Archive for December, 2011


Those few of you who have gotten out in the field are not ready for another Whitakerism, a simple lesson that should become obvious as you do this: I know a lot of truths I can‘t tell you.

No, it is not Secret Masonic Wisdom. It is precisely the opposite.

As you argue with those who represent today‘s established religion, like those who have argued with each established religion in favor of sense, you find that their only play is defensive blocking. They fight you every inch of the way.

As a result, I am in the position of a scientific thinker of any other age up against today’s priests and their supporters. Can you imagine trying to explain plate tectonics to someone who is still fighting for the proposition that the Bible, analyzed carefully, sets the exact time of the Creation to six thousand years ago?

Well, yes, you KNOW that, but you haven’t THOUGHT about it.

Today, in order to really understand why the drug Provigil is likely to be held up indefinitely or why the penny is likely to keep being minted at a cost of two cents, your mind has to make bit leaps.

And every single leap you would have to make is blocked by the same kind of obstruction the few who push the Mantra get.

I was just watching a documentary I saw and discussed before on The Little Ice Age. One talking head — an Icelander, said that the Vikings in Greenland wouldn’t have starved if they had had the Inuit whale-style hook. He went on to say that, specifically, the Vikings were killed by their own racism.

He said specifically that their fatal error was that they did not intermarry with the Inuits. He laid it all out. When I wrote that here, commenters made fun of me, exactly the same way all Thoughtblockers block every step of the thought I had to take for granted when I did this stuff professionally.

Why did this documentary have that?

I have covered that. The question is why is information produced. Then I discussed how researchers get grants, how great the competition is, and how research is done if it promises to confirm our established religion.

All information produced anywhere includes a lesson in Political Correctness. Almost every BBC piece ends with what I call the Sermon, a wrap-up which puts everything said into the context of Politically Correct history.

But readers here routinely do what everybody does, they let this flow of thought, which is obvious to me, be Thought Blocked. They laugh at a critical step, they let their minds wander into stuff they wanted to say and treat this blog as a place to regurgitate.

So I have the unpleasant experience of watching bugsers act exactly like the Thought blockers they have just finished battling with.

No, what I cannot explain here is not Masonic Knowledge of Deep Secrets. What I cannot say here is a set of quick steps of unblocked thought that could lead you to understand real politics, the stuff I did professionally so well that I did it while being disabled.

Maybe the day will come when someone else will be able to stop dribbling off into recent politics or making a joke or saying the standard stuff and for God’s sake PAY ATTENTION to the long logical procession you need to have in mind.

I just hope that I am still this side of the freezer by the time I find someone like that.




Some commenters were reporting that they were accused of “tribalism” for racial loyalty. I have covered this crap a dozen times here. You have the job of going on with the fight, so you should pay attention to the stuff I’ve already spent all those hours and years dealing with.

Real bugsers are usually very good at bringing up these problems, and usually you are very good at telling each other about the points we have covered, so I’m not complaining about this one case.

Every time anti-whites bring you some old argument, they lay themselves open to a kick in the teeth. It’s like what soldiers get done to them when they try to say “surprise” a dozen times.

With this “tribalism” bit, you get to make fun of them.


Just as nobody is as dumb as a dumb man who thinks he’s smart, there is no one more hopelessly provincial than a Universalist.

They say anybody with loyalties is a “tribalist,” but we have only a few hundreds of nationalisms at the most. There are a MILLION Universal Truths. There will be more Universal Truths invented this week than all the “tribalisms” that now exist.

And no Universalism can tolerate free expression. If your only loyalty is to particular set of words, then you cannot REALLY allow people to discuss which words are best, or to use words in any but YOUR way.

People with loyalties can have freedom of thought and freedom of expression. No Universal can allow freedom of thought.

As one who has been around knows well, this means that the Wordists proclaim wildly and loudly that part of THEIR Wordism is Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Expression. The Soviet Constitution, written in a state with the most total despotism and terror in history, extols freedom of speech in a way that makes the Second Amendment look pathetic.

You cannot be loyal to words and use them freely.

And the millions of universalisms on earth, multiplying like amoebae, make what they call “provincialism” incredibly universal by comparison.

Nothing is more provincial than the demand for a single multiculture.



Mother Russia and Potemkin Patriotism

Now that one is not allowed to be loyal to anything, Potemkin Patriotism concentrates all attention on The Flag and khaki uniforms.

Veterans are sort of the new Semites, as in anti-Semitic. It was a bad mistake when the 60s protests concentrated on calling American soldiers paid killers. This tactic ended up with hardhats marching in a pro-War rally on Wall Street, American Solidarity.

With the Potemkin definition of Patriotism today, anyone who fails to worship uniforms and veterans is anti-American instead of anti-Semitic.

Like busing, the draft in the 1960s was strictly for children of working stiffs who couldn’t afford to send their children to private schools and draft-exempt colleges. Marxists used the term “working class” then.

Loyalty is something almost everyone wants. That is a basic need that Marxism tries to ignore. Lenin, who declared that any loyalty to anything but the Working Class to be treason, would have had a fit if he found out that Soviets had to call World War II The Great Patriotic War.

But the simple fact was that, even after a generation of Soviet rule, soldiers would not fight for Wordism, the Truth According to Marx.

It had to be Mother Russia.

McGovern got stomped in the 1972 election because of this backlash against people who carried the Viet Cong flag in parades and falsely informed parents that their son had been killed in Vietnam.

All that made their “working class” pretensions so absurd that they stopped using “working class” in America because it had become a joke.

In the present series of wars against Arabs, they wised up a bit when Bush, Sr. attacked Iraq and got a 90 plus approval rating for it. They have changed their tactics on loyalty.

After their 60s experience, they have finally faced the fact that their hero Comrade Stalin learned thirty years before. Marxism cannot get rid of loyalty. But it can redirect it.

This is a major blow to Marxism in the West, just as it was to the Soviets, but the simple fact is that no form of Wordism can actually replace loyalty.

That is because Wordism is silly. Students can actually believe that people can actually replace their gut feelings with a book and the Words of Mommy Professor. Like Stalin’s naming of World War II, they have given up on their belief that words can replace loyalties.

But they can divert it.

Hence the new Potemkin Patriotism. One can be a Good American by worshipping Our Men and Women in Uniform. One can even wave an American flag.

Potemkin Patriotism diverts natural loyalty to our Mother Russia, to khaki uniforms that represent loyalty to nothing, a flag dedicated to what National Review calls “post-racial America.”

Right after 911, Call for Patriotism hosted by Sidney Poitier included a shot of a white girl and a Black man wrapped together in an American flag. That ad was pulled and put into the libservative Memory Hole. It showed too plainly what loyalty means to liberals and respectable conservatives.

But it is their strategy now. Potemkin Patriotism, like The Great Patriotic War, is Wordists coming up against reality.



The Key Word is “Silly”

The word no one will use is Silly.

To be a respectable conservative you have to say that Communism fell because it was “not viable.”

A bugser would say it collapsed because it was so Silly.

These statements are worlds apart.

Our rulers are examples of Hardy’s Law:

“Nobody is dumber than a dumb man who thinks he’s smart.”

Respectable conservatives are paid to keep the academic self-image alive. The lesson of Occupy Wall Street is that there is lots of money and “activism” on the left, but everything they have proposed is not only a failure, by now it is a string of LAUGHABLE failures.

But no one who wants to get paid in the media can LAUGH at them.

The Euro is another example of this.

Mexico is poor because it is inhabited by Mexicans. Southern Europe, even inside the same country, has a standard of living which correlates best of all with the shade of he skin of the people in the area.

Brown is poor. White is rich. Unless the whites are silly asses who are Communist.

So for Germans to have a common currency with southern Europe leads directly to a collapse.

Europe took all that nation of immigrants and One Nation crap and actually TRIED it. Just as Eastern Europe took the idea of a group of professors running everything and TRIED it.

OF COURSE it failed. It’s ridiculous.

But until somebody is willing to use words like “ridiculous,” nobody is going to get the point.



The Mantra and the Fabian Principle

One of the most amazing examples, and therefore least known, is Julius Caesar’s. It concerned his invasion of Britain.

Caesar calmly pointed out that if the Britons had had the patience of Fabius Maximus and his discipline which destroyed Hannibal’s mortal threat to Rome, not only world his army have been destroyed, but he himself could never have escaped the island alive.

It didn’t worry Caesar to admit this. He knew every well that the Britons, even those who had read Roman history, could no more have discipline and wisdom than a respectable conservative could today. Like respectable conservatives, their imperatives were exactly the opposite.

British leaders made exactly the same mistake against Hannibal that the Britons made against Caesar. The difference is that Caesar, like Ole Bob, knew people so well it never OCCURRED to him that the Britons would do otherwise.

It would be like an editor at National Review actually WORRYING that one of his writers would use the Mantra!

So the Romans, like everybody but Fabius, got their hordes together, screamed, and charged.

The only group in history who used any other tactics were the Germans at Teutonburg Forest, a battle that not only stopped the Roman advance into Germany, but confirmed Augustus Caesar in his decision to end Roman expansion everywhere.

This subject comes from a Swarm comment, of course. Swarm is where our few, pitifully few, warriors run into actual problems from the other side, rather than the old theorizing abut what they MIGHT say. With impressive and necessary modesty he admitted he had had a problem with one anti-white’s reply.

The anti-white had assumed we are against ALL immigration, obviously he is used to dealing with respectables. He said that if all the immigrants were white, we wouldn’t object to it.

So, he said, we are all about racism.

If we were charging in like the Britons against Caesar, the answer would be complicated. We would point out that immigration is not a requirement of our Constitution that is very specifically, and ONLY, about “Ourselves and OUR Posterity.“

But this is exactly the opposite of the Fabian strategy, and is the key to disaster.

Caesar pointed out that when the Britons hit the Romans until the Romans ceased to be surprised and then withdrew, the Britons won the advantage, and a lot of small advantages, as Fabius found, add up to total victory.

So my answer in this case would be “Yes, it IS all about race.” “No, we would NOT call this genocide if all the immigrants were of our race.”

And above all, we would make the point: “It is all about race. Until we are able to discuss THAT openly, all this other crap you keep throwing at us is irrelevant.”

That is why the DISCIPLINE of sticking to one point makes ALL the difference.

Destroying an enemy to death by pinpricks is better than letting him escape in mere defeat.

That, or Caesar wasn’t a very good general.
