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On the Ballot

Posted by Bob on October 15th, 2011 under Coaching Session

It is a long time until the 2012 election, and few of us care who gets elected.

But staying on message is one thing that is critical about an American election: They have to sell you time on TV and they can’t censure it.

I haven’t looked into the election law that closely, but a nice cheap candidate registration would allow us to put on the Mantra.

Does anybody know how many candidacies have these media rights?

I can pay for one here, I think.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 10/15/2011 - 7:35 am

    In political campaigns it has been my experience that the first order of business seems to be: Let’s reinvent the wheel. Maybe that step can be avoided. Before researching the laws of fifty states, could you call Dr, Duke. He may have at his finger tips, or have access to someone who does, what the ballot requirements are. If this proves a dead end perhaps we can put together a group to explore the minimum requirements with each volunteer taking a couple of states.

    You are talking primaries? R or D or whatever works?

  2. #2 by Edwin on 10/15/2011 - 8:33 am

    Pat Buchanan came close to winning the primaries back in 1992, if I remember correctly. That was just after a recession which very possibly made Bush Sr. a one-timer. If someone like Pat can do that well there is a whole lot of anger lurking under the surface.

    Surely, this ongoing recession should produce some anger in our people as well. The Mantra can work its way through the internet quietly for years but when the next big wave of political change starts rolling in we can be ready to ride it. Mantra politicians and Mantra demonstrations.

  3. #3 by backbaygrouch on 10/15/2011 - 9:23 am

    SC Code of Laws, Title 7, Chapter 11 B {2}

    b) the state committee of the party shall set the date and the filing requirements, including a certification fee. Political parties must verify the qualifications of candidates prior to certifying to the State Election Commission the names of candidates to be placed on primary ballots. The written certification required by this section must contain a statement that each certified candidate meets, or will meet by the time of the general election, or as otherwise required by law, the qualifications in the United States Constitution, statutory law, and party rules to participate in the presidential preference primary for which he has filed. Political parties must not certify any candidate who does not or will not by the time of the general election meet the qualifications in the United States Constitution, statutory law, and party rules for the presidential preference primary for which the candidate desires to file, and such candidate’s name must not be placed on a primary ballot. Political parties may charge a certification fee to persons seeking to be candidates in the presidential preference primary for the political party. A filing fee not to exceed twenty thousand dollars, as determined by the State Election Commission, for each candidate certified by a political party must be transmitted by the respective political party to the State Election Commission and must be used for conducting the presidential preference primaries.

    For a presidential primary it appears the Palmetto state could whack you for up to $20K, though it can vary by party. They could low ball it to attract candidates. NH used charge 1K.. Don’t know what it is today.

    Btw, SC seems to enact a new law every presidential cycle so do not count on this being in force.

  4. #4 by Gator61 on 10/15/2011 - 12:01 pm

    Derek Black should get on the ballot in Florida. I think we would get a lot of bang for our buck here in Florida. Florida gets a lot of press attention and the retired people living here have connections to every part of the country.

    The Villages for example is in the middle of nowhere, but has a population of around 60,000 people with connections across the country. Fox and Friends broadcast from there last month and every Republican candidate will make at least one stop there. The best part is The Villages has its own cable news channel, amusingly called VNN. They also have their own news paper and radio station. The advertising rates are high for the number of people reached directly but still much lower than the rates for a major city. And the community consists of people from somewhere else. That means the man reading the Mantra in the Daily Sun in Sumter County Florida, will likely be talking about it with friends and relatives in Michigan, Ohio or New York.

  5. #5 by Dick_Whitman on 10/15/2011 - 12:44 pm

    It’s a great idea. Best yet, this person should run as a Democrat so that the reaction from the left will provide free publicity. Or, perhaps a new party called “the mantra party.”

  6. #6 by Genseric on 10/15/2011 - 1:38 pm

    I will pledge the paltry sum of $1000.00 to the campaign of the candidacy of David Duke or Derek Black, provided he goes FULL MANTRA on the TV ad.

    I am disappointed that I cannot afford more.

    Does anyone know how to set up a paypal account to accept not-for-profit donations? Could it be linked to BUGS, legally?

  7. #7 by Genseric on 10/15/2011 - 1:41 pm

    Are there any objections to me posting Bob’s article in the sustaining membership area of SF?

    Bob? Anyone?

  8. #8 by Peter Whiterabbit on 10/15/2011 - 3:59 pm

    Yes, post it on Stormfront or anywhere white and normal. I have sent this link to any politically inclined prowhites that I can think of.

    Derek Black is not old enough (legally) to run for president and might not be old enough for US Senate or US rep.

  9. #9 by Bob on 10/15/2011 - 5:54 pm

    Genseric, not only is there no objection, I begged readers for years to do just that, but they almost never did.

    PLEASE NOTE: This is a way to get the Mantra forced onto radio and TV, and maybe into print.. As usual wit BUGS, it has nothing to do with a regular campaign

    • #10 by Genseric on 10/15/2011 - 8:59 pm

      Duly noted, Bob.

      I wouldn’t be interested If it was about anything but the Mantra.

      I have never made a campaign contribution in my life. But, this would be worth it and have an infinitely more valuable effect.

      Edit: I’d vote for you, Bob. Hell, I’d move to SC if you ran for anything but President. Just so I could vote for you. The kids wouldn’t like it, but their kids might appreciate it some day… But, remember I’d be doing it because I know you’d get The Mantra out there.

  10. #11 by c-bear on 10/15/2011 - 6:14 pm

    What if we put your name up for candidacy Bob? Just getting your name out would send people flocking to BUGS. The reason I say that is because they don’t like to talk about you, BUGS, or anything related to you.
    Nothing against Dr. Duke, but everybody has heard his name. He is always billed as “That KKK Guy.” The same goes for Don and Derek. We need someone who unknown to the general public.
    You probably have many reasons not to run, and if running is a no go, we can still get the Mantra out if the candidate is an ALL BUGS candidate.

  11. #12 by Bob on 10/15/2011 - 7:16 pm

    Kelso put me on the board of the Third Position.

    Frankly, and I always get called down for a bad mood when I say something like this, you didn’t take my point. I could run for state legislator or Coroner and still have the same right of advertisement as a presidential candidate.


  12. #13 by Bob on 10/15/2011 - 7:54 pm

    Genseric, if I get positive comments to my second article on this subject tomorrow, I might check with Kelso to see if this West Virginia candidate will use the Mantra for a donation.

    In case this comes off, I don’t want you to blow a thousand on it, and I’ll match whatever you do put in.

    I do NOT want BUGS to start fund-raising,so this discussion does not commit you, and it makes me a bit nervous.

    • #14 by Genseric on 10/15/2011 - 9:15 pm

      There’s a WV guy running for President? Or do you mean Governor? Bertram lost if I am not mistaken. Hence, no more TV time. Is he thinking of running for another office?

      Quite often I have been told I should ‘be committed.’ This just confirms it. Let me know.

      You can always reach me at

      Also, you’d be a shoo-in with the BUGS demo!

  13. #15 by whitecivilrights on 10/15/2011 - 10:31 pm

    Glenn Miller ran a write in campaign and received a lot of press because of what he was saying. He even got airtime on Howard Stern.Running a candidate would be a great way to get the mantra out in the mainstream. In addition to radio ads, you could have yard signs which direct people to a website with the mantra prominently displayed.

    Another publicity idea is to videotape a roundtable discussion or street interviews with mantra talking points and ideas and waivers for any copyright claims, and then distribute the video, and allow people to run it on their local public access tv stations.

  14. #16 by whitecivilrights on 10/15/2011 - 10:31 pm

    deleted double post

  15. #17 by Peter Whiterabbit on 10/15/2011 - 10:45 pm

    Here is the relevant story on Bertram’s controversial TV ad –

    From the article – “The ad will air Tuesday on WTOV9. Although it is controversial, it falls under a federal statute and WTOV9 can not deny the paid advertisement since he is a legally qualified candidate and his opponents ads have already aired on WTOV9.”

  16. #18 by Peter Whiterabbit on 10/15/2011 - 10:48 pm

    And here is his “controversial message”

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