Archive for July 12th, 2016

Off With Your Head!

LL sent me a YouTube link some time ago showing some British MP demanding laws against “extremists”. She was demanding measures to suppress these “extremists.”

This was all there was to it: This woman kept demanding that “extremists” be suppressed. Apparently the chairman she was talking to, being a clahssy Engishman, didn’t know how to ask a straight question.

So, I kid you not, it went back and forth like this:

Woman: “We must take measures against extremism.”  photo cutting.jpg

The Clahssy Englishman aasks, “What do yyou mean?”

She replied, “Measures must be taken against extremists.”

Back and forth it went, just like that:

“Take measures against extremists.”

Then the repeat, “What do you mean?”

Back and forth back and forth like a ping pong game being played between total retards, ON and ON:

What she apparently meant by “extremists” was people who say things we don’t want them to say.”

And as this went on, right down the IQ Scale, I thought how wonderful it would be if this Uppah Clahss person were replaced, just for a minute, by a real person.

Instead of aahsking the propah question, your average guy would finally say, “Extremists compared to what?”

So I am not kidding here. No one could use plain English because, since he and she were both Uppah Claahss, he had to understand a term used by another Uppah Clahss person.

Not in a million years could he ask her “What do you mean by extremist?”

All I can figure is that everyone is supposed too know what is outside of OUR Opinion, ESTABLISHED Opinion. Anyone who asks for a definition is admitting that he does already KNOW Established.

I can’t offer any other explanation.

I bring this up because LL said he had heard that this woman is up to be Britain’s next Primer Minister.

When the Queen kept yelling “Off with his head!” nobody had to explain why everyone was too terrified to ask her “WHY?”

If you don’t KNOW why, off with your head..

