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Know It, Never Say It

Posted by Bob on November 12th, 2011 under Coaching Session

Capitol Hill and Israel tells us another rule about professional politics.

Anyone who works on Capitol Hill knows exactly what to say: Israel is one of the countries in the Middle East, our only ally. But it gets no special consideration.

This is one of those things that come up in a totalitarian environment.

When a person is sitting there for an interview for a job with ANY congressman, left or right, North or South, he knows what he must say about Israel.

There is an entirely separate set of facts he must KNOW about Israel.

A similar example is a cop being asked about why he stopped some “youths” who were driving through a wealthy white suburb at three o’clock in the morning. He cannot mention that the “youths” were black and they were driving a car that was alien to a wealthy suburb.

The judge lives in just such an upper-income community. If his house were burgled and his wife raped by some “youths” who happened to be black and happened to be driving a lower-income car, and a cop saw that car creeping along in front of his house at 3 AM but had no suspicions, he would blow a gasket.

But in his courtroom, that cop had better be able to explain how his stopping that car had nothing to do with the riders being young or black in the wrong neighborhood.

By the same token, if a person applying for a staff job on Capitol Hill doesn’t know what to say about Israel, he doesn’t have a chance of getting a job.

By exactly the same token, if that applicant doesn’t KNOW the truth about Israel and Capitol Hill, he will not only not get a job, he will be seriously considered for commitment to a Home for the Retarded.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 11/12/2011 - 2:54 pm

    We are told that the financial structure of the planet is teetering on the edge of an abyss as the Eurozone is about to implode. Civilization is near its end. Greece is the epicenter of the crisis.

    So what has to be defended? Why the Sacred Holocaust, of course. It is the fulcrum of history, the religion of the age. No, the Ages. Its orthodox tenets tower above all other matters in importance. The ultimate Wordist word is 6,000,000. Bow down and adore.,7340,L-4146898,00.html

    ‘Holocaust denier’ set for key role in Greek government?

    Georgios Karatzaferis, right-wing leader who previously compared IDF to Hitler may have major role in new government

    Assaf Uni Published: 11.11.11, 10:46 / Israel News

    Jewish organizations in Germany have expressed their shock over plans in Greece to involve the extreme right wing party LAOS, led by Georgios Karatzaferis, in Greece’s provisional government.

    Greek media reported Thursday that Karatzaferis played a central role in the steps that led to the establishment of a government that would try to navigate Greece out of its debt crisis by implementing a European financial plan. The reports also said he was set to be part of the new government.

    Reports claim that in the last few years, Karatzaferis made a long line of anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli statements. After the 9/11 attacks in New York, the politician posed the question “why were all the Jews warned not to come to work that day?” before the Greek parliament.

    On a televised debate with Israel’s ambassador to Greece he said: “Lets talk about all these tales of Auschwitz and Dachau”; in 2002 during a parliament session he asked the then Greek prime minister: “Is it true that your daughter secretly married a Jew?”; and during Operation Cast Lead in 2008, Karatzaferis said that the IDF was acting “with savage brutality only seen in Hitler’s time towards helpless people.”

    Greek media reported that LAOS, the Popular Orthodox Rally party – an extreme right party established by Karatzaferis in 2000 with 7% of the vote in the last elections – will most likely be a partner in the national unity government.

    They will join the government together with the left-wing PASOK party which has been in power until only recently, and the right-wing New Democracy party. It was claimed that Karatzaferis may even take up a role as a minister.

    In the last few days, the Central Committee of German Jews published a letter in which they demanded that European countries put pressure on the central parties in Greece to refuse to cooperate with the party.

    “A professed anti-Semitic politician cannot serve in a government with which the German government will need to negotiate billions in aid,” Committee Chairman Dieter Graumann told Germany’s Bild.


    The world is governed by idiots who hate you and your race. They are trying to exterminate you and yours. The world needs a dose of commonsense. Doctor’s orders: Give it a jab of Mantra today.

  2. #2 by Dick_Whitman on 11/12/2011 - 6:11 pm


    of course what if that “anti-Semite” Greek leader actually was skilled in political-economy and had the ability to help Greece’s financial stability?

    What if a group of pro-Whites formed an organization with the mission of feeding the poor in Africa? By day they would feed the poor by night they would use media (internet, TV) to get out a consistent message against White genocide. This organization would be attacked violently by leftest peace corps types in Africa.

    This is critical to understanding the anti-White religion. No sacrament or no dogma is higher than being anti-White (and demanding White genocide).

  3. #3 by Dick_Whitman on 11/13/2011 - 1:06 am

    If the gayest, most flamboyantly queer, most hard core gerbil hiding homosexual came out on an effective consistent message against White genocide, I bet he would be called a “fag” faster by anti-White liberals than by a skinhead prison gang.

    All of this gay person’s “protections” and the liberal bragging about “bravery” would disappear and the “bashing” would come strongest from these same “tolerant” “liberals.”

    A disabled person (maybe with no legs) would have no right to protection if he came out on a pro-White consistent message in public. The anti-Whites wouldn’t see a disabled person anymore, they’d see a cosmic enemy to attack. The anti-White programming overrides the tolerance programming.

    In the religion of Political Correctness , no one is protected if they stand up to White Genocide. All that “:tolerance” crap goes out the window faster than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking-chairs.

    See General Order # 1 for White, anti-Whites below.

    General order # 1 for White, anti-Whites is:

    I will commit White genocide and stay at my post until me and my posterity are properly relieved by genocide as well.

    Hail Lucifer

  4. #4 by Bob on 11/13/2011 - 9:18 am

    Dick Whitman, your point has been proven here. A screaming anti-white here ended up calling us a bunch of queers, though his language was a lot filthier.

    Note that instead of tailgating and calling HIM a queer, I pointed out calmly that he should not not be criticizing one of the anti-whites’ closest allies, the Gay Lobby.

  5. #5 by Dick_Whitman on 11/13/2011 - 11:54 am

    Bob I remember that guy. He had a nasty disposition but undoubtedly thought of himself as very, very tolerant.

    This kind of programming is why you don’t argue with anti-Whites. We’re not dealing with anything even approaching a so called “rational” person (nobody is really rational anyway, people live by feelings, or by the spirit, or by chemicals/electric signals in the brain that we don’t fully understand).

    The mantra is a deprogramming/reprogramming tool for dealing with people who in many ways are emotionally disturbed.

    Our side is the real humanitarian side. We think everyone should have a home.
    The anti-Whites agree with us vehemently until it’s time for the White race to have a home.

    This thinking is not developed in open minded intellectual inquiry. It’s based on trauma, which is disseminated by other trauma victims. The big “anti-racists” (anti-Whites) who get paid lots of money to speak at universities traumatize and bully impressionable (and for the most part good-natured) young people into becoming traumatizers and bullies themselves.

    The abused tend to become abusers. Broken families instill trauma in their children whom in many cases recreate this trauma in their own children. White children are traumatized with White guilt stories and then go out in the street and deny American Renaissance their right to free speech.

    Anti-Whites are stuck in a trauma induced trance. The mantra is a “spell” which helps unlock this trance. We’re like Gandalf in Lord of the Rings when he removes the spell from the King. Remember the King’s “loyal” council (Wormtongue) is the one who helps maintain the trance. The King could not think logically until he was awoken from the spell. Then he was fighting mad (he threw Wormtongue down the stairs of the castle)!

    We at BUGS are trying to wake the world up from the Anti-White spell.

  6. #6 by Dick_Whitman on 11/13/2011 - 4:07 pm

    I think it would be hysterical if a black, Jewish, handicapped, “transgendered” person came out on a consistent message against White genocide. hahaha. What if this person started demanding a home for all people including White people?

    Regardless of the number of “protections” that this person once held, she/he would be viciously attacked by very, very “tolerant” people.

    If Bob really wants to spend his money on something I suggest hiring a Black-Jewish-Handicapped-Transgendered person who will learn the mantra and our basic talking points. Maybe $33,000 for the year for 8 hours a day making YouTube videos and trying to get on mainstream media. This person will demand Justice!

    I just want to see the anti-Whites try to deal with this contrast in their programming. Their circuits may reach overload?

    • #7 by Genseric on 11/13/2011 - 11:55 pm

      A Black woman by the name of Patricia McCallister comes to mind.

      She already has proven she has more balls than most of N&J. She put her livelihood on the line not once, but many times in order to speak the truth about the hebrew elite.

      I am not sure if that makes her reckless or an asset.

      I wonder if she’d do the Mantra?

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