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Physical Courage Is a Virtue, It is NOT an EXCUSE

Posted by Bob on April 15th, 2014 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

One month ago, our pitifully small groups went onto the streets.

If you go into combat or are on the street at night, you have a pretty good idea of what might happen.

But when you go out on the street to tell the truth, it is not just scary, it is mysterious.

Why is it that everyone you talk to reacts the way they do when you say you are going out and say what everybody knows?

It is like a House of Mirrors. What is there to be afraid of?

But whatever it is, it scares the wee-wee out of all those Brave Warriors who fought in the jungles of Vietnam or at Normandy.

They SHOULD be the ones to march out onto the streets and dare to tell the truth.

There is NO WAY any of them are going to defy some unwritten rule and go out tell the forbidden truth.

You know it. I know it, so let’s SAY it.

Vets are brave when told to be.

But Freedom is not obeying orders.

The word Freedom defends its opposite, which is the purpose of every capitalized word.

The Inquisition had no mercy.

Why? Because it tortured children for the greater Mercy, the saving of their souls despite having to torture their bodies.

Every Wordism that spreads hatred shouts the word “Love!”

Capitalized words, the mouths of Wordists, are always the cover they use for going wildly in the opposite direction.

If you see millions of people being separated out to be starved or killed, the killers will be shouting: “Peace, Land, Bread!”

All three words capitalized. photo genocide.jpg

What you did on March 15 was the exact opposite of following orders.

The only order we have on White Genocide is the more frightening to those who pride themselves on their Fearless Obedience because it is an unwritten order we all know: DON’T SAY IT.

All my life I have listened to Veterans talk about what heroes they are.

Veterans are cowed by the same thing that cowers everyone else: We all know it’s true, so why doesn’t somebody ELSE go out and SAY so?

The Vets have an excuse: “I’m NOT a coward, look at how I fought in whatever war the authorities sent me into.”

Those who don’t have the Vet excuse say:

“Well, I don’t go Out There not because I am a coward, but I am Wise!” … Or

“I just don’t want to offend people.”

And on and on and on and on and on.


A truly brave person is one who is willing to go up against a rule which is so terrifying it is not even stated.

Like my folks did on March 15.

  1. #1 by TheSeeker OfTruth on 04/15/2014 - 1:30 pm

    Thank you Bob, I appreciate the compliment.

  2. #2 by Asgardian on 04/15/2014 - 7:42 pm

    Its easy to do something and be “brave” when the people in charge tell you to do it and pat you on the head for it.

  3. #3 by Al Parker on 04/16/2014 - 5:02 am

    amazing that some people are still naysaying the March 15 event. The primary criticism is that two people showed up in robes and were photographed at one location and became the bad public relations image of the entire event.

  4. #4 by Yankee Rebel on 04/16/2014 - 5:52 am

    I felt the attitude of people on the street that I was violating an unwritten rule or disgust that I was not bright enough to follow the program that everyone was supposed to have learned in school ,or wherever, by now. We are not supposed to say the emperor has no clothes on. That would be “Hate” speech! Thanks again for the compliment, Bob. I hope more of our people will be brave in the future.

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