Archive for April 12th, 2014


In the absence of facts, men created legends.

In a documentary, some middle-aged aboriginals were being interviewed. They were standing in front of a cliff that fascinated archeologists, full of chalked illustrations of the ideograms of their endless deities and legends.

It was very sad. The interviewers were fascinated. But everyone agreed that all the names and knowledge of all the legends these ideograms represented were dead and useless:

“The young people don’t want to hear about them.”

These men had so looked forward to fascinating their children with the stories of how the earth was made and so forth, and all the romantic names and adventures and funny stories they had been raised on.

But all that is gone.

What the kids have to study is a lot less fascinating than the ideogram stories. Arithmetic is hideously boring when compared to the seizure of the skies by the Great God Ilumaliap.

That is because of why the information was produced.

What fills in for facts is chosen because it is entertaining and poetic.

It sounds good, it sounds plausible.

Until you test it.  photo parth.png

Living on clouds sounds wonderful until you have to step out on one.

The Adventures of the Great God Ilimaliap or of Zeus were all produced to be filler, because no actual truths were known. The sky is far less interesting to children since it ceased to be made up of archers, banished gods, and legends.

Legends are built to be beautiful, facts are simply true.

Every demand for white genocide comes with fine sounding phrases to blind us to the simple fact that mixed is ugly, that mixed countries are not places where a human child should be born.

The anti-white’s world is 100% filler.
