Archive for August 23rd, 2014
Quakers ALWAYS Call the Cops
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 08/23/2014
Anti-whites who speak on campus today hide behind the thugs. He is allowed to speak while knowing that if anyone tries to oppose him the campus thugs would threaten violence and the administration would ban any such opposition to the Heroic Anti-White as “leading to violence.”
Anti-whites hide behind thugs. They are not going to take on an intelligent anti-White and they hide behind thugs. That is about as low as even a coward can get.
Teddy Kennedy made speeches in the USSR. Once he got so lost in his illusions that he asked his truly captive audience to VOTE! As he did in campus speeches in the US, Teddy asked those members of the audience who thought too much money was spent on the military to RAISE THEIR HANDS!
The Russian listeners were furious.
Kennedy was asking people in a POLICE STATE to DISAGREE with their government!
Teddy always spoke to audiences controlled by thugs. He actually forgot he was not at Harvard or some other university where the captives would all openly agree with him. It was probably his hundredth speech to a captive audience, and he completely forgot WHICH captives he was talking to!
Cowards are one thing. But cowards who hide behind thugs are nauseating.
Benjamin Franklin HATED Quakers for this very reason. They were always preaching peace until THEY were in danger. Then the yellow streak came out a mile wide.
Quakers will refuse to allow their members to resist a burglar and be proud of it. But they ALWAYS call the police if they can. That is the reason Quakers can be so Idealistic. Their property is protected by people with guns.
Quakers do not mention that they USE guns but they regularly call men WITH guns, in exactly the same way anti-whites never mention the thugs they hide behind.
In the same way, no one who argued that Communism was somehow reasonable would ever discuss the fact that every country that had that system had to kill all escapees, least of all the professional anti-Communists.
The only reason the Berlin Wall was famous was because it was not built until 1961, and was a major news event.
The press never mentioned all the other walls around the other Workers’ Paradises and neither did conservatives.
So you may be surprised that no professional pro-white ever talks about campus thugs.
I have been watching this silence for decades on the part of those who were paid to be on my side. I would be ASTONISHED if they pointed out the obvious THIS time!
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