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Die Heilige Zeitgeist

Posted by Bob on October 1st, 2013 under Bob's Meanderings

I have been reading “The God Delusion,” a best-seller by Richard Dawkins written about 2006.

It turns out that Dawkins founded the biggest and most successful Christian revivalist organization in Australia some years back.

Reading between the lines, he seems to have had a change of heart.

My own sympathy with Dawkins is that he is not just an atheist, he is anti-religion.Image Hosted by

You will probably understand that that is related to my own decision to become Catholic, though almost nobody besides a BUGSER would see the connection.

My decision to leave the Methodist Church was because my grandfather was a circuit rider. The sermons he wrote down are full of “The Devil” and “Hell.”

Like our first ancestor in America, my grandfather was a RELIGIOUS preacher. God or Heaven or Hell or NOTHING.
No respectable upper class Episcopal compromises.

Religion is absolutely right or it is RIDICULOUS.

The closest Biblical quote to my attitude would be, “They were lukewarm, and he spit them out.”

Catholicism is a CHURCH. Mainline Protestantism is not.

By the same token religion is either true or it is a horror.

I like the fact that Dawkins, having become an atheist, CONDEMNS religion.

Except maybe one, which he doesn’t see he might be promoting.

But in his book, Dawkins advoctes the Zeitgeist, the “spirit of the times.” He would never suspect it, but he is attacking the Old Religion by speaking very suspiciously in the terms of the new religion.

If you are used to German, it is ironic that “Zetigeist” is suspiciously close to “die Heilige Geist,” which means “The Holy Spirit.”

A suspicious mind will always pick up a suspicious similarity where denouncing the Old Religion uses language that is so close to new one.

  1. #1 by shari on 10/03/2013 - 10:08 am

    Just ask yourself, if you want something good or something bad. White genocide is bad. Aiding it either actively or passively is bad.

  2. #2 by Daniel Genseric on 10/04/2013 - 3:48 am

    The militant Catholics of old were good for our people. Sadly, they have been replaced with career child rapists and anti-white martial artists.

    I know because that’s why I left the CHURCH…

  3. #3 by BGLass on 10/12/2013 - 11:30 am

    I totally don’t get this; what could be the difference between circuit riders and romanism? And the VTO (vatican trade organization) seems very much a country, not a religious deal.

    Kenya has all that the VTO does: sex and bank scandals, it’s own banks, archives full of treasures taken from people during wars, (even if they’re just beads or something, lol), Kenya says it has right to collect money from the population, in tithes-taxes, just like VTO, it has spies, intrigues, political embassies around the world, it does things against the people’s will, is involved in Genocides, etc.

    Japan has all these things, China has these things, Mexico has these things—- but none of them call themselves a “church.”

    Agree with Daniel that there was a time when that entity was good for our people. But that was a long time ago.

    Having been to catholic classes, I KNOW that segments of the white population are still degraded and taught as “heresy” and that it’s ok to destroy them (and in fact desirable). Not to mention role in immigrations of mexico and in harbor “ira” and so on, like in nyc.

    Why you would do this then, Mr. Whitaker, I do not know.

    That group frightens me for what it teaches and supports, against europeans, and also hides about european history and genocides.

    Also—- if you are from early americans then to teach about their lives and deeds, and even justify them to a degree, seems a white thing to do, to uphold where one has come from and the ancestors, not “universalism.” Idk. I’ll keep reading this post

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