Archive for October 21st, 2013
White Rabbit Interview
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 10/21/2013
A commenter says Horus will be intervieiwed at 8 PM on Renegade Radio:
“Horus the Avenger will be interviewed by Kyle Hunt on this Monday, Oct 21, at 8:00pm Eastern.
Log on to to access the stream.”
I know absolutely nothing about RR, but ignorance doesn’t stop the SPLC, so why should it it matter to me? The whole point of their article about White Rabbit was to tell the world his name and address, but they got his age wrong.
I took one quick look, and Renegade Radio is tiny and says so.
I plan to listen in but I don’t want White Rabbitts acknowledge me personally.
There is very little that is more of a turnoff to listeners — and in this case I use the word “turnoff” literally — that having two insiders talk about each other in aninterview. This a very easy mistake to make, I made it in myelf in my last inteview with James Edwards. It is so much easier to think of something to say to someone you know than something of interest to the audience at large.
Which is exacly WHY there are lots of people who can talk to individuals and so few who can talk to audiences.
While preparing this article, it occurred to me that, unlike White Rabbit, this sort of very small scale exposure to being interviewed is needed by RANK AND FILE BUGSERS.
If you screw up, you are anonymous and it would be hard to find a single person who ever heard it.
In return, a really tiny show would appreciate the few extra listeners we mght provide.
We could have a policy of announcing such interviews. Hopefully, some will here will listen and call in just to make it a good way for a small show to get a little boost.
I emphasize that we are not offering Horus or my services here. The purpose would be for BUGSERS without experience to one to get it AND give our message some extra exposure.
It is just POSSIBLE that if it became known that tiny interview shows had a BUGSER on, they would get a predictable tiny addition to their listener numbers.
The chances of this working are probably a hundred to one against.
By now a lot of you have far more practical knowledge about things like this than I do. There could be something wrong with it that is obvious to you but not to me.
That is why are are a SEMINAR.
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