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Bob Whitaker Denounces “White Self Hatred” with Robocalls in California

Posted by Bob on June 4th, 2016 under Politics

CA_robocalls_800x400Bob Whitaker, write-in candidate for the presidency in 2016 has sent out a robocall to some 100,000 Californians today Saturday June 4th.

In the robocall, Whitaker points out that, “The most common hatred I hear these days is white people talking about how much they hate white people.”

White people denouncing white people is looked upon as virtuous self-criticism, but Whitaker says that self hatred is simply “sick.”

Whitaker has said repeatedly that he is running for president to reclaim the First Amendment right to free speech and peaceably assembly which are now denied to anyone who wants to discuss race from anything but an anti-white fanatic’s viewpoint.

Full text of robocall:

I am Bob Whitaker.

I want you to vote for me because a vote for Bob Whitaker is a vote against self-hatred.

We keep hearing people say that Hate is evil.

They say that for White people to hate Black people is evil.

They keep on shouting that for White people to hate Orientals or Hispanics is evil.

But the most common hate I hear these days is White people saying how much they hate White people.

Hatred is evil. But self-hatred is not only evil, it is also SICK.

Together we can get rid of this runaway plague of self-hatred that is taking over America.

A vote for Bob Whitaker is a vote against self-hatred.

It’s hilarious knowing that anti-White Whites who hear this call will scream that asking White people not to hate themselves is hate speech.

Go to That’s

I am Bob Whitaker and I approve this message.

Audio of robocall:

  1. #1 by Henry Davenport on 06/04/2016 - 6:46 pm

    Thanks to everyone who did the hard work to make this happen.

    To be honest, I think it needs to be slowed down before it’s used again. I recommend cutting some stuff out so you can keep Bob’s natural cadences and emphases, and so the listener has time to understand material that’s so different from the usual.

    I’ve been getting a lot of political robocalls recently, and I hang up as soon as I realize what they are, so in my suggested shortening below, I’ve changed the first line to make the first few words unusual and to get “self-hatred” in the listener’s ear to keep him listening:

    To vote against self-hatred, vote for me, Bob Whitaker.
    We keep hearing that Hate is evil.
    We’re told that for White people to hate other races is evil.
    But the most common hate I hear these days is White people saying how much they hate White people.
    Hatred is evil. But self-hatred is not only evil, it is also SICK.
    Work with me to get rid of this runaway plague of self-hatred that is taking over America.
    It’s hilarious knowing that anti-White Whites who hear this call will scream that asking White people not to hate themselves is hate speech.
    Go to That’s

    The first line especially would need to be spoken very slowly, since it introduces the very new idea, and is also a little weird.

  2. #2 by Jason on 06/05/2016 - 8:56 am

    Excellent ad!

  3. #3 by Carloman on 06/05/2016 - 5:10 pm

    In California, where I live, in order for a vote for a write-in candidate to be counted, the candidate must be a qualified write-in candidate. I checked the list of qualified write-in candidates for the June 7 primary election, and, although there were many qualified write-in candidates for president in the Democratic and Republican parties, in the party that I am registered under, the American Independent Party, there are no qualified write-in candidates for president.

    I will gladly vote for Bob Whitaker for president if my vote will be counted. But if my vote will not show up in the totals, then I will stay home on election day.

    Bob, will you be listed as a qualified write-in candidate in California in the general election in November? Do you have a slate of electors pledged to you? If not, how do I apply to be an elector?

  4. #4 by Jason on 06/05/2016 - 6:54 pm

    Someone took the anti-Trump THUG violence a few days ago and turned it into an on message White Genocide meme! Fast turn around time. Great work whoever did it:

  5. #5 by Jason on 06/06/2016 - 3:55 am

    Bob Whitaker gets the attention of Professor David Theo Goldberg, a “critical race theorist”.

    • #6 by Yankee Rebel on 06/06/2016 - 9:51 pm

      David Goldberg is a nobody with nothing to say. Why bother us with a link to his boring speech that only people forced to listen to in a classroom would listen to.

      • #7 by Jason on 06/07/2016 - 12:45 am

        I wanted Bob to know he and his memes are known to academia.

  6. #8 by Jason on 06/07/2016 - 12:48 am

    As an aside, the old school White Nationalists always imagined a race war with Blacks.

    But it looks like Latinos are the ones more likely to bring violence.

    They have a non-American identity to rally around.

    Blacks call themselves African but want nothing to do with Africa.

  7. #9 by Jason on 06/07/2016 - 6:50 am

    Well it’s quiet so I will ask: Is anyone else struck by how openly the Conservative Establishment is choosing loyalty to Words over their People?

    It has always been true, but I have never seen it so obvious.

    • #10 by Yankee Rebel on 06/07/2016 - 2:01 pm

      Ya, their stupid dream of a mixed race country where everyone worships a bunch of words in peace and harmony is ridiculous. There is no unity in diversity.

  8. #11 by Peter Cottontail on 06/07/2016 - 10:04 pm

    Bob has written in the past (and I would love to hear his thoughts on the present situation) that we would be better off as a minority because we would be forced to negotiate for ourselves as a people. Respectable wordists would become obsolete. The respectables are being called out with impunity by people like Anne Coulter and are on the run. Are respectables becoming obsolete a little earlier than planned?

    • #12 by Jason on 06/07/2016 - 11:08 pm

      Looks like their social legitimacy has collapsed.

      Happened faster than I was expecting. I thought it would come after 2016.

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