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Mantra Thinking and the Russian Appeal

Posted by Bob on October 1st, 2011 under Coaching Session

The appeal to Russia is a means of seizing a position just as the Mantra was.

The Mantra starts off pointing out something that everyone knows but nobody says: So called tolerance has long since become something that is simply anti-white, in fact, white genocide.

The Russian appeal makes something equally clear: We are the radicals, we are the dissidents, we are the persecuted the real establishment suppresses.

The Mantra bypasses all the long since discredited claims of anti-whites to represent tolerance.

The appeal to Russia, once again, is a flat statement of what anyone living in today’s world can see but never mention:

That so called academic freedom is obviously an academic police state, that it is ridiculous to claim that billionaire financed campaigns represent Change, as in “Change you can count on.”

But we found that it was not effective to take one step at a time on labeling white genocide.

We just SAID it.

And it worked.

The Russian appeal does the same thing. It simple states that we are the dissidents and that it is time that Russia helped us oppose the same tyranny that was overthrown by Russians.

When the USSR fell, it was called the Fall of the Nomenclatura, the Communist circle of insiders who ruled Russia.

Pat Buchanan pointed out that it was time for us to throw out OUR nomenclatura.

But respectable conservatives immediately began to defend the academic police state and the billionaire rule of the media by the left as entirely different from the Soviets.

That’s what respectable conservatives get paid for, and Pat Buchanan was of course scorned.

In the DECADES since it has become more and more clear to everybody that OUR nomenclatura is as blatant as the Soviet one was, as Pat said.

So to cut through all the crap, as with the Mantra, we appeal directly to Russia as the real dissidents.

Lord Nelson said he would send it to the Russians, as did one or two others, and one has already done so.

I have just put it out there.

It is on the World Wide Web, so the appeal has already been publicly made to Russia. You can develop it and try it as you like. You can send it to Russia. You can see if it appeals to some segment of the media.

Putin himself or his supporters might like it.

All we can do is TRY it.

  1. #1 by dungeoneer on 10/01/2011 - 8:45 am

    Maybe one of our video makers could turn this appeal into a video with some audio/visual of the recent conference talking about the soviet collapse interspersed with the mantra and “Diversity” footage?

  2. #2 by Lord Nelson on 10/01/2011 - 2:22 pm

    It will be done tomorrow. Can the others who also do so, post news of it here. It should give an idea of how much was sent.

  3. #3 by Adit on 10/01/2011 - 3:40 pm

  4. #4 by Dick_Whitman on 10/01/2011 - 7:10 pm

    I think there’s one thing we can conclude without a doubt and that’s the fact that the anti-Whites are a bunch of CUNTS!

    That’s right. The anti-Whites are CUNTS!

    With Bob’s appeal to the Russians the anti-Whites have an opportunity to link their greatest domestic enemy (pro-Whites) with their greatest foreign enemy (Russia).

    Liberals have the opportunity to link a “White Supremacist” former Reagen official with the “fascist” Russians. Respectable Conservatives can show their love of diversity by condemning the “racist right” for appealing to the “neo-Stalinist” Russians.

    Why don’t the CUNTS at the SPLC have a big “report” warning the public of the “increasing dangers” of the “racist right” attempting to find allies with the “intolerant” Russians?

    Why doesn’t Fox’s CUNT O’Reily have a segment about the “bomb throwers” on the “far right” attempting to network with the “gangsters” in the Kremlin?

    All we hear is silence?

    Why? Because they’re CUNTS who fear a 70 year old man with a 200 word mantra.

    Liberals and Respectable Conservatives are two lips on the same CUNT.

  5. #5 by Genseric on 10/02/2011 - 3:31 am

    “All we can do is TRY it.”

    And TRY we will, coach! Thanks for the kick in the ass the other day. I needed that reminder about BUGS being all about DOING it and getting it done.

    Our online petition has garnered 62 signatures so far. That’s sixty-two pro-White dissidents who have said “Nie Wieder!” That’s sixty-two brothers and sisters who have made the pledge “we have had it up to here and no further!”

    cliche of the day: We ARE the change we want to see in the World !

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    Edit: And just so everyone knows, that online petition is DIRECTLY emailed to the Russian Federation via their embassy. My guess is they are VERY aware of it four days later.

  6. #6 by Lord Nelson on 10/02/2011 - 1:53 pm

    I used the link Horus provided in the other thread and sent it twice. One to Medvedev. And one to the: Russian Presidential Executive Office.

    I sent it in English and supplied my real name and contact details. A good link for Putin would also be a good idea.

    Hope everyone is doing the same!


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