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Conspiracy As Usual

Posted by Bob on November 16th, 2011 under Coaching Session

It is easy for the average person to think there is a conspiracy when, actually, all that exists is an understanding. One very good example is what I said about what you say versus what you know about Israel if you are getting a staff job on Capitol Hill.

You know exactly what you have to say about Israel in an interview on the Hill. At the same time, if you actually BELIEVED that line, you couldn’t get a job in a million years among professionals.

Everybody can look you in the eye and quote, “All men are equal.“ But if somebody actually BELIEVED that, you would watch them carefully as you walked away.

That is why amateurs so easily believe there has to be a downright conspiracy. If I didn’t know that carpenters spend years learning their trade, I could easily believe there was book with The Carpenters’ Conspiracy because the only thing I get from boards and a saw is bleeding hands.

It is true that everybody in the media takes exactly the prescribed position at just the right time. The professional liberal knows exactly what stand to take, and so does the professional conservative.

But that’s not because it’s written down somewhere. It is because that is their meal ticket, their occupation, and you don’t NEED to say it out loud.

Someone from outside our culture would find it hard to believe that there was no written plan. But after all these decades, you and I know exactly what stand National Review or any given talking head is going to take on any of a huge range of things that come up.

The only reason we don’t think it’s a Conspiracy is because we’re used to it.

  1. #1 by Lord Nelson on 11/16/2011 - 8:31 am

    I realized this years ago when me and some work friends were talking about writing a book about our shared working experiences. Non of us were professional writers or even amateur politicians and yet, when we got to the part about a very bad former manager who just happened to Black. Every one of us instinctively knew that if the book was ever going to have a chance of being published, we would need to be very careful about how we covered that particular subject.

    I would have to be insane to believe that my friends were all part of some secret Anti-White conspiracey. And I also knew that I sure as hell wasn’t. And yet, we all instinctively knew we could not write the truth about that Black guy.

  2. #2 by Dave on 11/16/2011 - 1:48 pm

    The larger question is, when does stupid dog trick politics come to an end?


    People lose sight of this. In the middle of wars, everybody believes the war will never end, but it does.

    In the middle of recessions, people believe the recession will never end, but it does.

    This anti-white orthodoxy has been going on since the end of WWII, one hell of a long time. It is obviously long in the tooth, but people think it will never end. They are wrong. It will.

    But when? When?

    Soon perhaps. Perhaps.

  3. #3 by BGLass on 11/16/2011 - 2:11 pm

    You hear this in corporate life all the time. Like, someone will say, “What’s the word on that?” Or “how are we handling that?” Or a reference to the tone setter: ‘what’s so and sos take on it?”

    This is the real fascist headset, imo (in the negative sense of the word). Corporatists, top-down, order-takers, non-thinkers, robots, etc.

    Once, had a boss who’d escaped a communist country. Somebody in the first meeting said something acceptably leftie/respectable conservative. The boss said, “That has been discredited” (meaning that left-right thinking). And that was the end of that.

    The leftie/respectable shut up. But it wasn’t because they were thinking.

    When people see this sort of subservient mentality in themselves, it should scare them, imo—and yet it never does.

    Nothing ever applies to them. The “stupid masses” are always someone else, lol. Never themselves.

  4. #4 by shari on 11/16/2011 - 2:22 pm

    After ww2, everybody started making their money by getting a college degree and getting a place in the system. This seemed to work for two generations, but it’s working less and less for those following the “boomers.” That in it’s self would mean a lot of “see it, don’t say it” would have to end. Anti-White really is a LOAD of genocidal crock.

  5. #5 by Coniglio Bianco on 11/16/2011 - 3:30 pm

    Speaking of conspiracies I just found a jew using the mantra to JUSTIFY genocide against the Palestinians.

    Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when Arab terrorism pours into Israel and ONLY Israel.

    The United States has the Patriot Act, and Britain has the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act, but nobody says that the United States or Britain will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of potential terrorists and quote assimilating unquote with them.

    Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for Israel and ONLY Israel to open themselves up to all those terrorists.

    What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-Muslims were brought into the West Bank and Gaza and ONLY the West Bank and Gaza?

    How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the JEWISH problem?

    And how long would it take any sane Jewish man to notice this and what kind of psycho Jewish man wouldn’t object to this?

    But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of terrorism against my homeland, Israel, Liberals and Islamofascists agree that I am a neoconwhowantstokillsixmillionarabs.

    They say they are anti-Zionist. What they are is anti-Jew.

    • #6 by OldBlighty on 11/16/2011 - 5:05 pm

      He is in breach of copyright.

      Copyright Policies

      Robert Whitaker grants full and free use of his ideas and writings as they pertain to aiding others in stating the facts about white race genocide and its agenda of forced non-white immigration and integration into ALL white countries and ONLY white countries.

  6. #7 by Epiphany on 11/16/2011 - 5:05 pm

    Well, Conspiracy Theories are fun to listen to, until one starts to believe them. Then, they get scary!

  7. #8 by Epiphany on 11/16/2011 - 5:08 pm

    I almost wish that I had never seen any of the Star Wars movies. Had I not done so, neither the Soviet Union nor the Third Reich would have held any fascination for me. Still, that is the problem with the franchise: it creates curiosity for real, historical tyrannies! And, that is never good.

    More to the point, is the movies are too morally black and white. In this respect, they remind one of the entire idea of war propaganda!

  8. #9 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/16/2011 - 7:02 pm

    #4 Shari: Nice insight!

    #5 by Coniglio Bianco: On a quick first reading, I thought it very effective. Then I read it more carefully…doesn’t it become logical nonsense when he writes “JEWISH problem” instead of “PALKESTINIAN problem”? Not that it might much matter for his purposes.

    #3 Dave:

    Maybe the strongest block to ending today’s anti-White orthodoxy is the appealing idea that every person be judged on their “individual merit.”

    Many Whites can’t get beyond this stumbling block, which as presently formulated is anti-White since it precludes maintaining White neighborhoods, White schools, or even a White race.

    A reformulation may be in order!

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