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BUGS Means Getting Real

Posted by Bob on November 10th, 2011 under Coaching Session

I have quite simply explained the general Jewish hostility to white gentiles, not as a matter of a secret conspiracy but as a logical conclusion of what Jews say all the time. As one founder of the conservative Jewish magazine Commentary said, “The term Jewish conservative is considered practically an oxymoron today.”

If I said exactly the same words, I would labeled anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

Henry Kissinger is a professional expert on diplomacy. You simply cannot tell him that ANYBODY is entirely innocent and the other side entirely innocent. When he hears that about Jews, he says, “Any people that is persecuted for two thousands years is doing something wrong.”

Once again, I am anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews for quoting a Jew saying that.

You don’t have to transport somebody into another world to see realities. In fact, the biggest we face is the kooks and basket cases who tried to make our obvious truths into Titanic Secret Conspiracies.

History will record that these idiots damn near destroyed us.

If our race is to survive, we have to get real, and to get real QUICK!

  1. #1 by OldBlighty on 11/10/2011 - 11:47 am

    I used to be one of those Jew obsessives, caught in a mental loop. Then Horus made a simple point in one of his podcasts, about the White rulers of ancient India browning out, before Jews even existed and I was out of it for good.

    When you have your awakening, you feel angry and betrayed. Since so many obsess about Jews on pro White websites, it is easy to get caught in it.

    Yet on thinking about it, it makes no sense to call Jews traitors and learn every minor detail about them, because they are not White, they are from the Middle East, some say Asia. They are not of my race, so they have no reason to be loyal to me, nor do I have reason to be loyal to them. They are 2% of the population, so they can’t have done anything, without a hell of a lot of help.

    So where did this help come from?

    White anti-Whites.

    White anti-Whites are of my race, yet work against my interests, so they fit the definition of a traitor perfectly and their sheer numbers mean, they are the engine that drives the multikult.

    So if you want to obsess over a particular group, it makes sense to focus your attention on the traitors and use the Mantra to crush them, wherever you find them.

  2. #2 by Edwin on 11/10/2011 - 1:45 pm

    I was always a little confused by people who claim to have ‘woken up’ to the issue of ‘The Jew’ and thus became WN. I always thought : “What do Jews have to do with whether or not White people have the right to exist?”

    The Holocaust was equally puzzling. I understand the importance of history and facts, but EVEN IF Holocaust deniers are wrong, it still doesn’t mean that the German people should accept millions of non-White immigrants and ‘assimilate’ with them. That is still genocide, right?

  3. #3 by Dick_Whitman on 11/10/2011 - 3:38 pm

    I had to take a family member to the doctor recently so this exposed me to Time Magazine. I read an article about a guy who advocates creating all food locally. He teaches people how to farm and raise your own animals. He thinks people would be happier if they were closer to agriculture.

    I tend to agree with this. I believe the White working class people of America should quit working in the soulless service industry (fast food, big box stores, malls) and start producing the major food crops in small family owned local farms and companies.

    How could anyone disagree? These people should be a “SWPL” White liberal dream. The White working class would produce organic food and raise free-range livestock.

    People with problems (drug problems, criminal problems, domestic problems, psychological problems, chronic unemployment problems) will come to these farms to get back to the soil. They’ll still have counseling and White Rabbit spiritual talks but will build their lives back up doing the work of creating the community’s nutritional needs.

    Liberals and respectable conservatives like to make fun of “White Trash.” This program would address many of the reasons for “White Trash.” They would be given PURPOSE, MOTIVATION, AND DIRECTION and would improve their health by doing outdoor work. The trailer parks would be built around the agriculture.

    Many of the people with problems would rise above just being laborers and learn trades or farm management. Children would be sent to schools that build confidence, fitness, and critical thinking ability. These are the kids that liberals make fun of who run the streets with no shoes on. Some people might never rise above just picking crops, but that’s OK. Life will still have meaning and security.

    Of course liberals would react violently if I suggested this idea in public. They wouldn’t care that this idea could address a major portion of the liberal list of concerns (poverty, social problems, community, local food). In fact, liberals would team up with big Agro to oppose it. The highest sacrament in Liberalism is one must be anti-White.

    But I’m still throwing it out there as a solution for some major problems.

    Liberals demand Americans should eat better food. Liberals point out that the GMO “food” that Big Agro produces is no good. Liberals want to see solutions for bad health. Liberals claim to defend the working class.

    This program would is very “liberal” but they would still call me a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews for suggesting it.

    Therefore, they are not “liberals” at all, they’re just anti-White.

  4. #4 by Dick_Whitman on 11/10/2011 - 4:32 pm

    I have a hard time talking to people about politics who actually believe that the Presidential election matters.

    In fact, this is like a Rorschach test for me. I can identify wordist thought disorders by listening to their perspectives on the Presidential election.

    Presidential Election = Ink Blots

  5. #5 by Dick_Whitman on 11/10/2011 - 5:23 pm

    If our race is to survive, we have to get real, and to get real QUICK! (Bob)

    What does getting real look like? How will we know when we are real?

    I’m not trying to act insolent, I really want to know.

    I think Bob is saying that in between thoughts of the comic struggle with the forces of darkness, we need to think about how we’re going to spread the mantra and get the basic BUGS memes out?

    But Bob is welcome to correct me.

    • #6 by dungeoneer on 11/11/2011 - 1:37 am

      “What does getting real look like? How will we know when we are real? ”

      When enough white people are voicing opposition to white genocide.

      We`re getting there,slowly but surely.

    • #7 by OldBlighty on 11/11/2011 - 2:22 am

      Getting real means when you are on the battlefield, you fight the entire army that is attacking you. You don’t give the majority of these attackers a free pass, because you are only interested in one small group.

      Getting real means when there is a war to be fought in the real world, you get off your backside and fight it. You don’t lock yourself in a closet to read about secret conspiracies and whine about how we got here.

      Getting real means playing the game that is in front of you. It is what grown ups do.

  6. #8 by Dick_Whitman on 11/10/2011 - 7:42 pm

    “If our race is to survive, we have to get real, and to get real QUICK!” (Bob)

    Is this a warning order?

  7. #9 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 11/10/2011 - 10:01 pm

    Yes, explaining how fair it would be, and asking them to please give us our nation back is not likely to work.

    We can beg for our rights, or we can Fight for our Rights!

    Only one of those options has any hope for success.

    • #10 by OldBlighty on 11/11/2011 - 2:54 am

      If you think we are begging when we accuse the anti-Whites of committing genocide, you have no idea of what we are doing here.

      As for the chest thumpers talking about fighting, how come they aren’t fighting? You all have guns in the USA don’t you? So what is holding you back? Is it lack of courage?

      BUGS walks the walk, while the chest thumpers talk. Put your childish fantasies aside and get real. The game right now, is practical politics. Play or go home.

  8. #11 by Epiphany on 11/11/2011 - 5:44 am

    It is about time we see what we can do. The Holocaust, of course, is not only about making Germans feel bad about who they are, but Whites in general feel bad about who they are.

    To be fair to the Jews, they are not the only ones pushing anti–White legislation, like Affirmative Action. There are many White Gentiles pushing the same stuff.

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