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Appreciate Your Fellow BUGSERS

Posted by Bob on November 4th, 2011 under Coaching Session

This does not mean be nice to them. This is a very, VERY hard ball team, and I rejoice when one of us gives another one hell for getting off track.

If it’s honest criticism, give it and give it good so they get clapped hard enough to remember it.

We do NOT need people who need careful handling and diplomacy. I have written a number of articles from painful experience about how the guys who get upset and take their ball and go home DESTROY movements.

The quicker we get rid of that kind, the better.

If our goal was recruitment, we would cajole and go out of our way to keep each person satisfied and uninsulted.

That is the way large-scale sites do.

The approach of those big sites has given them numbers to brag about, but it has LOST.

Over and over.

A few more big site victories and our race will be doomed.

What makes big sites doesn’t WORK.

Everything about BUGS requires “getting it,” and “Getting it” here is so different that it is almost impossible to explain it to outsiders. I don’t know about you, but I have never had a person suddenly get the concept of “All white countries and ONLY white countries” and its REAL implications

When you start using this phrase and the Mantra that goes with it, you suddenly find the forces that were blocking you breaking up in terror, and you think, “Lord, this is so obviously effective and true that it will be revelation to any pro-white.”


You will get the same cud-chewing stare I have seen thousands of times over tens of years.

That is why I am so glad G5 introduced a thread we really needed: an announcement pace for each new BUGSTER.

You have to BE a BUGSER to realize what it TAKES to become one of us. Those on the outside who give you a coweye when you discuss the Mantra are certainly not going to make the mental leap to realize what it takes to actually get in here, learn the discipline, and do the mental WORK and getting out in the field and getting combat experience.

Other sites count new people in hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands. We are very happy to count our new people one at a time. We know what it TAKES.

Horus set a goal of 300 to 500 of us in a few years, that’s about 250 more. Each new BUGster is a major achievement.

But you never realize what a power each new person is here until you get in here and SEE us at work out there where it counts.

It’s kind of a Catch-22 situation. You don’t realize how much you mean until you are in here and in action.

This is the opposite of the perfect recruiting situation. For recruiting, the ideal is that you come up with something that inspires people superficially.

The problem is that, when it comes to a real fight, what you need is a strategy that is not aimed at recruiting, but at WINNING. And our movement has too long been a product of what appeals rather than what WINS.

Which is a major reason every other strategy on our side has failed. It is a lot more fun to Reveal the Exciting Worldwide Conspiracy of Evil Jews than it is to hit people with the implications of what we all already know, over and over and over.

But the “Joo” thing doesn’t WORK.

I don’t care about punishing Jews or other Evil Groups, I am responsible for saving MY race.

So I don’t offer you a chance to show how much you know about details. I offer you hard work, hard work I put and that each BUGSER puts in to get RESULTS.

Be sure to appreciate our fellow BUGSERS. No one else CAN.

Until we win.

  1. #1 by Dave on 11/04/2011 - 10:28 am

    The word “superficiality” says it all.

    Our enemies, anti-white whites, fashioned a racial entente that was wholly unnecessary.

    Then they unfolded a drapery of restraints and layered over the leg irons and harness bulls that were already there.

    And a guy like Robert Whitaker was thereby forged, an anti-intellectual who never needed to shed being an intellectual because of the humiliation of being born into a defeated country.

    This is the very wellspring of authenticity in human action and politics. It is nothing new, just as ambient superficiality is nothing new.

    We BUGSTERS are damn lucky to have escaped.

    But remember OUR authenticity is something our enemies forged. Real enemies are needed for that benefit.

    And racial entente is something the nonwhite world can figure out AFTER we have buried the anti-white whites. It’s the nonwhite world’s issue, not ours.

  2. #2 by Byron on 11/04/2011 - 10:42 am

    You have heard the quote about how every cause becomes a business and degenerates into a racket.
    It seems that most movement leaders eventually realize they should just sell books and pamphlets to “wake people up.” Once awake, their main job is, of course, to wake up more people. No mater who or how many are awake, just keep “waking up” people.

    The awareness rate among Russian peasants that Communism sucked was about 99% I guess. They were scared and hungry and didn’t need pamphlets to tell them that. But they didn’t DO anything about it.

    Whites living in Detroit don’t need us to alert them to the fact that certain people and places should be avoided. They know it and they know why. They know it so well that they know that their well being depends on them pretending to not know it.

    Some of us have wasted years giving crime statistics to urban Whites who didn’t need to hear it from us. 99% of them are aware and awake. They know. They just don’t do.

    On one hand, I understood Whitaker completely the first day I spent reading his stuff. On the other, it took me 20+ years to understand it, because that’s how much time I spent doing things wrong. The last few years I was finally starting to figure it out, and that collided with finding WOL and everything clicked.

  3. #3 by Gar5 on 11/04/2011 - 10:42 am

    Bob, how about putting the thread as one of the links at the top of the page so it doesn’t get pushed back by the more active threads?

    @ Byron

    That’s right. Most pro-Whites and the conspiracy people are under the illusion that if someone knows what they know, they’ll care about it and change how they live their life.

    …but as the old saying goes, “The masses are asses.”

  4. #4 by Epiphany on 11/04/2011 - 11:00 am

    Yes, let us forget about Jewish people. What we really need to do is to describe anti–White bigotry, give examples of it, and write about it!

  5. #5 by Creator on 11/04/2011 - 11:35 am

    Great article and in my experience so very true.
    The gap from the cud-chewing stare to doing is huge and deep. Even the gap from ‘knowing’ to doing is very wide, indeed.

    How about this slogan:
    Drop the kike, Mantra-hammer the White anti-White!
    Not bad, ehe?
    Life is Good.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 11/04/2011 - 1:12 pm

    Alt right the assembled intellectuals quibbling the “details”, the polite word for News and Jews. RobRoy comments

  7. #7 by dungeoneer on 11/04/2011 - 5:06 pm

    I raise my glass of Ale to you comrades,and to the white future we are fighting for.

  8. #8 by meawhiterabbit on 11/04/2011 - 5:30 pm

    It takes a while but it sinks in. I have to admit the first time i got scolded for talking Jews my Jew radar was going into overtime for a few days and i had THIS place, BUGS, down as one Jew infested honey pot to take us off the Jew issue. Then i pulled myself together! Perhaps keep what we went through in mind when dealing with new recruits and particularly those from Horus’ side. Chances are they are youngish, newly awakened and fired up about the Jews, desperate to name and shame the Jews to anyone who will listen, only to be told they can’t mention the Jews. As i said it takes a while to get what EXACTLY is meant by staying on message. New posts like Gar5s do help a lot though.

  9. #9 by Epiphany on 11/04/2011 - 6:41 pm

    We should simply concentrate on trying to get the word out about anti–White bigotry. We can see if we can describe exactly what it is. We can even start with the stereotype that Only Whites Can Be Racist. Simply ask what exactly that the anti–Racists mean by the term “racism”, can lead to loads of laughs. Racism is NOT prejudice plus power. Racism is one of the most ill defined words that there actually is. Paradoxically, the only other word as ill used is Communism. Indeed, if modern people are 120,000 years old, then it would follow that civilization itself is that old.

    Rather than get angry with Jewish people, we would be better served endeavoring to uncover the archeological evidence of our own, ancient Indo European Past. Once that is accomplished, we can introduce the term anti-Teutonic. Mind you, anti–Teutonicism does not merely refer to hatred of the Germans, but also of the British, and perhaps persons of N. Western European ancestry in general.

  10. #10 by Peter Whiterabbit on 11/04/2011 - 6:48 pm

    This Epiphany character needs an epiphany.

    • #11 by Fourmyle on 11/05/2011 - 12:05 am

      Epiphany’s assertion – “Yes, that’s a good idea, but FIRST let’s do THIS,” is pretty commonplace for those who end up doing nothing that matters.

      Light, naturally undisciplined, naturally unfocused, bounces off anything, no matter how insubstantial.

      Light, focused, disciplined, and coherent, forms a laser, and cuts through steel.

      Epiphany wants to to address every issue AROUND the central issue. Total waste of time, and pretty much a good part of the reason for the failure of White nationalism for the last one hundred years.

      If, following, say, World War I, we had leaders who would take “Birth of a Nation” – the Star Wars of its time – and link it to the Mantra, with an overriding them of the genocide of the White race, and Western Civilization (but I repeat myself), we would be a vastly different, and vastly improved, nation.

      The mistake we have made is being rational with the irrational. Citing statistics only supports what they already know, but feel they can not really DO ANYTHING about. The core of this is the very deliberately manipulated Consensus Trance, which Horus the Avenger has described in detail.

      You need something that can work on their subconscious, and have them awake at three in the morning, *shocked* into realizing (1) it is not their fault, and (2) they CAN Do Something about it. It is that emotional acceptance that we need to build towards.

      Only fools underestimate the power of the Consensus Trance. It has succeeding in getting our Race to adopt the values of our Enemies, through the power of Wordism, applied through the control of television, and the public indoctrination system.

      There was an amazing show done on Britain’s Channel 4 by Derren Brown, called “The Hesit.” In a matter of two weeks, in the guise of a management training seminar, he convinced ordinary people to rob, at gunpoint, an armored car guard.

      TWO WEEKS, with most of that time *not* spent on explicit domination.

      This indoctrination that supports us as willful co-conspirators in the suicide of our Race is simply mind boggling. It requires no less effective tools, and the Mantra, linked to an analysis of genocide, is about as good as it gets.

      Someone *ahem* supplemented the Mantra with a sig for their online comments on websites that support White nationalism:


      The lack of inquiry regarding this has been, well, demonstrative. The good news is, once they start of Awaken from the Consensus Trance, they find it too painful to go back.

      THAT is when we push, and push all the harder.

      After all, what is THEIR Goal?

      Then, what should OURS be?

  11. #12 by Epiphany on 11/04/2011 - 7:13 pm

    Of course. Now, I have had an epiphany! Political Correctness is not only a religion, a faith, but one of the most irrational ones of all. Only Whites are supposed to adhere to it, and it is based upon hatred of their own people. Besides, one day, mark my words, the Multiculturalists and the Radical Feminists will be at each other’s throats. And, we all know why! Most of the Third World Societies that the Multicultural Left champions actually are very sexist, male chauvinist, and mysognistist.

  12. #13 by Gavin on 11/04/2011 - 7:20 pm


    I think that you are starting to get it. Although anti-White is still much better than “anti-Teutonic.”

  13. #14 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/04/2011 - 8:16 pm

    @#8 by meawhiterabbit:

    Lol, I noticed the change in you!

    This is a fine little post you’ve written about it, and with a little tweaking it might serve well on the newbies’ thread. When I read through some of your own past discussions of the issue, I was afraid we might lose you. I’m so glad we didn’t.

  14. #15 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/05/2011 - 1:52 am

    I really enjoy saying and writing “bugster.” I don’t know why, but it always gives me pleasure to say it or write it.

    I see Bob writes “Bugser.” I’m hoping that’s officer talk, and that a foot soldier like myself would be presuming to imitate it. But if it’s desired that I write “bugser” also, please Bob or Horus tell me. I don’t need an explanation (though I’d be curious), just an instruction.

    • #16 by Gar5 on 11/05/2011 - 3:33 am

      Either are fine, but I prefer “Bugster” because it sounds cooler.

  15. #17 by meawhiterabbit on 11/05/2011 - 7:47 am

    Cheers HD. Stopping this system is something you can’t give up one once you realise whats a stake! I like how many Mantra debunking attempts we are getting now! Thats positive.They are really trying but failing to debunk it. Whos game for making a remix of this new one

    I might give it a crack tonight if i can get enough material out of his “spiel”

  16. #18 by Peter Whiterabbit on 11/05/2011 - 11:01 am

    Interesting video Fourmyle. Here is a link for those interested:

  17. #19 by Simmons on 11/05/2011 - 11:18 am

    My appreciation for Bob just jumped exponentially after receiving my latest copy of “Occidental Quarterly.”

    Let me explain; some months ago the editor Johnson was pushed out for what I take it giving Covington some publicity concerning his fantasy novels. So a campaign of villification pushed Johnson out and guess what replaced him? Jew Theory.

    The quarterly once edited by Sam Francis is as of the latest issue 75% devoted to Jew Theory (all correct and all basically inneffective).

    This kind of infighting and deceit is what Bob has put up with for his whole life, yep we owe Bob, alot.

    I would also like my $60 back

  18. #20 by Epiphany on 11/05/2011 - 4:24 pm

    Learned Helplessness! Most Whites, especially those in the Middle Classes, are filled with Learned Helpessness. They really do not even have the desire to stick up for themselves anymore! This is really most sad!

  19. #21 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/05/2011 - 4:45 pm

    #19 by Simmons: Isn’t Kevin MacDonald head honcho at TOQ? On his OO blog he published a favorable review of those works by Covington, after Greg Johnson left TOQ I think.

    (In the words of some great philosopher, “Can’t we all just get along?”)

    Gang, these guys whose videos we watch on youtube…Blechhh! Listening to them is nauseating work.

    Epiphany, are you sincere, or are you a very able dissimulator? Either way, your posts are a hoot! If you’re sincere, keep plugging.

  20. #22 by SpinRabbit on 11/05/2011 - 7:30 pm

    @ #21 by Harumphty Dumpty ….

    “(In the words of some great philosopher, “Can’t we all just get along?”)”

    Some great philosopher? You’re too funny!

  21. #23 by Fourmyle on 11/06/2011 - 12:52 am



    Thank you for an astute observation.

    My appreciation for Bob just jumped exponentially after receiving my latest copy of “Occidental Quarterly.”

    Let me explain; some months ago the editor Johnson was pushed out for what I take it giving Covington some publicity concerning his fantasy novels. So a campaign of villification pushed Johnson out and guess what replaced him? Jew Theory.

    The quarterly once edited by Sam Francis is as of the latest issue 75% devoted to Jew Theory (all correct and all basically ineffective).

    This kind of infighting and deceit is what Bob has put up with for his whole life, yep we owe Bob, alot.

    I would also like my $60 back

    For most of a century we have been led into fighting shadows, wasting our time while The Enemy moves ahead relentlessly in his agenda, the genocide of the White race, and the Death of the West.

    You can’t say what I am about to day on any other White Nationalist site.

    The moment we had it going was the Wallace for President Campaign. We had it all; national political organization, feet in the street, boots on the ground, solid ideology founded in a positive theory of Race, and even a national youth organization, "Youth for Wallace," which was laying the foundation for a true Third Party.

    Even after most everything falling apart after the assassination of Wallace, enough remained that it joined, in part, with Rockwell, who wanted to form a National YOUTH Alliance.

    Rockwell assassinated, and the legacy went to Rockwell's associate, William Luther Pierce. Pierce received many requests to form a national political organization. He transformed Rockwell's National YOUTH Alliance into his "National" Alliance, which, in spite of more than a thousand dues-paying members, who actively sought Pierce to carry forward the Wallace/Rockwell legacy of a national political organization to represent the Race, studiously avoided even the beginning of such an organization. The political soldiers were THERE, waiting for organization and leadership from Pierce, which never came. I leave the reason for this failure as a homework assignment for the Student.

    What ever happened to these organizations? All of them are bitter failures. Why is that, particularly with the "National" Alliance? The answer is obvious.

    THAT takes us back to mature, effective political organization. Only two people realized that, without effective political representation, we were doomed. The first, Rockwell, wanted to build a conventional national political organization. The second, Harold Covington, continuously asked the One Question over and over – "AND THEN WHAT?" Covington realized we had always set our sights too low, and that The Answer was our own national Homeland, in this case, a Northwest Republic. (To give credit where it is due, the late Dr. Sam Francis was certainly moving in this direction. It required a bit of a creative leap for him to move beyond self-identified Conservatism to true, organically founded, Race-based Nationalism.)

    Which return us to Simmons' point: the NVJ Crowd remain in a soft, safe, sandbox, where their total political impotence, and personal ineffectiveness, are assuaged by their feeling more Elite than ever, for they ARE helpless, they KNOW they are helpless, and they view it as a badge of honor – the Enemy is so powerful, so all-commanding that we can not Do Anything about them. "Let's talk about the Federal Reserve!"

    And so, they will be rolled into the dustbin of history. Remember, we are breaking down the walls of their Platonic Cave from the OUTSIDE. THEY are rebuilding those wall from the INSIDE. That is how strongly attached they are to their tools of defeat, over Enemies who only have the power over them we allow them.

    The question – "Assuming all you say is true, AND THEN WHAT?" – points to the way OUT of The Matrix, by taking the Red Pill – accepting the reality of the policy and practice of genocide, in light of The Mantra, and accepting responsibility to become political soldiers to the extent you are able, as part of the living foundation of a new nation.

    THAT is where Covington's analysis leads, and THAT is what shamed all of his critics into revealing their sad, pathetic natures.

    And, to stay with Dave's admonition of "brevity, man!" I can only say I used as few words as possible.

  22. #24 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/06/2011 - 1:54 am

    Thanks, Fourmyle, that was fascinating. I don’t have the knowledge to say more, except that it’s important to build a movement that a few assassinations can’t wipe out.

  23. #25 by Epiphany on 11/06/2011 - 8:10 am

    Lol! Now they are saying that there were Muslim Arabs in the Nazi SS. Of course, if there, then that would refute the claim, made my most, that the SS only recruited those with blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Still, I suppose the Neo Conservatives are getting desperate. There are even some books that say that Tibetan soldiers were found wearing SS uniforms, by the Soviet Red Army.

    Now, the reason I bring this up is that the History of the Third Reich, just like the History of the Confederate States of America, exists to make Whites feel bad about who they are. Or, at any rate, U.S. Media depictions of those histories are. I wonder, how long it shall be, before there are television docudramas which are Pro–White, rather than anti-White.

    Besides, if the SS let Muslims into their ranks, then the Nazis could neither have been as White Supremacist, or Christian Fundamentalists, as is supposed by the Mainstream Media, and those on the left. Or, perhaps, the Neo Conservatives are getting desperate to destroy the sympathy that the Liberal Left have developed about the Arabian victims of this current war.

    I think they faked those photographs of Arabian SS men! How about you?

  24. #26 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/06/2011 - 2:34 pm

    Epiphany, you may be tailgating yourself.

  25. #27 by Fourmyle on 11/06/2011 - 9:05 pm



    One, Epiphany is a troll. Simple as that.

    Two, on to more serious matters.

    I mentioned the patterns of organizational relationships because it drives home the essential point, that we have been played for complete and total fools looking for self-identified “White Nationalist” organizations to actually Do Something, other than posture with the furious ineffectiveness we expect of the impotent. This impotence, I remind one and all, reflects Greg Johnson’s accurate Insight – that they have adopted and internalized the values of The Enemy, to such an extent that their despair has degenerated into nihilism. Thus, for example, the “National (as in Hillsboro, West Virginia) “Alliance” has gone from “Which Way Western Man” to “Vaginal Jesus,” and “Anal Cunt.” Fine examples of the Faustian Spirit, there.

    This has been true across the board. The NF, which had Ian Stuart (of Skrewdriver) going door to door for them, was neutralized by the Leadership of what became the BNP. Again, this soft, quiet, and very effective pattern continues itself.

    Pierce, I would argue, led his Followers down a merry false path, as well. His books were deliberately written to fail with their readers dealing with political organization, or personal effectiveness within a political organization. No, they dealt with members of the DoD using weapons of mass destruction to make their point, or lone gunmen who were out hunting mudsharks and their paramours. Fine, inspiring writing there, with, as usual, absolutely nothing in them that might actually encourage the development of the political soldiers who were waiting for Pierce to pick up the pieces available to him. With more than one thousand dues-paying members, he could have had more than one representative in every SMSA, and every political district that matters. No, not Pierce, and once again, irreplaceable time is squandered on bitching helplessly with news and views about the Jews, and their Faithful Colored Companions.

    NOBODY on Our Side wishes to discuss these horrific failures of organization. I suspect that the issues hit a bit too close to home for them. Pierce ended each of his (Kevon Alfred Strom written) ADV”s with three magic words, “Thanks For Listening.” That’s all he wanted them to do, after they sent him money. He never said “Thanks for organizing. Keep on keeping on, and call us for your local Representative’s name and phone number.” Listening is soft, quiet, passive and, politically, very ineffective. Organizing can be painful, indeed. That’s the price of political effectiveness.

    Assassination is not really an issue; being co-opted by the status quo into providing the functional equivalent of a Controlled Opposition is. Bluntly, assassination creates martyrs. Controlled Oppositions create lighting rods that attract the loose forces that might unite in Opposition, and ground them into political ineffectiveness.

    I’ve been looking at the OCCUPY model of organization; behind the scenes, well organized, and where we can see it, barely organized at all. Let’s call it the mycelium model. They can all agree on a message, a consistent message.

    Well, at least we can meet them on THAT battleground.

    The best answer I can come up is to recognize we are watching the end of an Era, and must prepare ourselves to see things as they are, and organize accordingly, all in an “apple-pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)

    Let’s start with the Mantra, linked to the reality of an active process of genocide I repeat genocide underway against us.

    Let’s start with ourselves.

    Let’s Do Better.

  26. #28 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/07/2011 - 12:40 am

    #27 by Fourmyle:

    “Epiphany is a troll.”

    May all trolls be so merciful! (I’m still p.o.’d that the crew didn’t leave that nasty gamutmoron to me!)

    Interesting point about how Pierce signed off on his broadcasts. I listened to quite a few of them, and “Thanks for listening” always struck me as an odd phrase for him to use, but I didn’t understand why it felt that way. Now I believe I do.

    “to actually Do Something” Lol! You are definitely a Covington fan! I can hear his voice saying that! 🙂

    I feel guilty posting about non-bugs stuff on these threads, so I’m thinking of creating a thread, “Just Hanging Out.” If I can figure out how threads are created, I’ll probably do that if no one offers a good reason not to. I like order. (I have a jim Giles question, but it has nothing to do with bugs).

    I’m choosing the name “Just Hanging Out” for that thread in preference to something like, “Not Strictly Bugs,” to remind us that bugs is what we’re about, and anything else AT ALL is of VERY secondary importance. On such a thread I wouldn’t feel guilty chatting about whatever, as long as I didn’t hang on it too long which I know I’ll be tempted to do. Such a thread poses its dangers since many of us are refugees from the great WN post-a-thon and we sometimes miss the comforts of our earlier existence. When I really need to relax, I go to my old MSM site and post about points of grammar or whatever.

    I picture the “Just Hanging Out” thread as a sort of cyber lounge. And I’m not sure at all that it’s a good idea. There’s something to be said for maintaining a structure on the job that encourages a bit of formality.

  27. #29 by Fourmyle on 11/07/2011 - 1:58 am



    Note that the clever trolls are always trying to change the subject from where we might be effective. Simple as that.

    I share your concern about posting “non-BUGS stuff on these threads,” but this IS the very essence of BUGS stuff.

    You might want to call it an “Open Thread,” as these are all well-moderated. The larger issue, to me, is if all we say is right, what could, should, and would we Do About It?

    For the last century WNists, with a few rare exceptions, have played The Enemy’s Game, by The Enemy’s Rules, with The Enemy being the referee. We might as well have been playing “Eloi and Morlocks,” for all of the good we did.

    The long term Goal is something we have not bothered to define, much less prepare ourselves for. That requires a Message, around which a Cause can be defined, around which a Movement can be formed, around which a Political Organization can be developed, around which a Homeland for the Racially Conscious Community can be organized.

    All of that was up and running with the Wallace Presidential Campaign, including a Youth Organization.

    All of it went away, as the lightning rod of the Nixon Campaign used us to win the election – Southern Strategy – and threw us over the side with Affirmative Action.

    To what end do we use The Mantra, and its accompanying slogans? The Brand Called “White” has been so marginalized and discredited over the last fifty years – since the Children of the Sixties were marketed to – that The Way Forward requires a singular focus on the pole star of a Racial Homeland – a Northwest Republic, to be precise – for the Racially Conscious Community.

    The Mantra must not be an end unto itself. It must be a means to an end, and I think the Northwest Republic is the temporal manifestation of that end.

    After all, if someone actually accepts the Mantra, we must be prepared to answer their next question, “And THEN What? What can I do about this?”

    The OCCUPY Movement seems to have this in mind, and we will be seeing a lot more from them over the next year. We should learn from them; not just what they say, but what they mean when they say it, and how it ties into what they Do.

    We’ve wasted the last century.

    That’s long enough.

  28. #30 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/07/2011 - 3:38 am

    #29 by Fourmyle:


    I’ve been wanting to edit that to,


    I like still better,

    “The Mantra must not be an end unto itself. It must be a means to an end, and I think the Northwest Republic is the temporal manifestation of that end.”

    The focus of this site is on the Mantra.

    All of us here might have different visions of what result we hope will finally be achieved by spreading the Mantra, but what we are about is spreading the Mantra!

    Carrying out a revolution isn’t like designing a car. We can’t be sure what the final result will be, or what the road we’ll travel on to get there will be. Even in serene times, life has a way of not staying hitched, as Woody Guthrie said.

    The mantra seems a way that forward progress can be made right now. If conditions change radically, a different mantra, one that’s as well fitted to the new conditions as the present one is fitted to the present conditions, will become necessary. And that’s assuming that the whole idea of a mantra is sound (which it seems to be) and will remain sound under changed conditions.

    Covington posits that the U.S. will become so weak that a separatist state could fend off what power the U.S. will still have. But his act isn’t the only act waiting in the wings for the U.S. to weaken! When the U.S. becomes that weak, there may be other claimants to that little corner of the country…I believe there’s a sizable population of Chinese in Vancouver now.

    Right now we have the Mantra and are seeing what we can do with it. Who knows what will develop and what opportunities will present themselves. I believe Bob has been thinking of some persons declaring for office so they can publicize the mantra. If that happens, maybe field and ground will reverse and the mantra will become a successful political movement. That would depend a lot on who the candidates for office are.

    Let’s not hitch our cart to other stars, lets just stay focused on spreading the mantra and on finding new ways to spread it. If the Mantra gets a foothold, then maybe other things will need to be considered. But maybe not by us.

    Too many organizations have been split, diverted, destroyed by some members becoming convinced that some other task is more important than the task their organization was formed to carry out. Let’s just do our own task, and events will judge how important the task is.

    Neither Covington’s “group” nor ours has enough size yet to even do our own respective tasks, much less concern ourselves with the other’s task.

    I’ve got to start that “Just Hanging Out” thread. I don’t feel right posting such a long post here on a non-bugster topic.

  29. #31 by OldBlighty on 11/07/2011 - 3:39 am

    “After all, if someone actually accepts the Mantra, we must be prepared to answer their next question, “And THEN What? What can I do about this?””

    As far as I know, it is not our job to tell them what to do next. We are agitators. When enough people are aware of the problem, then we’ll tell them they don’t have to put up with it and they will self organize.

    Bob has talked about a coming Empowered White Minority, that could take over America from within. Covington talks about the North West Republic. As long as it, whatever it is, is pro White, it is good.

    Bob has also reminded us of what Northerners did to Southerners, when Southerners left the Union Government. Our leaders should not be allowed to repeat that mistake, if a secessionist movement works.

    Our people should both secede and remain in the Union Govt, to obstruct the attacks that will come.

    Anyway, this is nothing but pipe dreams. Bob pointed out, as a movement we haven’t broken the sound barrier yet.

  30. #32 by Peter Whiterabbit on 11/07/2011 - 8:56 am

    “After all, if someone actually accepts the Mantra, we must be prepared to answer their next question, “And THEN What? What can I do about this?””

    That is not what we are here to do. There will be a time and response for that but now is not the time. Our responsibility is to be on message so that we are ALLOWED to discuss white genocide. As Bob put it in a Porch Talk podcast, The mantra is a beachhead.

  31. #33 by BGLass on 11/07/2011 - 12:52 pm

    “Our people should both secede and remain.”

    a question people ask is not ‘what can I do?’ but how can i survive in this mess. how can you secede where you stand? what is the correct attitude to take toward a society that hates you? dissimulation, running, infiltration, living in a fantasy about the reality of what you’re in (the option most taken), political activity, what sort, etc.

    everyone you meet has taken one of those options. this means they have already, on some level, taken in the truth of the wn position on some level. like, when it’s said that liberals in cities do not walk late at night. when you meet people, you’re looking at their system of defenses against what is.

    bugs attention to language is good. like, why do wn use phrases s/a ‘civil rights’. sometimes they say quote-unquote, that is a step to simply labeling from their own point of view.

  32. #34 by Fourmyle on 11/08/2011 - 12:28 am

    I’d like to respond to the excellent, constructive criticism found in comments 30 – 33.


    Let’s not hitch our cart to other stars, lets just stay focused on spreading the mantra and on finding new ways to spread it. If the Mantra gets a foothold, then maybe other things will need to be considered. But maybe not by us.

    Too many organizations have been split, diverted, destroyed by some members becoming convinced that some other task is more important than the task their organization was formed to carry out. Let’s just do our own task, and events will judge how important the task is.

    Neither Covington’s “group” nor ours has enough size yet to even do our own respective tasks, much less concern ourselves with the other’s task.

    I am not saying move away from the Mantra. I am saying that we are hitting them intellectually, hoping some emotional switch will turn on when they least expect it, which will make it all right to be White.

    However, if it seems I am detracting from the Mantra when I mention Covington, and the ultimate expression of “It’s Alright To Be White,” the Northwest Republic, fine. I mention this because we have been misled by everyone we have trusted, from the leadership of the BNP, to the leadership of the Hillsboro Alliance.

    This is not by accident. We identified our ends with their means, and have paid the price ever since.

    No more.

    Old Blighty:

    Bob has talked about a coming Empowered White Minority, that could take over America from within….Bob has also reminded us of what Northerners did to Southerners, when Southerners left the Union Government. Our leaders should not be allowed to repeat that mistake, if a secessionist movement works.

    Our people should both secede and remain in the Union Govt, to obstruct the attacks that will come.

    Which is why I use the Northwest Republic as an Analytical Model. We do not groom for command, we do not train for leadership. Doing this is not incompatible with what Bob proposes. I am a firm advocate of the philosophy of VNN/F’ “Hugh,” in his “A World View” thread: “Master the System, so you can master the NEXT System.” I am not proposing we all run off to the Northwest. Rather, one choice might be to peacefully perform a cultural secession while remaining in the System. Home schooling, supplemented by Church schools, as a parallel system to the public indoctrination system, serves as one example.

    Peter Whiterabbit:

    Your comments are exactly on point. I was trying to place our activity into a framework of productivity, which ALL WN Leaders, save Rockwell, Francis and Covington, seemed to willfully ignore. Making sure the car is in neutral insures, no matter how hard we spin our wheels, we do not go anywhere. Pierce would have liked that. I see and accept your point.


    How can you secede where you stand? what is the correct attitude to take toward a society that hates you?

    NOW we are getting somewhere. The best attitude I can imagine is the “being in it, but not of it,” perspective called for in Scripture.

    I use the Northwest Republic as an Analytixcal Model to ask, for all social problems, “How would we deal with this in a Homeland for the Racially Conscious Community?”

    My concern is this, and I appreciate and accept Peter Whiterabbit’s framework. (I won’t mention the Northwest Republic any more.) How can I express our concerns in a manner the 99ers will understand and accept? The 99ers – the ones whose unemployment ran out, and who are now filling up the food stamp rolls. THEY have been drafted into the front lines of this genocidal war we have been discussing. We can offer them Light, but it seems to me we should also offer them Hope.

    However, this is not the place for that.

    If Bob has time, some time, I would appreciate his understanding of why Pierce never moved forward on any sort of political organization, despite having more than ONE THOUSAND dues-paying members across America, many of whom were asking for just such an organization. No, never mind. I know why.

    I support seeding the Mantra, which serves to define The Cause. I do fear that too many people will be asking “And Then What?”

    When we don’t have an Answer, we will lose all credibility.


    • #35 by Genseric on 11/08/2011 - 9:39 am

      I do fear that too many people will be asking “And Then What?”

      When we don’t have an Answer, we will lose all credibility.

      This is something I have been seeing pop up other places as well. From SF to YT, this question has been asked quite a bit recently and I have endeavored to stay on point, making our points. Nonetheless, your point rings true. “What is it that we hope to accomplish?” The ‘and then what’ question. The and then what to me is that we will have PREVENTED or ENDED a genocide of a people so rich in culture and heritage that our Posterity will be obliged to NEVER FORGET.

      I submit that a White homeland will be the first of many steps in the direction of answering that question and that the PNW will be just the tip of the iceberg as it hardly has enough room to house a people who clearly need ‘the entire top of the planet’ to produce enough innovation and food for the REST of the planet.

      We will have secured the existence of our people and a future for White children. What more can be asked of us?

  33. #36 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/08/2011 - 12:20 pm

    I don’t understand at all having a concern at this point with “Then what?” It seems to me an overblown fantasy about our role and our present importance. We have a feet-on-the-ground job to do which we’ve barely even begun, and we’re prepared to distract ourselves fretting about “Then what?”? That seems nuts to me, I’m sorry. And it feels to me like just a carry over from the great WN post-a-thon that’s kept so many of us sitting on our butts and philosophizing and building meaningless castles in the air for so many years. It feels uncomfortable to me even seeing posts here that seem to me of that nature. I do tend to be fussy and to overreact, but that’s my reaction.

    Look, regarding the recruitment of more bugsters, Horus has pointed out that we need to attract them by our example rather than persuade them. To that I’ll add that our example is also an example of people actively doing something, and we will be modeling that kind of behavior to people who are accustomed to doing nothing. Hopefully our model will cause a slight change in the do-nothing ethos that now prevails, and changes in that ethos will also occur from elsewhere, and there will finally be plenty of people active and concerning themselves with the “then what” and we can then continue doing what we’ve become good at because we didn’t waste our time worrying about “then what.”

    I should take that advice myself immediately and model on this site an involvement in our work and a disinterest in these “larger” “questions,” instead of trying to persuade you about it.

    I’m easily attracted to shiny objects, and I think I’m afraid for myself of being drawn back into this sort of daydreaming.

    • #37 by Fourmyle on 11/08/2011 - 8:09 pm



      Thanks for taking the time to respond in well-considered detail. I’ll try to be a practitioner of the Ancient Art of Brevity in my response.

      I’ve melded a good bit of my response to you in my response to Genseric. The critical missing bit is that every single political success started with an End in mind.

      White nationalism has been neutralized at every attempt at organization for the last century, in good part because we accepted The Enemy’s Words and Definitions, in better part because everyone looked at the hierarchy the Speaker was part of, and figured THEY has The Big Picture, and THEY were going to take care of all of the details of conquest, including ordering all of the torches for the torchlight parade.

      Let’s call this the Hierarchical Model. Control the head, which controls all information flows and resources, and you have organizations that spin their wheels for decades, substituting ineffective activity for effective productivity. Insert the names of “Pierce” and “Hillsboro, West Virginia” Alliance here.

      Now, let’s look at the OCCUPY organization. This has a central organizing model, which for the most part is beneath the surface. Clumsy, chaotic at the margins, skillful in the use of THEIR Mantra, and laying the underground framework for what will be a truly exciting next summer and fall series of activities.

      Let’s call this The Rhizome Model. We might also call it Leaderless Resistance.

      THEIR Mantra gets out there because they are engaged in Practical Politics, non-voting politics, with democratic facades masking a small, steel Inner Core.

      THEY are EXPLICITLY anti-White in who they allow to speak, and how. THEY will have secured an existence for themselves, and a future for THEIR children, at the expense of OUR Selves, and OUR Children.

      Might we consider learning something from them, rather than wait for Someone to Come Back and save us from what we have Created?

      To address those who criticize me for being off-topic concerning the Mantra, let me note that THEY have THEIR Mantra right out front, and it inspires emotional responses, which leads to action.

      They have not created a “shiny object.” They are reframing the political debate for beyond the 2012 Election. THEIR Mantra is up, running, and very well publicized. Now, they are going to use the Rhizome Model to reach well beyond where they are.

      Too many of us have Dreams.

      OCCUPY has Plans. They have Plans, for us, as well. Not nice Plans, either.

  34. #38 by Fourmyle on 11/08/2011 - 7:47 pm


    Genseric in blockquote:

    Thanks for the considered response.

    Here’s where I respectfully take issue with part of your analysis:

    Look, regarding the recruitment of more bugsters, Horus has pointed out that we need to attract them by our example rather than persuade them. To that I’ll add that our example is also an example of people actively doing something, and we will be modeling that kind of behavior to people who are accustomed to doing nothing.

    Horus gets full marks for his understanding that people are not motivated by what they think; they are motivated AND ACT ON what they feel about what they are thinking about. Go to any of “our” meetings, and you would see a clean split – over forty, suit and tie, well read, and under forty, jeans and t-shirts with unusual insignias, jacked into a synthetic digital universe because the Real World has no place for them. Also, and this is of critical importance, no women. Tell me again where we are going politically without women. Note that Wordism controls the thoughts and actions of women at all times, except the one time it has no effect – when their small children are threatened. THAT is where “And THEN What?” comes to the fore.

    Hopefully our model will cause a slight change in the do-nothing ethos that now prevails, and changes in that ethos will also occur from elsewhere,…

    We have exactly nothing to show for a century of smoking hopium. The exogenous change in the “ethos” simply will not come forward magically. So far as we are concerned, The God In The Machine has pretty much given up on us, until we actually Do Something That Works. Let me make this clear: if this magical Sky God has not come to rescue ourselves from what we have Created, maybe there is a lesson there. Maybe our focus should be on creating Something Better, starting as small as our Selves, in our own lives, starting where we are. People listen to slogan, but, damn, they follow success. Who leads? The most successful among us, usually.

    …and there will finally be plenty of people active and concerning themselves with the “then what” and we can then continue doing what we’ve become good at because we didn’t waste our time worrying about “then what.”

    What are we supposed to “become good at,” that will attract people to us? Restating the Fourteen Words? Didn’t work then, and while it would be perfect for the motto of an Order Militant, it won’t work now, for people who accepted the false dualities put before them by They Who Rule. They are locked into the learned helplessness of the double-bind. Something must shatter those Illusions, and replace them with something much damn better.

    People only care about “And THEN What?” They only care about what is best for their Families. The Mantra does lay a foundation, but what does the foundation – a formed piece of concrete and rebar – support?

    I won’t fight for a slab of concrete and rebar. Place a Home on top, with my Family in it, and I’ll be down at Fight Club every night.

    People think with their heads, but they act with their hearts. “And THEN What” inspires their hearts, and provides motivation.

    Think of the Derren Brown piece I referred to earlier, “The Heist.” Was his manipulation based more on words, or more on emotions, linked to actions “suggested” to the subjects, using just enough verbal glue to get their Minds to accept them?

    Here’s a fascinating idea: what would our Derren Brown do with the Mantra?

  35. #39 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/08/2011 - 8:06 pm

    Fourmyle, you’re responding to me, not to Genseric.

    I would ask you if you also bugster in addition to writing on these threads, if I bugstered more myself and didn’t find the question embarrassing.

    • #40 by Fourmyle on 11/08/2011 - 8:21 pm


      I melded the responses. but did a separate response for you tying it into the effectiveness of OCCUPY, and their use of THEIR Mantra.

      I also bugster – the focus on genocide was my idea, if you’ll check the archives – and my focus is on genocide as the stick that measures emotional responses, both in intensity and maturity.

      There’s nothing wrong with “securing an existence for White children.” The question is, do we secure this on the Enemy’s Terms – serfs, de facto slaves, with the best used as Janissaries against us – or do we secure this “existence” as conquerors?

      The first choice will take care of itself under the status quo.

      The second choice requires much, much more.

      Here’s something to think about: in survey after survey, the over 65 crowd that forms the Self-Proclaimed Greatest Generation have stated they DO NOT CARE AT ALL about the world their grandchildren will inherit.

      Talk to them about genocide? As long as the AMEX card holds up, they don’t care. I can assure you, their grandchildren will return the favor.

      Whose side will we be on?

      • #41 by OldBlighty on 11/08/2011 - 10:38 pm

        “Here’s something to think about: in survey after survey, the over 65 crowd that forms the Self-Proclaimed Greatest Generation have stated they DO NOT CARE AT ALL about the world their grandchildren will inherit.”

        Well of course they don’t. They are selfish and should be told so.

        And you pointed out the 14 words do not work.

        Well of course they don’t work. They only target the already converted. They do not accuse, nor do they assign responsibility.

        Assigning responsibility with pinpoint accuracy is the key to waging this kind of war and that is what the Mantra does.

        As for your “and then what” mantra…

        You say we should tell people to fight the US Military like Gaddafi just did. Only your plan is different from Gaddafi, in that you are relying on a general collapse in US society, to give you victory.

        Well I have seen lots of people waiting for a general collapse over there on Stormfront. For them every failure is a victory.

        The fact is The Collapse people, are Depressives and have never done anything but wait for victory to fall into their lap. Are you really recruiting from this cargo cult?

        At any rate, when you guys are attacked by the full force of the US military, you will be glad of people in the USA, doing the Mantra on your behalf.

        Hopefully these hard working BUGsers, will make it incredibly difficult for the anti-Whites to commit genocide and get away with it, yet again. And if we are as good as we think we are, you may not be attacked at all.

        • #42 by Fourmyle on 11/09/2011 - 2:15 am


          Old Blighty in blockquote:

          I agree that “assigning responsibility” is important. So is accepting responsibility, and that requires maturity, and a framework to operate in that reflects that maturity.

          You say we should tell people to fight the US Military like Gaddafi just did.

          Not once have I ever repeat ever advocated the use for force under any circumstances, save for very precisely defined self-defense with the use of force/use of deadly force continuum. QUITE the contrary. Everything we want to accomplish can only be accomplished, in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)

          That entire use of force, whether it is against mudsharks and their paramours, or the greatest military and intelligence networks in the history of the world, is the promoted pipedreams of fools- and that is a very generous assessment – like William Luther Pierce. How did that work out for Bob Mathews, and David Eden Lane, both of whom would have supported the organic development of the foundation of what could become the Northwest Republic?

          Only your plan is different from Gaddafi, in that you are relying on a general collapse in US society, to give you victory.

          Actually, I am not, but it is obvious that a Collapse is under way, and truly horrific amounts of borrowing only serve to mask it. I am not relying on it for anything.You could argue that everything is peaches and cream, but, if you pull the growth in debt and inflation out of the models since, say, 1975 or so, you will see the long decline is functionally irreversible. Look at Detroit, for example.

          Well I have seen lots of people waiting for a general collapse over there on Stormfront. For them every failure is a victory.

          One, see what I said earlier about Greg Johnson masterful Insight concerning the impotent, incompetent nihilists White Nationalism seems to attract, like the last rung on the Ladder of Reality, a Ladder they fell from years ago.

          Two, I don’t care what they say on Stormfront. Trust me, the Nazi insignia guarantees no one that matters, no one who votes, will ever give them or their ideas the time of day. Although, being passive aggressive as a result of their incompetence at most anything, “waiting” is about all they do well. “Let them eat X-Boxes,” live in an artificial, parallel universe, and leave their betters alone, free to Do Better.

          The fact is The Collapse people, are Depressives and have never done anything but wait for victory to fall into their lap. Are you really recruiting from this cargo cult?

          I don’t give a damn about the Collapse people. They simply rationalize their ineffectiveness, their impotence, in terms of larger social trends, which they respond to with the passive aggressiveness of those who have learned helplessness as a lifestyle. I listen to people who discuss energy development in terms of EROEI, basic physical economics.

          My concern is more the development of the Second Renaissance, within the political foundations of the Northwest Republic.

          At any rate, when you guys are attacked by the full force of the US military, you will be glad of people in the USA, doing the Mantra on your behalf.

          The only people who were attacked by even a small part of the force of the US government are the people who listened to William Luther Pierce.

          As for the rest of us, again, all we want to accomplish, and more, can be done, and MUST be done, in an “apple-pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)

          One hundred years of abject failure is enough.

  36. #43 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/08/2011 - 9:02 pm

    Okay, fourmyle, and thanks for your response. My mind is open, but for me personally, I think I’ll do better right now and contribute more if I just focus on learning how to bugster better. I’m still in the stage of trying to learn how to do what you apparently had a big hand in starting!

    I’m fascinated to learn that focusing on White Genocide wasn’t always at the center of this. I’ll enjoy looking back through the archives to see the development of that…is that all on the thread “Where did you post the mantra today?”

  37. #44 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/08/2011 - 9:15 pm

    fourmyle: I just spotted your response that was intended for me. Okay…”Leaderless Resistance”…if Occupy is truly leaderless, then the far left has changed a lot from the days when I dabbled in it. We had very little formal hierarchy and there was a big show of democracy, but there were always the small number of people who led and got things done.

    Well I’ll be listening to you as I have time! And thanks for centering genocide in what we’re doing; that’s a monumental thing to have done.

  38. #45 by Fourmyle on 11/09/2011 - 1:47 am



    My contribution is very small. Bob did all of the heavy lifting, and Dave’s National Salvation site should be required reading for us; he effectively summarizes a lot of what Bob said.

    The genocide point was started months and months back.

    Of course, OCCUPY is not true Leaderless Resistance. As you correctly noted, there was a small group controlling all organizations, left and right. This is called the Iron Law of Oligarchy. As well, remember the words of Harold Covington: “Leaderless Resistance is all ‘leaderless,’ and no resistance.'” The words “Pierce,” and “Hillsboro Alliance” come to mind. “Thanks for listening!”

    Remember, above groups larger than, say, two hundred, with common values, “democracy” is a term that means anything you want it to mean. The same definition works for North Korea – 99+% voter turnout! – as for us.

    PLEASE keep bugstering along! Refine the use of the Mantra as a weapon. Mantra Early, and Mantra Often!

    Note that, in “The Heist,” when Derren Brown explains and summarizes what has happened in setting the trap, the music is Radiohead’s “Everything in its right place.” We might use that in our little videos – “What happens following the death, the genocide, of the White race?” is the voiceover, with the music going softly in the background, as we show pictures of Detroit in 1950, and today; the same section, if possible. The same for Los Angeles, and New York.

    “The Heist” really is remarkable in showing how easily, and effectively, we have been manipulated. Fortunately, we can Do Something about that.

  39. #46 by Simmons on 11/09/2011 - 12:31 pm

    Basically what we can propose to wrap this up is the model for speech giving that we have all heard thousands of time.

    Lay out disaster via the Mantra (our genocide), and then conclude with the concept of hope and optimism.

    I have a friend who destroyed his family with the all is lost and there is no hope spiel. If we tell whites that genocide and only genocide is the future and nothing else, it will basically be party time, get it while you can attitude.

    But it must be Mantra first, we must show everyone that we are winners not camp followers and dam watchers.

    Think of all the N&Jers who if they used the Mantra along with their dream ideals. I tried getting this to Covington, but I guess Irish folk music has permeated his head and life is tragic and we all die anyway, oh well.

  40. #47 by Simmons on 11/09/2011 - 12:34 pm

    Posted a single sentence rejoinder to a Dixie dreamin young man’s blog. Mantra first then dreams

  41. #48 by Simmons on 11/09/2011 - 1:09 pm

    We have some people here who can write at length, perhaps they can take their skills to the N&J and Dreaming blogs. Those places always need content.

  42. #49 by Fourmyle on 11/10/2011 - 1:20 am


    Simmons 46:
    “Hope and optimism” are not Goals, much less Plans, and while they might make people feel good for the moment, like a Pierce ADV, they do not point in a useful direction.

    We should conclude with some ideas for useful, productive activity, like, oh, writing a letter for your Posterity to read in 2050 explaining what you did, and why, to make the world a better place for them.

    I NEVER said “genocide and only genocide is the future…” I said it is happening, and we must Do Something about it, where we are, while we can. That’s why I offer the Northwest Republic, whereas all others offer, well, “hope and optimism.” At best. With the Northwest Republic they can begin to conceive of a better life for themselves, starting where they are.

    “Dream ideals” are what we were offered. Covington is much more than an NVJer; he actually has a Framework for a homeland for the Racially Conscious Community. Now, Pierce and his “National If You Define Hillsboro As A Nation” Alliance offered despair, masked as analysis, as part of his weekly Thirty Minutes of Bitching Helplessly. After all, at the end of the day, what did Pierce want us to actually DO?” “Thanks for listening!” LISTENING – a nice, passive, pasttime.

    What does Covington want us to do? Become the Living Foundation of a New Nation, a Racial Homeland, a Northwest Republic, where none may make afraid, starting where we are, tonight.

    Simmons #48:
    ‘We have some people here who can write at length, perhaps they can take their skills to the N&J and Dreaming blogs. Those places always need content.”

    “Content” is nice. Pierce provided a lot of it, as does Stormfront, as does, well, the list goes on.

    The content that matters is a solution.

    OCCUPY, using the Rhizome Model, is taking Bob’s Playbook and running with it. THEY can answer the question, “And THEN What?”

    And they are winning, for now.

    What would winning look like, for us?

    THAT is the question Pierce always avoided addressing in an effective manner, and there is an excellent reason for that.

    What would winning look like for us?

    The Mantra helps define the Foundation.

    Doing Better requires us to build on that foundation, and Do Better.

  43. #50 by Simmons on 11/10/2011 - 2:17 am

    Honestly speaking fourmyle the Mantra is the first thing I have found to fight back with, I have had decades of dream planning. Covington has put the cart before the horse.

    And you have to end a speech with something of hope and optimism of reaching a goal.

    Anyway we mostly agree. If I may point out something that you have pointed out up thread. The issue is the cult surrounding Penn State, go read a conservative message board, so little respect for the false chains on those boards it gives me hope. You mentioned children and this issue is a hot one.

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