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Ridicule is GREAT!

Posted by Bob on October 19th, 2011 under Coaching Session

One commenter told how he knocked down the old myth that Puritans threw infected blankets into Indian enclosures.

I remember when it was a historical “fact” that Genghis Khan did that.

I also heard several times about how the Chinese did that

When you answer something like this, don’t think about what THEY get out of your answer, think about what WE get out of your reply.

Remember that anti-whites are 100% attitude and no facts. On self-righteousness, they make even the PURITANS look modest.

The most effective weapon against them is not corrections, but ridicule. When one reels off the number of villains who are supposed to have used those infected blankets you hit them where it counts, in that unspeakable self-righteousness.

Once again, remember that we are not out to dazzle people with our footwork. They are screaming at our endless repetition of the word “genocide.”

The idea is, if you’ve got them by the cajones, don’t let up on your grip. GOOD, well-placed ridicule gets them where it really hurts

That is not only hitting right where you should, but it is also FUN.

Can you imagine ANYBODY, in times before the Evil White Man got rid of smallpox and plague and leprosy, infecting a blanket and confidently carrying it someplace miles away?

Ah, but I have a good time, thousands of good times, rubbing that one in!

  1. #1 by Genseric on 10/19/2011 - 12:34 pm

    Ridicule is an effective weapon. It is exactly as Bob says. Use cautiously (or egregiously if you encounter anti-Whites all the time).

    One time in band camp (haha), this guy I am friends with told me about this rabid anti-White hippie girl who he had a HARD time dealing with on a variety of political topics. He informed me that she had had an abortion the previous summer. I pointed out to him that this was a GREAT thing. He asked me why that “was SOOO great.” I told him that it was not great that she chose death over life, but rather it was an opener for him to SLAM the piss out of her the next time she got up on her high horse.

    He asked me why that was. I let him know that if he can get her to talk about anti-death penalty legislation or about the rights of murderers and rapists in general, he could subsequently set himself up for a grand slam. His face gleened with excitement and anticipation. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

    He got her to bite about a week later at the dinner table and there were quite a few people around. He said, “Let me see if I understand your position correctly. Your argument is that convicted murderers and rapists who have been sentenced to death should be granted clemency and sometimes even early release? Even if they are guilty? Is that correct?” She responded in the affirmative and added “What’s your point?” He then said, “Everyone here is aware that you chose to have an abortion last summer.” She made a nasty face and crossed her arms. Now, more nervous, she replied “So what, shit face?” Mad that he brought it up again. He asked her, “My understanding is that you were NOT raped, correct?” She nodded, “Yeah, that’s right. It was Johnny’s.”

    He leaned in, elevated his tone and pointed his voice directly at her, “You are ridiculous and a hypocrite. Funniest part about it is you can’t even SEE it! You are SO blind! You are pro-life when it comes to people who would just as soon rape you as they would murder you and you are pro-choice when it comes to your own unborn children. Doesn’t that seem a little contradictory, upside down, or BACKWARDS to you?! Innocent unborn babies get to die and murderers and rapists walk free in your World. Tell me. What color are the sky and grass in Your World?”

    Needless to say, she instantly began crying alligator tears, got up, ran for the door and slammed it behind her. She flung the door shut with such force that a picture fell from the wall and glass broke all over the hall floor.

    Another friend of hers said, “That was awful, Chris. She had such a hard time making that decision. What you did is absolutely mean and spiteful.” He told her friend that what he did “is NOTHING compared to the choices and decisions she has made for herself and an innocent baby. Choosing LIFE over DEATH is no small decision or trivial topic. Forgive me if I don’t sympathize with someone who is “Pro-Choice” when it comes to unborn children and “Pro-Life” for convicts.

    Now, you tell me. Who is cruel and spiteful?

    An eerie silence fell over the room. We got up and headed for the bar in celebration. Good work, Chris.

    • #2 by Kat on 10/20/2011 - 1:41 pm

      Why support death-penalty, and more power to the police and courts, under an anti-White, multicult regime?

  2. #3 by shari on 10/19/2011 - 1:54 pm

    I have often said that those who oppose the death penulty,ONLY oppose it for cold blooded killers. That’s what opposing the death penulty IS. Everyone else, of course, is still subject to the death penulty. The more innocent, the the more so.

  3. #4 by Dick_Whitman on 10/19/2011 - 6:16 pm

    Speaking of ridicule, there’s now a new blog dedicating to provoking, insulting, and ridiculing anti-Whites/pink rabbits/globalists.

    Ridicule is indeed great!

  4. #5 by BGLass on 10/20/2011 - 9:23 am

    Idk— you could easily be pro-white and pro-abortion and anti-war, really.

    Tons of military people are “pro-life,” for instance.

    Now that really is a crack up, LOL. They kill for spoils for the most corrupt people on earth and then moralize about having berated young girls with their churches on abortion protest lines as if they are grand gods for degrading young confused scared girls (what a great power that is!)

    In a way, that’s grosser than some confused young white girl.

    GROWN military people presume to be “pro life.” Nor are they fighting “just” wars (for true survival, living space, or genuine self-defense).

    The overall socialization is fighting to take spoils is good (exactly like the most primitive Africans, just raiding other villages), instead of concentrating on being innovate,creative. Now, in u.s. creativity is discouraged and, instead the usury, taker mentality is elevated— Primitive Village raids are man game (so this is what is valued).

    Military people are “pro life” is very funny, unless they are “pro” their own kind of life and truly fighting for western civilization (not “Opening New Markets” –ie crass cheap chinese goods commercialism, or “Oil” –spoils (but if they really fought for that, we would have had free gas by now, right?)

    If creating things is the “true european western spirit”), how does that work with Killing for Spoils— ie, the exact African Village Raids (just on a larger scale called u.s.a.)

    You can beat up young confused white girls further—- but NO ONE will ask Neo-Cons about the contradition of doing Primitive African Style Raids on foreign villages to steal (oil or whatever) WHILE going on and on about “pro life.”

  5. #6 by BGLass on 10/20/2011 - 10:02 am

    whoops—- meant “MAIN” GAME, lol, not man game (although that, too, usually).

    pro “life” and pro war—- that just cracks me up.

    it’s the funniest of all double-speak.

    In a multi-cult, an army CANNOT fight for “our way of life,” unless the shared way of life is usury, itself, (the people in the shared border area need money and to get it– but they, by definition, have no “our way of life” to fight for, lol)

    The basis of the multi-cult (obviously) cannot produce creativity, since creativity is deeply tied to one’s “People-ness.” (no matter how small or large the created object IS— this is as true for whites in Louisiana as it is for asians in asia or whatever.

    So— the country must become Welfare Statist/re-distributive (slowly depleting those from outside the multi-cult centers who have any real creative juice left, AND/OR killing for spoils (primitive village raids writ large).

    On a creative level— ny/l.a. were known as creative people processing centers. the “natives” working as agents, publishers, gallery owners, publicists, etc.— shaving money off the talent they’d bring in from more homogenous parts of the country. Their own “art” is usually some document about how bad and horrible it all is, until it totally breaks down into jackson pollack, diane arbus business.

    sorry, ranting again

  6. #7 by BGLass on 10/20/2011 - 10:05 am

    The basis of the multi-cult IS that there is no “our way of life.”

    So what is a military in a mulit-cult?

  7. #8 by Simmons on 10/20/2011 - 10:06 am

    Man’s duty is to provide order, we too often fail. But this confused white girl that Glass is all up in arms for, would have probably grown up to be a blight spot for all around her. Trust me I’ve seen enough crazy chicks to know how they are a wrecking crew. Boys are too often thrown on the pile of life, but the little Missys as our white natures go are protected a bit more.

    It is too bad about this girl that was put down, but this would have been the spot where a Patriarch in training would have gone up to her apologized for being rough while at the same time not apologizing for being right and offering her a better way and some kind love.

  8. #9 by BGLass on 10/20/2011 - 10:20 am

    sorry, one more—

    one aspect of the system that is fascinating, is this Drive toward the most radical Double-Thoughts.

    Like the public position if that the more Pro-War is usually the more Pro-Life. All military I have ever met are “anti-abortion” but pro-village raids.

    cannot think of one exception.

  9. #10 by BGLass on 10/20/2011 - 10:32 am

    I’m not defending the girl—

    Just pointing out that the real work is creating a safe place s/a our grandparent had, in which having your kids was just a given.

    And otherwise— to say larger fish to fry.

    How much more contradictory is a Military person who says they are “pro-life” lol.

    “Man’s duty is to provide order”— idk that I agree. In a community of smart white people— they can pretty much police themselves.

    Never saw a cop until I was about 20—nor an Asian or mexican, lol. And we did not have a lock for our front door.

    We were taught Man’s Duty is to Create.

    When you can create, you don’t have to kill, except in defense against those who cannot create.

    If you don’t create, you have to aggressively take others’ things (like u.s. now), THEN you have to police and “Impose Order” —b/c people are mad at you for stealing what was rightfully theirs.

    idk=== being anti-abortion, then pro war b/c you “police the world” b/c you have to, b/c you do nothing but steal and others get pissed— that’s just a stupid way of life, imo.

    people who can’t create things are kind of screwed in that regard. they have to get things somehow.

  10. #11 by BGLass on 10/20/2011 - 10:35 am


    clear ridicule targets: anti-abortion + pro-war military killing for spoils like africans

    pro-multi-cult AND militarily “defending OUR way of life.”

    creating havoc in the world, then policing that, too, while using “rule of law” (interpreting law how you please) to overturn laws at home that had been created to ensure peace, then policing it as the highest moral value.

  11. #12 by BGLass on 10/20/2011 - 10:46 am


    “Defending OUR way of life” in a multi-cult is NOT a plausible military rationale.

    Simmons— “man’s duty is to impose [military] order” is just what winds up being said when something degenerates into a usury-based dictatorship. (A sign of corrupt empire, in which people try to act as if the sin all around them is “normal” and not simply of their own creation, to a very large degree.)

    The sin all around us is NOT natural. People and policies created the conditions of it. They push people into situations that then one WANTS to police (to keep yourself safe).

    In other conditions, a “duty to police” just sounds absurd.

    This is a problem in “middle America.” They create human decent living conditions, so other populations raving about “policing” just sound psycho.

    Some towns don’t even have police. If Policing were always necessary b/c we are so Evil, then why would the need “for order’ wax and wane, depending on the living circumstances we have?

  12. #13 by Simmons on 10/20/2011 - 11:05 am

    BG take a break from lecturing us and go post the Mantra, thank you.

  13. #14 by shari on 10/20/2011 - 3:37 pm

    Kat, I only support the death penulty for real heinous crime, cold blooded murder. That’s what is over thrown by liberalism. Nothing else is. But this is getting off the subject,I think.

  14. #15 by Kat on 10/20/2011 - 5:02 pm

    I thought someone was talking about pointing out contradictions:
    Being dissident/Fighting for more power to the regime.

  15. #16 by Lord Nelson on 10/20/2011 - 7:27 pm

    Bob: “Remember that anti-whites are 100% attitude and no facts”

    Never a truer thing was said. Everyone on SWARM should write that on a post it note and stick it to their computer. And ridicule really is GREAT. When you STOP taking the Anti-Whites seriously, the answers become obvious. Is there really anything dumber than a White Anti-White?

    And don’t forget to pit your best Anti-White here:


  16. #17 by Peter Whiterabbit on 10/20/2011 - 9:39 pm

    When I read conservatives bitching about “reverse discrimination” or “would it be racist if a black person did it”, etc, I usually ridicule them by saying that anyone with an IQ higher than that of a flea (or something similar) knows that anti-racist is just a code word for anti-white.

  17. #18 by DennisK on 10/21/2011 - 5:41 am

    If anti-whites are going to constantly talk rubbish, spout nonsense, what can we do? It’s said when you are given lemons, make lemonade.

    So the best thing we can do, is profit from their comments, and have FUN with them. They hate it, because we’re not taking it seriously, and we get an enjoyable way to pass the time.

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