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Ole Bob Praises and Then He Bitches

Posted by Bob on October 5th, 2012 under Coaching Session

I bitch at you all the time.

Many a student has edged past a nervous breakdown when he had a good teacher: “Won’t ANYTHING satisfy him?”

The answer, if you think about it, is no. No good teacher is EVER satisfied with a student who shows potential.

All my life I would have given intimate parts of my body to be able to talk to a group like BUGS, where I don’t have to start out every time at the Kindergarten level. I do say when you do well, which is more than a lot of good teachers remember to do, but I also keep bitching.Photobucket

In the article where I answered Genseric’s question about the basic freedom of whites to freedom of association and to work together, the replies I got would have delighted any sane teacher.

But not me.

Commenters gave me learned discussions of freedom and related things.

But open system thinking means that there is more to a discussion than just answering the question asked.

The article reminded you that the entire anti-white tower is built on the integrationist idea that “desegregation” will collapse if one single white is allowed to escape. Hence my classic example of the SPLC seeing nothing odd about raising money to integrate northern Idaho.

Do whites have a right to work and live together?

Ask any member of Congress and he will say NO. The Supreme Court has repeatedly said NO.

As Bill O’Reilly said, “There is no room for an all-white community anywhere in the United States.”

While we completely miss the point, don’t even come near it, the anti-whites have always said that ANY white person allowed to prefer whites must be met by force.

So let’s get our minds out of being glued to “Freedom, yes or no,” a closed system. Anti-whites are absolutely agreed that ANY all-white areas would be fatal to their cause. That is possible and also great.

It’s just that nobody but me is going to mention it.

And that is a situation YOU must CURE.

We may USE little but the Mantra right now. But we also have to do more general thinking HERE.

  1. #1 by Vale on 10/05/2012 - 7:18 am

    Horus’ Open System thinking is obviously important; that’s why I’m going to ask for some clarification. I thought I understood it, but the past few articles have convinced me I don’t.

    Could Horus or one of the veterans explain what Open Systems thinking is, why its important, how its different, etc? I’m so stuck in “closed system” thinking I’d appreciate the opportunity to unlearn it.

  2. #2 by Jason on 10/05/2012 - 7:36 am

    Anti-Whites are hunting down and destroying every single all-White area on the planet. All must be forced to assimilate with absolutely no exceptions. Any area that remains all-White is a beacon to other Whites, and is therefore a threat to the Anti-White System.

    They are threats, whether they are ibertarian, Fascist or a Kingdom. This is not ideological. It is the wiping out a biological group.

    They want us all gone. Most Whites have assumed that the main motivation of our enemies is ideological. That was wrong.

    Many Whites say they don’t see themselves under an existential threat. Yet, in the next sentence, they will say, who cares if Whites go away, we will all be some brown color in the future. It looks as if they are in serious DENIAL of the obvious.

    I’m afraid of lot of that is cowardice parading as courage. They are terrified of speaking out, and mainly of letting THEMSELVES fully know the truth. So they PRETEND it isn’t happening or that they are “libertarian individualists” who don’t care about crude things like “tribalism”. They make a virutue out of disloyalty.

    I’ve rambled. I know Bob is looking for something else, and I can’t provide it right now, but it helps me to think out loud. I think Open Systems thinking is important and Horus is right about new technologies and the need to adapt immediately to them. I would like to hear him expound on it more.

  3. #3 by Jason on 10/05/2012 - 7:42 am

    People use blogs and YouTube to create whole online communities, along with twitter. Skype and Facetime are more tools. There are opportunities for all kinds of presentations, lectures, group meetings, etc. in online environments (or on an IPhone). This can be done by White people ALL over the earth in real time. That is a totally new tool in our hands.

    I’ve been sending tweets. I’ve gotten responses from various TV stars and newscasters.
    I had Keith Olbermann snarl at me. Same with Alec Baldwin and Roseanne Barr. I was experimenting. If you learn how to push the right buttons, they often feel compelled to respond (although that window may be closing, since they seem to be realizing responding off the cuff is dangerous for their career).

    But I wonder if several of us had twitter accounts and hit several big names it might get the message out, at least to that person. Perhaps get in their head and disrupt their thinking? Very mini-mantras to fit Twitter 140 character length would be needed. I wonder about 10 of us bombarding some reasonable conservative who pushed White Genocide.

    I did some reviews on Amazon, and it can get hot. I wrote a review of Joan Walsh’s new book and it got a LOT of responses. I noticed she was on Chris Matthews stating that she wasn’t trying to be Anti-White with her book. She sounded a bit defensive. So, I think these unusual venues can have a big impact.

    I’ve rambled again. I love the interaction with ALL of you, whether we agree or not, it helps me. And I especially value Bob’s input as we all do. I say, bitch and praise, as you see fit, Bob, just don’t stop driving us further.

    By the way, online is a place in which we can gather in communities that can’t be disbanded for being all White. This is powerful. I think 30 of us interacting online continuously over a year is more valuable than a grand physical meeting every 6 months.

  4. #4 by Gavin on 10/05/2012 - 10:09 am

    Sometimes when I brought up the fact that anti-Whites have targeted every White country and only White countries for massive third world immigration and assimilation an anti-White thinking he was very clever would point to some country in Eastern Europe like Ukraine and claim that this country has not yet been flooded with non-Whites therefor they are not targeting every White country and it’s not genocide. I would then ask them if they would support Ukraine as a White homeland. Of course they couldn’t say yes…because we all know very well that they wouldn’t support Ukraine or any other place on Earth as a White homeland. In the anti-White mind there can be no place on Earth for Whites.

    • #5 by steadiness on 10/05/2012 - 1:22 pm


      i’m going to start using that, thanks.

  5. #6 by Simmons on 10/05/2012 - 11:11 am

    We are living in the Jim Jones cult writ large. Instead of one crazy white man with delusions we have thousands of crazy white anti-whites with delusions.

    But of course folks the answer is in the Mantra, even Bob forgot that. Yes, the other races want our genocide, but they do not want their own genocide.

    So that leaves us with crazy white anti-whites to deal with, and folks those rancid POS have a due date. We at BUGs are destroying their “Moral Authority” this is big folks, bigger than all the 5000 word essays that you have ever read, even if you compilated them into an encyclopedia set.

  6. #7 by cecilhenry on 10/05/2012 - 11:47 am

    “no room for an all-white community anywhere”?

    I can’t believe O-Reilly would say that and not see how hateful and genocidal it is.

    That’s saying a people have no right to exist and associate unless he approves.

    Comrade, I see your stripes again. Back to the USSR!!

  7. #8 by apator57 on 10/05/2012 - 7:58 pm

    Last night 3 white neighbors & i sat around cracker barreling. We all r old students of american polity & i guess im the only 1 with a racialist perspective n r group. We started discussing the Bill of rights; how it was written 2 protect the natural/ inalienable rts of liberty & property. We then started discussing the 3rd amendment which basically forbids r govt from forcing a private home owner to room & board a military member (r anyone else for that matter) without the home owners consent. This was a safeguard written because the brits forced the colonialists to “Quarter” british soldiers n their homes without colonial consent. Was 1 of the major reasons we went 2 war with the brits. US govt said no more will we allow the nat rts of association & the nat property rts of r citizens 2 b infringed upon. Having been heavily influenced by nat rts democracy; the belief of inalienable rts, they understood that no legislator r politician can usurp these rts because they r beings like us & these nat rts arent “Paper rights” : something 2 b granted & then resinded at a mere man’s whim. In closing i stated 2 them “U know, the US GOVT may not have the rt 2 make me r u 2nonconsentially quarter a soldier n r private property home, but they sure as hell, through civil rt laws & discrimination laws they wrote & passed, claim the right to make me “Quarter” a nonwhite n my room 4 rent without my consent. That if i dont rent 2 this nonwhite the US GOVT will use up 2 deadly force 2 make me comply with their wishes.
    As white people this is r choice: R compliance is r consent & r consent reinforces the enemy position. R nonconsent is a groin shot 2 the enemy; a foundation buster. The brits attacked the colonials nat rts because n so doing they dehumanized the colonials. The System attacks r nat rts of assoc & nat property rts 2 dehumanize us. The only reason a system dehumananizes a specific geno group; r geno group is 2 genocide us:THE WHITE RACE.” After stating all this 2 them, I reinforced my words with the complimenting logic of the mantra: “Africa 4 africans..etc.

  8. #9 by Jmcaul on 10/06/2012 - 2:53 am

    Apator, what you wrote may or may not have substance to it I could not tell. Your decision to use abbreviations and Internet slang made the whole of your post too choppy to decipher. Seriously. If you’re going to post here please do so in PLAIN ENGLISH, not in adolescent style slang. We have fun here and we have senses of humor but for Pete’s sake, show some respect for the mission of BUGS. I feel certain I am speaking for everyone else who’s been here a little while too and who takes white genocide seriously. Your insistence on excessive abbreviations demonstrates a certain laziness of commitment to and lack of regard for the deadly seriousness of white genocide. It’s off-putting.

  9. #10 by Cleric Preston on 10/07/2012 - 6:05 am

    Ditto !

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