In India, Mommy Professor wears a towel on his head and a diaper on his ass.
For two thousand years Indian Mommy Professors have been considered to be the Height of Wisdom. The Brahman sits in his diaper while around him children collapse in hunger, and every University rings with his praises.
When the Aryan warrior class invaded India and set up a culture, the warriors, the Tschatriya, were at the top of the Caste system. “Caste” means color in English, just as is the Indian Sanskrit term for caste was the same word as “color.”
Just before India began its slide into sub-third world status, the Brahman became the top caste.
The Brahman are the Priests, the Intellectuals.
The Mommy Professors.
The Indian civilization developed Kung Fu, Buddhism, and the aquatic rice we associate with Oriental countries and “the paddy culture.”
Buddhism originated in India, and Buddhists point out that the Buddha, “had eyes the color of blue lotus.” The man who brought Kung Fu to China also had bright blue eyes.
In a coincidence that is not historically unique, India’s Aryan conquerors devoted themselves to Wisdom, became brown and collapsed into a starving mess with only little brown Wise Men to show for it.
In the end period for White India, you might not have recognized the group that would be Wise Men of Colored India. They probably looked a great deal like Mommy Professor today rather than the little guy in the diaper with the begging bowl.
Mommy Professor in the White World has on a coat and tie and gets his money from taxation backed by force. When the Warrior Class gave the Brahman the top notch in the color system, the Brahman was probably as well financed as Mommy Professor is today.
In the future colored world, Mommy Professor will be trying to peddle his Wisdom on the streets, as anyone who reads Genseric’s “The Bubble” below will understand.
#1 by WmWhite on 10/29/2014 - 1:32 pm
I don’t think we in America ever had a Warrior class, per se, but we did have -at one time- a strong Pioneer ‘spirited’ group of white individuals (see Eric Hoffers “Tramps and Pioneers).
Now that spirit has evaporated as we have become more and more cosmopolitan in our natures, and our concerns as a people have been oriented to distractions, bigger (fill-in-the-blank) and misguided altruistic endeavors –that have little concern for our own white children’s future.
As the USA becomes darker and darker I see a sad future for this country that resembles Bob’s image of what India has become. It reminds me of what E. Pendell once said, “that civilization is the enemy of evolution.” The dysgenic progeny of our continued race mixing and forced assimilation programs will destroy us just like it did the once great and creative Aryan race –who once prospered in ancient India.
#2 by Denounce Genocidists on 10/29/2014 - 6:15 pm
So like the last Jew said in Anti-Racist Hitler, you`re saying:
“Oh gahd”
#3 by WmWhite on 10/31/2014 - 10:29 am
@ Denounce?
So, you don’t think white genocide is real?
Or are you just one of those passive aggressive types who can’t speak in a straightforward, honest manner?
Either way, say what you mean next time instead of trying to be cute or change your name to match your lack of conviction.
Also, you didn’t even get the last quote of the Jew from “Anti-Racist Hitler” correct, it’s:
“… and I’m the only Jew left; you wiped us out for good.”
That my anti-racist friend is the gist of the movie and is what the anti-whites are trying to do to my people (white people).
My advice to you is to read Bob’s article before you comment –I believe he’s writing, not just about an historic past event, but on what is happening right now to white people and that is Genocide (it needs to be taken seriously).
#4 by Denounce Genocidists on 10/31/2014 - 7:52 pm
“…..will destroy us….. ”
We`re doomed WMwhite, doomed!
And the anti-white cult can presumably sleep safely through all this white genocide noise.
#5 by WmWhite on 10/31/2014 - 9:06 pm
Tell me Denounce, are you going to be an ass all your life or grow up and act your age, which is what –about 10 yrs old?
Troll somewhere else lowlife.
#6 by WmWhite on 10/31/2014 - 9:14 pm
Again, if you are going to deny white genocide is happening then this is not the place for you.
I suggest an anti-white like you with a disingenuous name, play your silly game on some other site.
#7 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/01/2014 - 8:52 am
Back to the article.
Whites the founders of Eastern Wisdom.
The humiliation that whites still exist after 1000`s of years of wordism.
#8 by WmWhite on 11/01/2014 - 7:03 pm
Humiliation to who? You?
You`re hyperbolic haiku is a deductive fallacy.
#9 by wretched Whiterabbit on 10/29/2014 - 6:16 pm
Our entire race is a warrior caste. That pioneer spirit was borne by a race of explorers and conquerors. We haven’t become cosmopolitan. Our nation has been demoralized.
#10 by Jason on 10/30/2014 - 10:20 am
This is the scariest scenario. We become Brazil. We become an all Brown country just like India did. We’ll have a class of Priest Intellectuals presiding over mass poverty and misery.
I wonder how the other White Indians responded when the Buddha told them race-mixing was a good thing.
#11 by shari on 10/30/2014 - 11:22 am
At least SOME white Indians responded to Buddha’s race-mixing message by loading up their wagons and heading west. Thank God for that.
Since that can’t be done anymore we whites must take a stand. Chasing us down is genocide.
#12 by Rob Roy on 10/30/2014 - 3:35 pm
#13 by Rob Roy on 10/30/2014 - 4:29 pm
“I wrote a very subtle article demanding that this “race mixing” term should NEVER be used by a BUGSER.”
#14 by Jason on 10/31/2014 - 3:54 am
Yes that is right, we should not say “race mixing” or “mixing the races” in making Mantra points.
I am not sure it applies when talking about the Buddha 3,000 years ago among ourselves, but we should definitely NOT use it when talking about what is happening today.
#15 by Mike M on 10/31/2014 - 9:25 am
Why ? When Sarkozy openly says that “the challenge of the 21st century is racial interbreeding” it’s pretty out and blatant.
#16 by Jason on 10/31/2014 - 9:50 am
Oh the point is that “race mixing” makes it sound like ALL the races are being blended out of existence. But of course, it is ONLY Whites who are targeted.
#17 by Benjamin Newells on 10/31/2014 - 10:05 am
Yes why are only White people targeted? “Targeted” is a very important word here.
#18 by WmWhite on 10/31/2014 - 10:40 am
I agree with both your points above but especially like your interpretation of race mixings as: “it sound like ALL the races are being blended out of existence” –which opens a can of antiwhite worms; when in fact “it is ONLY Whites who are targeted.”
#19 by Benjamin Newells on 10/31/2014 - 9:55 am
Because it makes you sound like a nazilaboratoryscientistwhodoessickpurificationexperiments.
It makes you come off as if you are ‘obsessed with your “pure” DNA’. In the public’s eyes you appear to be one of those sick skinheads from Hollywood films.
There are subtle differences between different phrases/terms and “race mixing” is something we need to stay off. It makes you look like you “hate” mixed race people as well.
You need to make the anti-whites look like the bad ones by saying they are chasing down White people, forcing integration, etc. These things are conceptually similar to “White Genocide”. But “race mixing in ONLY White countries” just doesn’t cut it.
#20 by Benjamin Newells on 10/31/2014 - 10:03 am
By those things being conceptually similar to White Genocide I meant that, on a superficial level, “chasing down White people” and “forced integration” sound a lot like White Genocide, but “race mixing” doesn’t cut it.
#21 by Rob Roy on 10/31/2014 - 1:55 pm
Mike M. Did you read the articles in the links I posted? When Sarkozy said that he was ONLY talking about white countries.
There is no global “race-mixing” there is only white genocide, which is official policy.
#22 by Rob Roy on 10/31/2014 - 2:23 pm
Jason. Since we’re among friends is it ok if we refer to anti-whites as “antis” or “anti-racists?”
We know how memes work and until I commented “race-mixing” was starting to pop up everywhere here. I thought I had logged in at Stormfront.
Enemy terminology is poison.
#23 by Jason on 10/31/2014 - 2:59 pm
Discipline is always good.
#24 by Rob Roy on 10/31/2014 - 3:38 pm
Discipline is critical. We have the only effective weapon against white genocide. If I get sloppy and make a mistake show me no mercy.
#25 by Henry Davenport on 10/31/2014 - 2:23 am
Nov. 1 White House message is ready for your initials:
#26 by jo3w on 11/01/2014 - 8:47 am
I signed, and I helped about 25 other people with no access to computers sign too 🙂
#27 by Jason on 10/31/2014 - 11:09 am
By the way, has anyone seen the Bill O’Reilly vs Jon Stewart (Leibowitz) debate on White Privilege. O’Reilly did a bad job, of course. But what interests me is the eruption of anger at Jon Stewart (Leibowitz) from a lot of Whites.
We don’t do Jew talk. But the non-BUGSER commenters on this video were pointing out that it was a bit rich for someone who has benefitted from Jewish Privilege to be denigrating the average White working man/woman for having an unfair “privilege”. I saw comments attacking Jon Stewart with over 200 thumbs up in a short time.
The points were not Mantra but I believe the Mantra is unstopping the natural fury White men feel. And several video responses have popped up to challenge Stewart (doing a million times better job than O’Dumbo could do).
Sorry for this off message post but I think it shows Mommy Professor is losing her grip. A legion of Whites who would love to talk back to these PC Goons are getting restless and we are giving them the memes to do so.