancient thinking as it was. They only talk about how it led of what they call Modern Thinking, the Common Heritage of All Mankind.

The result is the same as BBG’s joke. This translation loses all its relevance, nay, all its SENSE, the same way that the joke loses its humor– it is not only no longer funny, it no longer makes SENSE.

By the time that joke comes from its tenth translation, you could easily teach how it was an entirely different joke originally, about any joke you want to make up. It could just as easily be used to show that it was a Wise Saying instead of a joke, a Wise Saying that just happens to coincide with whatever Mommy Professor is trying to sell right now.

Why is information produced. Let’s say you presented that meaningless mass of words to a journal as originally being the actual joke it was, or as the road traveled by different peoples to come to a Politically Correct conclusion.

Which do you think is more likely to be published?



Adelheim: The Mantra in Action: Questions and Answers

This is a summary of some of the responses Bob gave to anti-whites on Stormfront.
Anti-white: So if I am against an Asians who say that Negroes are inferior, I’m being anti-white?
Africa for everyone
Asia for everyone
White countries for everyone
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): It doesn’t matter if you ALSO believe horses are purple. The point is that what you are pushing this: “Quotes the mantra”
Anti-white: That… that doesn’t make any sense.
I make a statement about my beliefs – saying that as many people of European ethnic backgrounds can immigrate to wherever they want – and you respond with what quotes from someone else? What? How did that contradict anything I said?
Anti-racist is not a codeword for anti-White. I am against racism, in all its forms. I am against, say, a Japanese person or a Zulu or whatever being racist against European peoples.
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): This is how your “anti-racism” WORKS on Planet Earth: “Quotes the mantra”
Anti-white: I don’t believe so called “anti-racists” are so much anti white……I would more likely refer to them as deceived.
Most of them have been indoctrinated by the mainstream politically correct press and media, and most have probably attended university, which has furthered their brainwashing.
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): They are anti-white and proud of it. To white anti-whites, hating white people is a form of virtuous self-sacrifice.
Remember that we are part of a tradition, both Puritan and monastic Catholicism, that has often gone overboard in the area of self-hatred. There is a fine line between acknowledging one’s guilt and going into all-out self-hatred, and our established religion, Political Correctness, wipes that line out on racial issues.
The first building stone of our established religion today is total self-hatred. If any European professor said the same things about blacks or Orientals or, above all, Jews, that European professors routinely say about whites, he would be in prison.
Anti-whites are PROUD to be anti-white.
Anti-white: The most anti-racist people I’ve met ARE white. How can they be anti-themselves?? That correlation makes no sense.
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): It’s called treason, dumb-dumb. It happens all the time.
You’ve never HEARD of self-hatred?
Anti-white: That… that doesn’t make any sense.
I make a statement about my beliefs – saying that as many people of European ethnic backgrounds can immigrate to wherever they want – and you respond with what quotes from someone else? What? How did that contradict anything I said?
Anti-racist is not a codeword for anti-White. I am against racism, in all its forms. I am against, say, a Japanese person or a Zulu or whatever being racist against European peoples.
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): You are part of a program to end the existence, SPECIFICALLY, of the white race. That is its PRACTICAL, REAL result. To say that is d not anti-white is like saying that those who supported slavery were just objectively pro-property.
“Quotes the mantra”
Anti-white: However, one can’t say that if one is anti-racist one is anti-white
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth: “Quotes the mantra”


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I Have Been Here Before

While others go on from what we say to generalization, Adelheim looked up my old arguments against anti-whites on Stormfront. I will be putting them here, in parts.

It is certainly good to say what an article makes you think of, that’s good seminar practice. And commenters are getting better at relating their observations back to the basic point. One should always ask oneself, am I just using BUGS to drop in a point I could use some other forum for, or is this a seminar comment that BELONGS here?

Adelheim also has another bit of news. We have been leaning on the BNP to talk about white genocide. Naturally it was Adelheim who noticed some of us might have gotten through:

Adelheim_ on August 14th, 2010 at 2:53 pm
BNP: Europe Is Being Ethnically Cleansed – Andrew Brons MEP
Somewhere after 3:00 he uses the term Ethnically Cleansed. I think it is a speech for the EU parliament or something.”

The Mantra and its promotion alone are literally worth the time and effort of a million blogs. Horus reports we, the White Rabbit and BUGS and your pushing, are yielding results:

“The information is GETTING out there. The old white nationalists and conservatives and being outgunned by the younger new comers. Fresh blood! The old guys refused to obey and get on a consistent message. They are too damn thick headed. They are now getting over run by the new young people who are starved to make changes.

Now the White Nationalists are being forced via peer pressure to mention genocide. And it is about damn time. All you have to do is surf to see the young ones go to town. They are not posting on BUGS but they are reading it.”

One experience I have that is invaluable to you is  that I have been this way before. I have always found the basic need and hammered at it, pushing, squeezing what later becomes obvious to a few dozen, on to a few hundred, on to thousands, on to mainstream thinking.

The USSR fell because ridiculed “Wallace Democrats” were brought in to vote for Reagan. I was the only writer in both camps, organizing thousands of working families for marches and writing for National Review, Conservative Digest and working on Capitol Hill.

After their stunning defeat in 1980, the dazed media renamed those “Wallace Democrats” “Reagan Democrats” and their whole attitude changed. But for two decades before conservatives had panicked at every accusation of appealing to “Wallace Democrats” and had to change their diapers each time it was mentioned the way they do today when called “racist.”

I have done this on other issues, but this is the most recognizable. I know the signs of a message going its geometric way better than anyone else alive.

Once again, it took decades to get to this point, but I recognize this point very well.

Adelheim and Horus are giving us reports from the front.

And I know how to read them.



Form, Substance, and Reality

We all know that there was a Greek philosopher who came up with the concept of atoms.

Here is the way I understand it. The Nicene Creed says that the Son is of one Substance with the Father. Centuries before that philosopher and Aristotle had a run-in over this fundamental concept.

The heretic said that if you slice a bit of cheese in two and the one of those two pieces in two, and then one of THOSE pieces in two and on and on and on, you would get to piece that was no longer cheese. You would get down to a piece so small it was part of the building blocks of all matter.

Aristotle said this was nonsense. He pointed out that all the Authorities agreed that all matter had its own Form and Substance. The different things were each a matter of substance, not a redistribution of a common set of atoms.

The Atomic Philosopher was very lucky he lost the debate then and not after the Nicene Creed was established. The killing point at Nicaea was whether there was a Trinity, in which God was in three FORMS, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, but one Substance.

In other words, the Arian Heresy said that Jesus was not God. They simply stated this in their own terms.

A Protestant chemist I knew went into a Catholic Church Mass, got some bread and chemically analyzed it. He said he had disproven Transubstantiation because the bread had no protein in it.

I didn’t try to explain to him that, just as those at Niceae had use their own physics, so had he. He would have been insulted to hear that he was on the same level as the Christians he despised who said that if there was Evolution, there was no God.

Christians would be insulted to know that the Creed they so deeply say they believe in they don’t understand.

Our whole history is screwed up this way. We try desperately to show a continuum between what we call Classical Thought and our present sciences. History is totally unaware of the Levantine Civilization which had a totally different way of thought and a different chemistry and physics that would have made no sense to us or to Aristotle.

One recent discovery about dinosaurs was that some of the different species we had named were actually species we already know, but at their pre-adult phases. A little THINKING might have told us that not all animals are of the same construction when they are young as when they are adult, but it didn’t come up.

Ironically, nothing is changing more rapidly today than history.

Just as all of our present ideologies developed when we firmly believed that no animal held territory, that no animal had a class system, that no animals would ever give his life to defend his group, we now insist that all men always thought basically alike.

Why? Men who are fundamentally different is heresy. Everything the white man has comes from All Mankind.

We are right back with “substance” and the Nicene Creed.



BUGS, Theses and Heresy

In a world where even the idea of a REAL Seminar had died out, BUGS, Bob’s Underground Graduate SEMINAR will never be understood by outsiders.

Political writings are taken to be Final Truths. I write up what I am chewing on and put it to you. You will notice that when commenters show a statement of fact by me to be completely wrong, they are not bashful about it as they would be in correcting any Leader.

So far, the corrections have concerned examples that are not crucial to the LOGIC, the THINKING which is what the article is about. But this approach will never be all that popular, because what people want is News and Jews.

In the oppressive Middle Ages, we developed a system where a priest would nail his assertions up on a church wall. He was ready for an open fight. News was a part of his sermon, and the sermon was the only sure source of what was going on that people had.

But note that the news was in a different category from assertions, and that was taken for granted in 1519 when Luther nailed his Theses to the church door. We all learn that but nobody THINKS about it.

BUGS is nailed to the church door of our established religion.

It caused so much trouble that that custom died in the Catholic Church.

Which is what they want to do with BUGS’ theses.

Luther’s Theses had to do with BASICS. It challenged basic assumptions about the means of salvation, which was the purpose of the door and the church behind it. It was not a quibble about Church History which would have been handled in the sermon.

When you read about Luther’s Theses, you always see the line about how this was a standard method of the time. But the implications of this are never even considered. It is the way Western Man did things.

News from the Pulpit and challenging the Basics are two totally different things.

BUGS is a very new thing to our age and our movement, but it is also simply the rebirth of the kind of thinking that is fundamental to the Western Civilization Mommy Professor presumes to teach about and respectable conservatives say they defend.

As usual, Mommy Professor and respectable conservatives simply have no idea of what they claim to teach or defend. And as usual, they couldn’t care less.

That is not what they get paid for. That is not why the information is produced.
