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A Disunited Europe

Posted by Bob on November 14th, 2011 under Coaching Session

One thing nobody but me discusses is the fact that Communism is he first system that failed purely because it was silly. The European Union is collapsing for exactly the same reason.

The theory behind United Europe is multiculture and multiracialism.

But let’s translate that into English. Europe is now operating under the theory that the people who inhabit a country have nothing to do with the nature of the country. A brown Germany will still be Germany as long as it hires the right professors and has the books and documents Germany consists of.

In the New Right Papers I wrote the forbidden words: “Mexico is poor because it is populated by Mexicans.”

We see that in the Euro currency crisis. The Euro was based on the idea that a European currency could ignore the fact that Greece is still run by Greeks and Italy is still run by Italian politicians. Pieces of paper would take care of that because only anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews would say that economics is not just a matter of paper.

So they drew up some papers that made Greece, Portugal and Germany one, a single economy with a single currency.

You see, what finally killed Communism was the simple fact that an entire economy run directly by bureaucrats is ridiculous. It is unworkable..

What is killing the economies that adopted the Euro is the idea that Greeks are Germans.

Americans love to repeat “America is a Land of Immigrants,” but they get all upset about the open borders because they don’t want to live at a Mexican level.

These absurdities are becoming practical, not just theoretical, as they did when the USSR showed its first sign of unwillingness to shoot anybody who disagreed. The whole facade collapsed instantly.

We will see more facades, like the Euro, collapsing.

We have seen a total change in attitude about immigration since the 70s, when Joe Sobran demanded open borders and Pat Buchanan said we fought World War II to open Europe to third world immigration.

But the libservative establishment keeps people from looking at the real reason that this crap is crap. Nobody openly discusses the fact that Communism collapsed because the Mommy Professors who said ”Intellectuals Should Rule’ were total and complete morons.

No one openly discusses the fact that a country which says that the people have nothing to do with the country they inhabit makes all immigration laws immoral.
Their stuff doesn‘t work because it is ridiculous, not because it is somehow subtly and intellectually incorrect.

Point and laugh at them and they will cower back into the holes they belong in.

  1. #1 by Genseric on 11/14/2011 - 6:21 am

    It is as you have said before, Bob.

    The ONLY reason we are even at this point now is because we did NOT, and do not, point and laugh every time they further their ridiculous agenda by opening up their anti-White mouths.

    Treating them with a modicum of respect is fallacy. Cut them to ribbons I always say.

    There is a season (and a reason) for treason. Tyrants DEMAND obedience and subservience. Thank god for Jefferson and Franklin.

    Thank god for Whitaker.

  2. #2 by backbaygrouch on 11/14/2011 - 7:21 am

    The differences between Greeks and Germans is great. But the same thieving bloodsuckers prey off both. Lost in the media hullabaloo about the impending Greek default is who enabled the crisis. A mechanism was devised to hide the mounting Greek debt and to defraud lenders. Enter a third party, neither Greek or German. Ever hear of Goldman Sachs?

    There are predators and parasites feasting upon the carcass of the White race as it is being genocided. It is not a conspiracy even though much of it is hidden from public view. It is predators and parasites being what they are. It is stupid to allow them to flourish. They can not live in sunlight. The Mantra is a burst of truth from old Sol.

  3. #3 by H.Avenger on 11/14/2011 - 10:10 am

    “We have seen a total change in attitude about immigration since the 70s, when Joe Sobran demanded open borders and Pat Buchanan said we fought World War II to open Europe to third world immigration.”

    People always forget Buchanan said THAT. I bet he regrets it now. That is the beauty of the Mantra. Most Paleoconservatives want to wiggle into some kind of message. That is dangerous for those who want to be political leaders some day. For those on the Mantra, you don’t have to worry about being misquoted. Nor do you have to worry about someone calling you out 30 years from now and saying:”he is one of those fools who was talking about replacement and not White GeNOcide!”.

    Hindsight vision is always 20/20……and it also lends itself to the truth.

    • #4 by Genseric on 11/14/2011 - 12:05 pm

      Or worse yet, White Extinction. As if it is part of some Darwinian Evolutionary Process which cannot be helped.

      Guilty of the former,

  4. #5 by Dave on 11/14/2011 - 12:13 pm

    It is hilarious to watch the Establishment and academics go through their contortions to imagine a “reform” that includes racial diversity.

    What they wanted was a racially diverse socialist utopia and what they got was the Old Confederacy.

    Europe couldn’t even get the basic financial plumbing right.

    In contrast, Americans know that IT IS INEVITABLE that WHITE IOWA will run a trade surplus with COLORED CALIFORNIA. Accordingly, the inevitable annual sum that the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco owes the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis MUST be cleared and PRIVATELY FINANCED.

    To permit otherwise would be to allow California to print dollars and at least in America we have the wisdom not to allow niggers to counterfeit money. That privilege is reserved for New York Jews.

    No such wisdom exists in Europe. So predicting the fate of the Euro is easy. It ceases to exist the very moment the German Central Bank ceases to honor its correspondent account with the Central Bank in Portugal, forcing Portugal to pay its bills on real terms.

    Living in a world that shall be divided forever is fun, isn’t it?

  5. #6 by Truck Roy on 11/15/2011 - 12:36 am

    Mexico is poor because it is populated by Mexicans.

  6. #7 by Epiphany on 11/16/2011 - 6:43 pm

    Both the original Hindus and the original Jews were Whites! I suspect, what happened was that both made the mistake of converting darker skinned people to their respective religions, and race mixing with those dark skinned people. The idea of the Arya, or Aryan Race, as well as the conception of the Chosen People, came from the confidence of the White Man.

  7. #8 by Epiphany on 11/16/2011 - 6:45 pm

    In Ancient Times, a much larger portion of the species Homo sapiens was made up of the White Race. Ironically, it is PRECISELY because of the British, and other Colonial Powers of Europe, that there are as many African Negroes and Arabs as there are now.

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