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Is The SPLC Responsible for the Black Sniper Killing White Police Officers?

Posted by Bob on July 9th, 2016 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

The Black shooter who sniped those White Police officers two days ago declared that he was out to get WHITES. His grudges against Whites are probably all somewhere in back issues of SPLC literature.

So can we assume the SPLC is responsible for the Dallas sniper?

When a young White man in Charleston went on a rampage in a church killing Black people, the SPLC, ADL, CNN and pretty well all the media assumed I was responsible for all of that violence.

The CNN interviewer came to this building, the “interview” began with the CNN man asking me whether I approved of murder, I chopped him up, and the whole interview was tossed away except for few seconds they used weeks later. But Laura recorded the whole thing on her telephone, got it typed up, and made copies.

In fact, when the SPLC writer first called me he started with my “relationship” to the Charleston shooter, whom I had never met. From what I got, the fact that I was born in West Columbia, SC and the shooter was also born in West Columbia clinched the conviction.

If so, the fact that I moved out of West Columbia in 1941 and the guy I had “influenced” was in his early twenties was not brought up.

Besides the murders, this item is relevant to another recent news event.

The FBI head, as I understand it, is or has been a Republican. Hearings are being conducted on Hillary Clinton’s misuse of classified information in her email.

So apparently to show Trump was an online terrorist, too, one Democrat pointed out to the FBI Director that Donald Trump had retweeted “White Genocide,” (my meme: “The best ideas you have will not be your own”).

These two words are so radical that all of the major fund-raising pro-White groups have rejected it.  photo splcsux.jpg

I think Trump uses it BECAUSE it is outrageous. And incidentally, perfectly accurate.

This is newsworthy, but it may be historic today as well.

Anti-Whites blame Hitler on the fact that Germany was not oppressive enough. Hitler took power in the face of Hate Laws like the ones it has today.

But an American would have another explanation, one which is banned from the media.

In 1932 Germany, like America today, leftists had a license to commit violence like that given to anti-White thugs in America today.

An American would say that THAT was the reason for Hitler’s rise to power. Only his outright fascistic NSDAP could violently react to the leftist thugs in 1932 Germany.

They can accuse Bob Whitaker of murder casually, but they can’t do that to Trump. He’ll sue their asses off.

Anti-Whites are outraged when Trump hires bodyguards to kick the asses of anti-White thugs.

Goldwater was crushed, but Reagan came along anyway.

The rules are now clear and familiar:

No one has a right to free speech today unless he has the force to exercise it.

I did not set up these rules.

Trump did not set up these rules.

No American would tolerate this situation.

It is the Marxist Rule: Truth is a bourgeois concept.

Either free speech must actually be restored or it is just a question of WHICH political barrel we are staring down.

  1. #1 by Henry Davenport on 07/09/2016 - 4:20 pm

    “No one has a right to free speech today unless he has the force to exercise it.”

    I was amazed when I just checked the meme-message below and found it’s gotten over 1,300 additional sigs during the two days it’s been visible at the White House! Our messages are usually lucky to get 50 additional sigs during a whole month after becoming visible.

    Be honest that diversity makes free speech impossible

    If I say, “‘Diversity’ means chasing down the last White person,” I’ll be fired.

    If I say, “ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with third world non-Whites, and Whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to ‘assimilate,’ i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence,” I’ll be fired.

    If I say, “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide,” I’ll be fired.

    Those who enforce this say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

    But if I say, “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White,” I’ll be fired.

    Admit publicly that diversity is only being done to Whites in White countries, and only Whites are denied free speech about it.

    • #2 by Jason on 07/09/2016 - 7:50 pm

      Amazing work! Almost 1,500 signatures right now.

      You keep putting the petitions out there like a workaholic. Looks like this one really struck a chord!

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