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Even White Supremacists are using our terms these days

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Even White Supremacists are using our terms these days

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  • #52485
    Daniel Genseric

    “The people I may have reached with the Mantra were the 200+ LAPD officers who were standing between me and my ostensible audience.” -JM

    Exactly. The audience. Never forget that, folks. What Jimmy has done is he has leveraged energy. The energy of the anti-white system that says, “See, this is what Not-sees do.”

    They are the REAL not-sees. They prove it all the time.

    Mimmy Jarr

    I suspect, whether we like it or not, the Mantra is going to have a salutary effect on the historical image of the Third Reich, especially as WWII propaganda reaches the end of it’s shelf life with the passing of The Greatest Generation.

    If we are successful, and the White geNOcide meme burrows more deeply into public consciousness, people will naturally be inclined to re-interpret the meaning of the war in terms of the genocidal peace it procured for them. I think this is an unavoidable side effect of our work and we should probably make allowances for it as we progress.

    The National Socialist movement is populated by people who have been heavily affected by White geNOcide. Whether they acknowledge it or not, many have adopted their political posture as an ideology of last resort. They have no social image left to protect.

    While it is not personally gratifying to be associated with this strata of the White population, it is not one from which I can, in good conscience, seek dissociation. I hope time will reveal a strategy by which we can develop increased synergy because I find the abandonment of our wounded unsettling.


    Ohhhh jimmy I totally understand the position ppl in the nsm have taken…they feel backed into a corner, they are scared and angry. I also empathize with SFers.
    Their concerns and frustrations are legitimate, im just concerned about being Associated with symbols that are ingrained in the minds of our people as “evil” when so far we have come across as normal workin ppl. Thats not to day ppl of the NSM arent normal im sure alot of them are, but its the symbols that drag them down.

    We arent abandoning anyone, we are doing this for ALL our people.

    Mimmy Jarr

    An essay by Guessedworker that some may find interesting.


    I would personally have to take the side of Jason and Asgardian in this. On the other hand, Bob Whitaker pointed out in one of his entries, that the Anti-Whites themselves have overplayed their part with smearing all opposition as “Nazi.” For better or worse, I believe there is a very realistic chance that Nazi/Fascist symbols will become for the more radical elements of the Pro-Whites, what the Communist symbols like red stars/hammer & scythes became for the adherents of White Genocide. It’s the mutual law of motion at work.

    Rather than worry about it though, I think the best way for us to deal with this, is simply to neither confirm or deny associations with neo-nazis, but also to keep the average American as our target audience, while we continue to put the enemies of our people on the defensive for being Anti-White (which they are.) If Anti-Whites try to use events like this against us, simply brush it off like water off of a duck’s back. The “silence” can work just as well in our favor as it did for the Anti-Whites.

    PS- Plus, there’s the “naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews” part of our mantra.


    I am in no means trying to cause problems….I am all for getting our message out by whatever means necessary, im physically working on something as we speak…BUT im just a little apprehensive of ppl doing the goose step while reciting the mantras talking points….call me crazy.

    But like others have said we can brush it off and say “NOW EVERYONE IS USING OUR TALKING POINTS”

    It is what it is.

    Daniel Genseric

    Listen up. And I can’t be much more succinct than this:

    The truth in the Mantra is for EVERYONE. Just as we hold ALL anti-whites accountable for their participation in white genocide, let the good word reach all ears in every corner of the globe.

    Mimmy Jarr

    I think Daniel has done a great summation here, but for those of you, like myself, who can’t get enough of flogging dead horses, call in and join Paul Hickman and me tomorrow between 11:00 a.m. and noon on blogtalkradio.

    Daniel Genseric

    11:00am which time zone?

    Mimmy Jarr

    Sorry, 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time.


    Misters Marr and Genseric, where did you post the Mantra today?

    If you don’t post the Mantra, then you certainly don’t know how to sell the Mantra… Stop trying to drag decent B.U.G.S.ers down into your shit.


    Daniel Genseric

    lol! Get f*#!&d. I don’t owe you “shit”, least of which is an explanation of my activities.

    My work is self evident. If you don’t know where to look in order to locate it, then please kindly take both hands and remove your head from your ass.


    Easy guys….we dont need to go this route.

    I post quite a bit but I dont report back 1. Time issues. 2. Im stalked.

    JPO as much as I agree with you (I should report back much more often)
    Daniel has done alot imo and so has jimmy.

    Lets treat eachother with some dignity…we are in the midst of a 100 round long fight together.

    Mimmy Jarr

    Working today in Coos Bay.

    Henry Davenport

    @ Jimmy Marr:

    I listened with interest to you on the radio show you linked above. (The interviewer’s comments were sometimes helpful, but next time he should interrupt you a lot less).

    I’m glad you got to squeeze in at the end your statement that White GeNOcide is the “common dominator” among pro-White groups and that the White GeNOcide message could be a “generic message” that “bridges the gap” between pro-white groups.

    In the recent group skype chat, Matthew Heimbach also stressed his desire to build an “ecumenical” (his word) feeling between the the various pro-white groups. He’s expressed that elsewhere, and the F.A.R. folk at Malevolent Freedom who are demonstrating in the streets have the same idea.

    Truck Roy’s response to Matthew in the group skype was the same as your statement on the radio show: that the message that should bring the groups more onto the same page is the Mantra.

    BUT: Of course a question we’re debating on this thread is whether we’d like our message associated at all with some groups!

    Despite my strong misgivings, I come down on the side of yourself and others here who agree with you.

    But let me state one of my chief motivations, so in case it’s a screwed-up one, everyone can see.

    I feel a quickening inside at the thought of a brotherly feeling developing among various pro-white groups, and a flowing together of our energies to some extent.

    Don’t the rest of you? Isn’t the depression that certainly affects me, and I believe all of us here to some extent, and which has absolutely paralyzed the folk who frequent sites like Stormfront…isn’t that depression due in large part to the fact that the White “movement” has been almost entirely a collection of ineffective quarreling groups who do little else?

    Certainly all of us prefer that fifty guys like Jimmy put up “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” and “White GeNOcide,” on freeway overpasses where it’s legal, rather than having our signature phrase reach the public via a short shot coming before shots of swastikas as in the TV youtube clip of Leith (it’s a new one) that Jimmy just posted.

    But what’s happening in reality is that there’s an energy that’s building apart from our own energy, and my own conclusion is that we should try to get our message into the middle of it, while all the time still working hardest to get our message out there unencumbered by any baggage.

    Unless I’m not understanding what Bob has posted, he’s okay with that. I know he had discussion about it with others, and my impression is that it wasn’t a slam dunk, so I encourage all of you who take the opposite view to keep expressing it.

    I’m on the fence really, and don’t trust my own feeling, which is to move forward on all fronts and kick ass! (Uh, metaphorically, of course).


    The issue may not be if we want other groups to use the Mantra message (since it is hard to stop them anyway), but whether we should spend time chasing after them, begging them to use it. I don’t think it’s worth your time.

    If the Mantra gets a little more known, tons of Hams will want to use it.

    I don’t know if you fellas have noticed, but the current crop of AMPWs aren’t exactly beating a path to us. Why waste your time?

    This is almost like spending days “kicking an anti-whites ass” on some tiny little video that has 500 views. Who cares? No one sees it. Right now, none of these AMPWs have any audience either. So who cares what they do?

    Henry Davenport

    “there’s an energy that’s building apart from our own energy, and my own conclusion is that we should try to get our message into the middle of it,”

    Change that to, “…we should be okay with anyone who is trying to get our message into the middle of it.”

    I’m guessing that Bob’s statements should be regarded as being more in agreement with that way of expressing it.


    HD, what do you mean we should be “okay with anyone” who somehow uses our message? This is the part that bothers me.

    If some freak show uses part of the Mantra, there is little that can be done about it. But now suddenly I am required to be “okay” with whatever freak show uses it? Suddenly, I have to sign on off them, or give approval to whatever weird program they are putting forward?

    WE are the ones that get shackled in this whole process. WE can’t criticize ANYTHING they do, because that is being “uncool to a brother” or something like that. But THEY have NO obligations toward us.

    I still say focus on changing the atmospherics and the culture at large. Not latching on to this guy or that group. That is a totally different type of politics.

    And we are supposed to be able to discuss anything at BUGS right? Yet, when “GOD” signed on here months ago and went around in shorts, awkwardly pushing the Mantra, and talking about peeling the skin off of anti-Whites with a potato peeler in a growling voice, any criticism of this became a cause for conflict (never criticize a “brother”!) Recently, I saw Matt H in a video make reference to being amused at how, paraphrasing, “a Jewess almost got knocked down at a rally, so it wasn’t all bad”.

    Well, if I am yoked to this person, am I allowed to point out what horrible PR a statement like that is in the current environment? My impression is that we will be told to fall in line and shut up, because once a month, to an audience of 4 people, one of these guys kinda sorta makes a Mantra point.

    I say let them latch on to you, let them bend to us, not the other way around. And let’s continue to speak freely here at BUGS.

    Henry Davenport

    @ Jason. I know I’m sounding contradictory, but as I said in my long comment, I encourage everyone who disagrees to continue saying so.

    Maybe I even disagree myself. Your points are good, valid points.

    I missed the “God” episode. I’m glad of that!

    Henry Davenport

    @ Jason: Heimbach should be called on things like that. You could go back and get his exact words and offer friendly criticism on his TradYouth website, if you think it worthwhile. (But I understand that maybe it’s not the best use of time).

    He’s always a work in progress, and is going to be all over the place as he makes his way forward. And his most recent article is too exclusively Christian by a long shot IMO. But I guess I’m not going to call him on it (and so I shouldn’t encourage you to do the same on the other issue), since…energy is limited, and some care would have to be taken in the wording. Especially since there’s not a strong ecumenical feeling yet established within which one can offer suggestions without setting everyone on edge.

    I’m establishing a presence on Malevolent Freedom to get support for the petitions and to expose the people there more to the Mantra, since they get out on the streets, and also because I like and admire those folks. Maybe I’ll try to do the same at Matt’s TradYouth, although the format there isn’t as conducive.

    But maybe I’d use my time better to just swarm, and as you say, wait for them all to come to us.

    I suddenly realize why not reaching out to other groups doesn’t appeal to me as far as my own activities are concerned. I need a group, or groups, that I’m comfortable hanging with, and when I let those feelings get directed here, I end up getting my ass reamed (or so it feels), and have to withdraw emotionally.

    So when I do swarm and post the links here, it’s satisfying almost entirely as just an activity in itself, as work toward our goal, and very little as expression of my participation in a group effort in a group I feel at ease with.

    The edginess here is in part (but only in part) unavoidable because of the nature of our task.

    If all of us from Bob on down were built like Asgardian for example, who feels very strongly on the present issue but has always, I think, managed to express himself in a friendly way, this site would be a more enjoyable place to be.

    But we are the people we are, and I doubt that any of us can change ourselves a whole lot.

    So. Onward.

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