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Potemkin Patriotism

Posted by Bob on November 18th, 2011 under Coaching Session

I notice that all the vets are now wearing hats that say “I Am a … Veteran.”

Insert WWII, Iraq, whatever.

And everybody is raising money for veterans.

A person who was drafted might have a right to some fund raising. But those who chose soldiering as their profession are supposed to be taken care of by the government.

But veterans’ welfare has nothing to do with this flood of direct mail and TV ads telling us how wonderful they are.

Also if one wants to be “patriotic,” he may have the raw courage to put an American flag on his car.

In Britain flying the British Colors is often ruled a Hate Crime.

The real reason is that today the only allowable show of “patriotism” is to praise those in actual uniforms or to fly the USA flag.

But no one will repeat the phrase “Mom and Apple Pie.“ It is sexist, racist, and denigrates the diversity of our diet.

In fact in our day patriotism makes not the slightest bit of sense.

There is, officially, no group of people who are Americans and no culture to be loyal to. The words “patriotism” and “melting pot” are like oil and water.

But you need to do SOMETHING on the Fourth of July. So you launch fireworks and keep your mouth shut.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 11/18/2011 - 7:04 am

    Perhaps the most really oppressed group in the United States today is the National Guard. The best picture to come out of Iraq was a truck carrying troops and a sign: One Weekend a Month – My Ass. I have a nephew on his fourth deployment. He signed up to be a reservist should this country be invaded or to be on the ready if his community suffered some sort of disaster.

    The government is in complete breach of contract. Reenlistments are extorted. Either you re up and take a bonus or a stop order is issued and you go without the bonus. Some choice. The good soldiers, the frontline ones, are disproportionately White Christians. Their families and careers are being devastated. These men and women are being drafted de facto.

    There is one demographic that significantly under serves. The government has to keep statistics on it because the numbers are needed to assign and hire chaplains. But the public is not allowed access to this information. It seems some in Washington think it would be anti-Semitic to publish facts depicting the religious composition of our armed forces.

    To hell with John Adams’ dictum that, “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.” White folk no longer have liberty in this land.

    In the first year of the Iraq imbroglio the Wall Street Journal published three articles about individual soldiers who gave their all. Two of them were Jews. All the facts were true, but the narrative, taken as a whole, was a lie, a Goebbels style Big Lie. The most deceptive lies are true but they are lies because they are trotted out solely to mask a greater unreality.

  2. #2 by Gavin on 11/18/2011 - 9:30 am

    The former Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, was asked about the greatest strength of Canada. He replied “the people.” He insisted that the Canadian people were wonderful and everything good, a cut above the rest. At the same time he insisted that there was no “Canadian people” and that every Asian or African who got off a plane in Toronto last year was exactly interchangeable with an old stock loyalist descendant or pure laine quebecois, of course none of this makes any sense and of course no one ever called him on it.

  3. #3 by Genseric on 11/18/2011 - 9:39 am

    In a land where the closed society refers to itself as Open. Where up is down, right is left, and good is evil.

    No wonder a strong and healthy love of our people earns us a date with the naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews branding iron.

    How very Soviet Union of us.

  4. #4 by dungeoneer on 11/18/2011 - 10:35 am

    It`s a disgusting spectacle to see the white genocide advocates get up on their hind legs and gush about “our” “National” soccer squads,or “our” Olympics,or “our” anything.

    There was a story recently of a non-white “Irish” soccer player cheering on Estonia when they played Ireland and then being called a so-and-so nigra for his brazen disloyalty.Of course the lack of “patriotism” of the non-white was a total non-issue.

    Wordism meets blood.Blood wins.

  5. #5 by BGLass on 11/18/2011 - 10:35 am

    Didn’t really follow it, but at a glance, that’s what seemed so weird about blackwater— marking that shift from the people-nation to the corporatocracy proper (fascism), and seemed no one knew what we were supposed to be saying about ourselves.

    Either we can just hire the best from anywhere, or we can’t. And if we do, is that fascism? Libertarianism? Statism? What? And then— Who’s the top dog using the public money (everyone’s attempt at saving something of what they earn) to buy the best from someplace else?

    Obviously, such an army could never have what Sun Tzu called the ‘moral law.’

    Nevertheless: shouldn’t the people benefitting pay for their own people…or what? And who’s benefitting?

    It’s a case, really, of the yankee nation mentality, imo (just can see it no other way). They want to have their cake, and eat it, too, and even that’s not enough, b/c they want everybody to LOVE them, on top of all that. ‘everything that’s mine is mine, and everything that’s yours is mine, and you shall adore me for it!” It is quite special.

    So, they want to be patriotic (b/c that’s nice and full of good songs and symbolism and creates a nice warm runny feeling in their tummy, and they feel great!)— AND they want to not have to pay, AND they want the best muscle on earth from anywhere on earth, AND everyone should love them…AND… and

    It’s exactly like the “suburbs” writ large… Like the old Arthurdales or Levittowns or green towns. The ‘BEST OF BOTH WORLDS.”

    This is what they want— everything and without paying for it. The illusion of the country with the “convenience” of the cities (meaning they don’t cook, clean, grow anything, care for a yard, etc, etc…

    In other words, having an APARTMENT, lol, with nyc chinese laundries, BUT in a country setting.

    What they call “The New South” is exactly that. Mansions built 3 feet from each other, b/c people would not know what to do with a yard. A larger apartment, essentially, (lol). Many subdivisions are this way, and with “strip malls” (plenty of shopping and choice of various sugar products for food, which is what freedom is, in this setup—and these strip malls must be identical and ten feet away, just on the other side of the ‘country’ landscaping). The “country-city” illusion that nyc people are accustomed to and try to parlay into middle america.

    To be free, in having choice of products, IS what patriotism is to some of the foreigners who came to the u.s..

    Anyway, the bottom line is something for nothing.

    the armies are just like eleanor roosevelt’s and levitt’s suburbs. At heart, scamming. But it’s not the fault of the average people just trying “to make it.”

    Trauma-based control seems key.

    Early trauma (or being convinced to frame one’s life that way, in some regard, as a victim, etc.)—- makes epople yearn, makes them hungry, makes them feel “not enough.”

    angrily, they all want to “get their own.” To get a little something for nothing (‘the best of both worlds’)— this is payback for what was taken, for what wasn’t fair.

    Individually, the main thing to fight— is wanting something for nothing, in return for what was taken away unfairly.

    that feeling is inculcated in everyone, at any level, rich-poor, educated or not, etc.

    • #6 by dungeoneer on 11/18/2011 - 11:08 am

      You`re being a bit unfocused BGLass.

      “Either we can just hire the best from anywhere,”

      White men.

      “buy the best from someplace else”

      White men.

      “the best muscle on earth”

      White men.

      Seems like blackwater is doing a good job on the racial recruitment front,no?

      • #7 by dungeoneer on 11/18/2011 - 11:16 am

        That`s Federal Tax dollars hard at work,what a pity LOL

  6. #8 by Dick_Whitman on 11/18/2011 - 11:22 am

    You make a good point about Blackwater (Xe co). That’s why I call for more racial diversity for Blackwater (Xe). I wonder if Secretary of State Clinton will support this call?

  7. #9 by Dave on 11/18/2011 - 11:31 am

    What kind of white man succumbs to the authority of Barack Obama? What kind???

    Obama is a shoeshine boy. He is a kid with bottle caps nailed to his shoes who tap dances for nickels.

    What kind of white man takes Barack Obama’s “authority” seriously?

    I don’t know any. I don’t think there are any in the Pentagon either.

    Talk about a Potemkin Village! The whole thing is a fabrication from A to Z and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT.

    That is tyranny for you. It simply runs off the rails and gets incredibly bizarre. Everybody, literally everybody, becomes a PRETENDER.

    We all know who exercises real authority and who does not, and there are no nonwhites there in actual authority. It is all pretence. Every bit of it.

  8. #10 by Dick_Whitman on 11/18/2011 - 12:12 pm

    “Obama is a shoeshine boy. He is a kid with bottle caps nailed to his shoes who tap dances for nickels.” (Dave)

    Dave, I believe most people in election based politics fit this same description. Elected officials are people who specialize in duplicity and indirection at the behest of people who push White genocide.

    Elected officals are actors. Look at Rick Perry. He’s totally plastic. He’s a plastic person. Someone posted a Frank Zappa song here the other day. Rick Perry makes me think of Zappa’s song “Plastic People.”

    Plastic People…You gotta go!

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