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In BUGS, Getting Off the Subject is Next to Criminal

Posted by Bob on October 23rd, 2011 under Coaching Session

When I was discrediting Communism by simply pointing out, again and again, that every Communist state had to kill people who tried to escape, I would have the Commie apologists helpless.

And then someone jumped in with the Lord Jesus Christ.

The whole crowd I had cornered would rush in to talk to the guy who had invoked the Evil Atheism of Communism, and all my work fell to the ground.

Those who use the Mantra know how close the concentration has to be. You can have a whole group unable to deal with your insistent repetition of the truth, and then some idiot jumps in with a remark about Jews.

I noticed a commenter define his position on capital punishment, and then, groggily, say “Maybe I’m getting off the subject.”

Good God, you are not just getting off the subject, you are acting as the enemy’s Fifth Column!

  1. #1 by Simmons on 10/23/2011 - 10:24 am

    This “fifth column” can be dealt with, we have the answer now that we have the numbers.

    But we have to get over our squeamishness on attacking others on “our side.” But once a News and Jewser has suffered his/her beat down they need a hand up so they feel as part of the team.

    I suggest singling out one of the Jewsers as an ample target for a swarm, reminding that person that while they quibble the details the jews are proceeding with our genocide with their help.

  2. #2 by Scrivener on 10/23/2011 - 11:59 am

    It is important for us to remember that we are not arguing with the individual anti-White we are talking to. It is not a debate.

    In the context of what we do, the anti-Whites are mere tools that we use to get our message out. What we are doing is advocating against White genocide. They help us by providing a big, fat target for our message to hit.

    When you forget this, and start addressing their points in-depth, and produce swaths of dialogue that lead away from the mantra, it’s counter to our purpose; and it’s embarrassing because you’ve just allowed yourself to be led by your own tool. Professionals don’t do this.

  3. #3 by shari on 10/23/2011 - 1:05 pm

    Sorry, for any comment of mine, here, that was off topic. I do understand the importance of staying on message. I never say anything elsewhere except, repeat anti-white and genocide.

    • #4 by Dick_Whitman on 10/23/2011 - 2:21 pm

      Yes, I get off topic here too just to opine on stuff, but remain disciplined otherwise.

  4. #5 by meawhiterabbit on 10/23/2011 - 4:13 pm

    I’ll hold my hands up to getting off topic, or taken off topic. I had a bad habit of wanting to name the Joo Rabbit when an anti-white would ask “so who is responsible for this genocide.”

    Scrivener-You are right. We are not persuading the anti-white. I always try to play to the audience, sometimes i forget myself though, especially when the anti-white comes out with some biased “sound byte” regarding race being a social construct! However i ditched my old youtube aliases and have reinvented myself as someone who simply stays on the mantra. Never moves of point, the way it should be.

  5. #6 by c-bear on 10/23/2011 - 6:15 pm

    Ok. Point taken. I will keep my thoughts on the Jews to myself for now on. With over 20 years of news and Jews, I will have to work on restraining myself. As always, thanks Coach!

  6. #7 by Genseric on 10/23/2011 - 9:15 pm

    Okay, but I have gotten SOME nibbles at OWS rally videos with the following:

    “No one is flooding Africa with Jewish Bankers, pushing programs of national destruction and saying, “Whatever you do, don’t protest, especially the nationalists. “No one is flooding China with Jewish Bankers, pushing programs of national destruction and saying, “Whatever you do, don’t protest, especially the nationalists.” Of course not, the people who say these things ONLY say them about EVERY White and ONLY White countries. They claim anti-racist. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.”

    Critique as needed.

  7. #8 by OldBlighty on 10/23/2011 - 10:39 pm

    Sorry, this is off topic for the above post. It is something that occurred to me yesterday and ties in with Bob’s ‘Political Correctness is a religion.’ mantra.

    Have you noticed Global Warmers, anti-Whites, etc have endless university studies and govt funded programs, backing up their theories, yet there are no university studies or govt funded programs (allowed), that question any of their theories?

    Commies, Leftards, anti-Whites, always point to the science and their “superior” education, when saying we must obey their dictates, but is what they practice, really science and education?

  8. #9 by BGLass on 10/24/2011 - 12:53 pm

    “…Commies, Leftards, anti-Whites, always point to the science and their “superior” education, when saying we must obey their dictates, but is what they practice, really science and education?…”

    no, but some trained under that system can use that socialization for many ends.

    the phrase “socialized under that system” instead of “education” is helpful, imo. “Oh, you went to college, so you were socialized under that system. Did you have any other influences?”

    the potential for divisiveness in that area seems like the students going at the teachers, the teachers at the students, parents, and administrators, the foundations at the universities, the universities at the gov for “grants,” and “tight resources,” and etc.

    and when business starts to turn to the “uneducated” for fresh blood that can still think.

    one wonders if their machine will start to go at itself soon, university and foundation cracks.

    —one past triumph of the “left” was the sense that no one is wasted. Everyone could do something for their cause, no matter who they were, how seemingly useless. If you gave money, great, if that’s what you could do. If you were a systems animal, you were positioned to subvert. If you could simply read, well then you were producing an audience for their media, and that was great! If you could do…well, whatever, it was all useful. Wn doesnt seem to use that message, but it can make everyone feel important and involved, no matter how little they do, (most people like that)

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