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BUGS As a Sport, Part II: the Payoff.

Posted by Bob on January 20th, 2012 under Coaching Session

As I said in Part I, hockey, basketball, La Cross, basketball and most other popular sports are the same game: several people on each side, positions almost entirely exchangeable with each other, try to get a ball into a goal.

When you suddenly are called upon to describe baseball or football to a foreigner, you suddenly realize just how DIFFERENT they are.

And, take from one of those who did it at the Sevierville Conference, the explanation of the BUGS approach it no easier for pro-whites to absorb than for anti-whites.

Actually, it may be harder to explain to pro-whites, because they don’t have the experience of getting their teeth knocked out by the Mantra itself. The punch in the face we give to anti-whites tends to fix us in their minds.

But pro-whites do not have this jarring experience, so they go on theorizing.

Pro-whites have not spent their whole intellectual lives being horse’s asses, so they do not easily appreciate how anti-whites feel when they are exposed as horse’s asses. And unless they get off their theoretical perches talking to each other and get out there with us they will never know the shock we impart.

To repeat, I nearly cleared out Opposing Views on Stormfront but nobody would adopt my tactics. No one was even curious about them.

My old friend James Edwards had me on his show at first when he was getting started. I brought in twice as many listeners as the interview with Bay Buchanan. In fact, it was a six full years before James called on me again, once his parade of — celebrities? — began.

The only reason he had me back was because he had polled his listeners about who to have back, and I came out on top. The interview was exactly as if it were six years ago,. James had no idea what I had done since. Like all my interviewers except Truck Roy, he couldn’t even START the Mantra.

James though I was still trying to sell my 2004 book.

It is not that James is somehow a villain in this. The first thing a pro understands is that different people are seeking different goals. James is going for a sympathetic audience. His payoff has to be money and members. As with American football versus basketball/soccer, La Cross, hockey, and the rest, our system of scoring is entirely different, and it can only be learned playing the game.

Like everyone outside BUGS, in almost ANY movement, James’s program survives by getting people to listen for hours or to send in money. If he doesn’t keep regularly scoring goals he is out of business.

For soccer/football. hockey/La Crosse, etc. fans the complicated scoring and entirely different nature of positions in American football are bewildering and pointless. The average News and Jews listener doesn’t want to deal with our whole new methods of scoring.

Nor can he understand that, while developing a new game, we have to learn the scoring ourselves.

We are trying to plant the Mantra, and where it gets planted, you don’t need volumes sold.

  1. #1 by Adelheim_ on 01/20/2012 - 6:22 am

    It seems that the best way of recruiting and attracting new people is by action. You show how it is done and attract the ones who are interested.

    When Bob was posting on Stormfront I looked at what he was doing and worked on copying his method. Making a point and posting the mantra. Lord Nelson did the same thing.

    After all these years we now have Swarmfront on Stromfront. Yesterday I got a pm from a bugster saying that the new way of recruiting from Stormfront was to post the links in the section «Where did you post the mantra today?» on Swarmfront also. Show people what we are doing.

    So maybe it is like a ball game. They have to watch us bugster play our game, and then we can explain the rules and how it is done to the ones who are interested.

  2. #2 by Dave on 01/20/2012 - 9:02 am

    Our method of scoring is NOT esoteric. The Mantra exists because reality has trumped theory.

    So let us not take the sports analogy too far. Every sport is an esoteric activity. That is why outsiders have a difficult time getting clued in without orientation.

    The strength of the Mantra is that it sheds the esoteric completely and moves to confrontation directly. No wordist approach (news and Jews) can compete with this. No one need be clued into another’s obsession and enrolled in a program.

    I use the Mantra on everybody around me, white and nonwhite. Accordingly they are under my influence. And it comes from me personally and my absorption in the weapon. Those around me HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT. I give them NO CHOICE.

    My instinct for survival is not an obsession. My rage in response to the wholesale assault on my people, our property, our lands, our heritage, our posterity is not an obsession. It is survival instinct.

    Since the assault on us is not going away, the Mantra is not going away. It is a weapon for breaking a siege. It is a weapon for resisting assault. And the “scoring” is easy. It is simply measured in the assault and confrontation that is UNAVOIDABLE.

    The news and Jews types and theorizers are still trying to convince themselves that a real war exists. We have not got time for that, hence the Mantra. The Mantra exists because reality has trumped theory.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 01/20/2012 - 10:16 am

    Read the comments at James’ site or OD, SBDL and feel the helplessness of the esoteric, that is wordism. Same for those on youtube who scrawl nigger over and over, that is helplessness. Go to AmRen, alt-right, takimag and read intellectual esoterica in the darkly lit theatre of the conservative web and that is helplessness.

    Except for a couple of damaged posters here at BUGs there is no helplessness here, we are effective.

    Darn good idea to link our best threads of defeating anti-Whites thruout the web ring.

  4. #4 by James C on 01/20/2012 - 3:45 pm

    I was listening to TPC the other night and was yelling at my mp3 player. James can get SO close, but then not go in for the kill.

    I really appreciate the work they do there, they’ve built up a platform that allows conservatives to move into white nationalists. They’ve got a sympathetic audience for our message, I just wish they understood how to deliver the death blow.

    Before Bob’s 2nd appearance, I personally lobbied Winston Smith to have Mr. Whitaker back on, and I’m going to try to call in tomorrow to hammer home our message.

  5. #5 by James C on 01/20/2012 - 3:53 pm

    I’m sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring Mr. Whitaker’s point about the difference between what it takes to succeed at a radio show or membership organization, and what it takes to bring down an evil empire or start a revolution.

    Mr. Whitaker’s analysis of the survival imperatives of organizations are always appreciated.

    I see venues like TPC as a way of advancing our game plan.

  6. #6 by Peter Whiterabbit on 01/20/2012 - 4:04 pm

    How is the MP3/Kelso advertising campaign going?

  7. #7 by Peter Whiterabbit on 01/20/2012 - 4:30 pm

    Meaning A3P, of course:)

  8. #8 by Creator on 01/20/2012 - 5:33 pm

    Good one, coach, thanks!

  9. #9 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/21/2012 - 2:09 am

    I need to post this somewhere…I PM’d Linda Kelso an apology for an inconsiderate comment I’d posted here and sent to her, and got a pleasant note back from her that included this:

    “Please let the BUGSters know that the money donated so far (we’ve received only 2 or 3 checks, I believe, but need to confirm with Jamie first as I’m not entirely sure) will go to political ads.  Political ads take time, they take planning and consultation, so please also let them know that patience is a virtue as things done in haste won’t work in our favor.  Jamie’s already spoken to Bob and he agrees.”

  10. #10 by Peter Whiterabbit on 01/21/2012 - 8:58 am

    Thanks for the update HD.

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