Archive for November 3rd, 2011

GAR5 Does Intellectual WORK for Us

GAR5 realized that the whole point of BUGS is now getting new Swarmers.

But unlike other sites we do not count our new BUGSERS by the hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands.

Our long-term goal is 300 or 500 actual Swarmers. We are talking in years.

But GAR5 is a real BUGSER. He didn’t just SUGGEST a new members section. He, or he and whoever he consulted, DID it.

That is why other sites deal in thousands and we deal in ones.

It requires a new mentality, a discipline, and hard mental WORK to become one of us. In fact, only a new BUGSER even understands what is involved.

GAR5 set it up, then he did some serious mental WORK. He set down principles that a new BUGSER needs to adhere to. It makes excellent reading for those of us who have been here.

Here is the first part GAR5’s summation. I will return to other parts:

General information.

1/ Stay on message; we are dealing with the genocide of White people and the perpetrators – anti-Whites. We are not dealing with Jewish global conspiracies, Banking families, etc. This is about establishing a foothold in the general population — we can expand on other ideas later.

2/ We are not arguing, we are making the point that ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are told by anti-Whites that they must accept millions of non-Whites and ‘assimilate’ with them, which is genocide. We want people to get annoyed of hearing our message!

3/ Use our terminology and phrases; “Anti-White”, “Pro-White”, “White genocide”, “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White”, “Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for everybody”. “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White” should be the last thing in your post, if possible.

4/ We are not fighting with the anti-Whites — we are talking to the general public, use the anti-Whites to prove that they want genocide of our people.

5/ Capitalize “White”, when you’re talking about our race – it is not a color of skin. ALWAYS use “Genocide”, NEVER use “Extinction”, “Population Displacement”, “Demographics shift”, etc. NEVER call them “antis”, they are “anti-White” – they are against White people’s existence.

6/ Avoid using “The White race”, “Caucasians”, “The Whites”, because it makes it look distant and turns it into a philosophical debate; use ‘Our people’, ‘My people’, ‘White people’, etc.

7/ Be aggressive and take the moral high-ground; we are fighting for the survival of our people, and anti-Whites are fighting for the genocide of our people.

8/ Think before you talk. Words are our weapons, make sure anti-Whites can’t shoot your own arrows back at you. Talking about committing violence is a no-go. Think about what your opposition is going to say next. Even talking about the soon-coming tribunals is not a good idea because it makes us look dangerous.

9/ Use and memorize The Mantra and our talking points in the talking points section below. The anti-Whites say the same things, and we have good ways to counter them.

10/ Ask lots of questions. “As an anti-White would it be okay if Asia brought in millions of non-Asians and assimilated with them until Asians became a minority? Why is it okay if it happens to White countries?” If you don’t get a reply keep asking them – it means your opponent is embarrassed and is trying to get off the subject.

11/ Use “As an anti-White” when you are asking questions about our people’s existence, e.g. “As an anti-White do you think more assimilation is required in ONLY White countries?”.

12/ Know your target audience and appeal to them. Young adults want to talk about education fees and housing prices, Teens want to talk about music, Old people want to talk about pensions, etc. Try to connect with the people using their language/colloquialisms e.g. “Dude” “Mate” “Bloke” “Howdy” “Yeah” “Lol” “Rofl”

13/ Using lots of bad language is going to make you – and us – look stupid.
