Archive for October 7th, 2012

The Mantra is RUDE!

The Mantra is simply saying what anti-whites say in plain English. Many a time I have heard discussions on television which took it for granted that the solution to the race problem was intermarriage. A typical quote is that of a guy who said that he looked forward to the day when all humanity looked like Polynesians.

A David Duke or anyone else who says the same thing is immediately disagreed with. “No one ever said any such thing.”Marie Antoinette with her children

As an interrogator, I get a buzzing when a term is used.

Like “all humanity.” I remember that the guys talking sincerely believe that America consists of Manhattan, Hollywood, and “flyover country.” Their definition of “all of America” and “all humanity” are bound to be rigidly, and HONESTLY, different from reality. For them to include flyover country as part of humanity is a huge concession to sophisticated thinking.

To be Sophisticated American you have to include Europe.

Like America, their Europe is an abbreviated version, Paris, London, and Pastoral Scenes right off that great sophisticated philosopher who never left French speaking Europe, Rousseau.

So when they say “all humanity,” it is a bit like including Tennessee in Sophisticated Humanity. It’s just plain Rude.

It never occurs to commentators that “all humanity” includes Asia or Africa or anyplace that isn’t even flyover country. Or Paris or Rome or Pastoral Europe.

As you are now fully aware, any reference of this sort is just plain Rude.
