Archive for November 27th, 2011

A Real Bugster is Senior Staff

A lot of people tend to think that congressional staff is more important the more time a staffer spent with the congressman. Since in my day each office was its own little separate kingdom, that was doubtless true of some congressmen.

I didn’t see my boss even once a week. John Ashbrook’s — NOT John Ashcroft’s — idea was to have somebody who could do his job for him. He told me what he wanted and usually the only thing that would happen would be that the completed speech or legislation or whatever I decided he needed was on his desk.

Case closed. That made me Senior Staff in HIS office.

In other offices, I assume that the senior staffer was just expected to sit with the boss and tell him how right he was. That was certainly true at the Office of Personnel Management. The Director got tired of my getting in the way of his hair brained ideas and then failed to get his reappointment affirmed by the Senate because he pulled a silly trick I would have prevented.

I had gone to Voice of America as a writer and he returned to private life.

The bottom line here is that BUGS expects YOU to run things.

I expect BUGSTERS to be Senior Staff.

I told herrMajor this when he put the comment below in the Swarm:

HerrMajor in the Swarm:

We need a debate forum to practice on. That is certain, but what is not is how big and who is able to reach that forum for debate.

We do need a little clubhouse for debate gong back and forth and have suggested multiple times that we use Skype service or some place to coordinate practice debates, which we need.

Another thing that is needed is a forum for targeting anti-whites specifically and to develop our own branch of the pro-white media.

Now, I propose we start a little hive for the swarm, we need a little social group on SF or something a place where it is private and we can congregate for practice, and organization.

It would be best if we had set time zones for every debate TEAM and could target and attack anti-whites in TEAMS around the clock.

If nobody wants to make it, I will and set it up for you all.

HerrMajor, you got it right at the end. BUGS is not a site with a preaching Leader or a set of Leaders who insist that they OK everything. Just the opposite. You set it up and I for one will go there a few times.

Proposals that “somebody” do a thing generally end up as dead air on BUGS.
