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    Oh— another funny thing about him. He clearly did not like me much. But I took most of his classes. And he always gave me A+. LOL.

    Liberals do that a lot. In psychology, it’s called Reaction Formation, I think.

    They are SUPER NICE to people they hate, lol. (They can’t stand how immoral they feel at not liking the person, since that makes them “bad,” so then they are super nice, since that is telling them they are a long-suffering good person.)


    Should add that —at the time— a whiny nasal harangue about the evils of the Bible Belt, (delivered by the teacher) seemed a complete non-sequitor as a response to a question about why the class was reading about the “Great Men and Great Events” in communism.

    Other than the atheism aspect, why would the “left wing” degrade the Bible Belt, and also why would they degrade the (supposed) proletariat and so on.

    It made absolutely no sense.

    So, asked the teacher this question. And in a complete non-sequitor (to me at this time) he started frothing at the mouth about stupid redneck proletariats.

    And— YOU DO NOT ASK, “um… why are only some proletariats good but not others,” lol.


    “….At the same time I was 16 and on the honor roll at the local community college. In my studies I happened across a book on the Bolshevik Revolution. I was visibly upset with what I found when I asked my professor why I had never heard of the 60 million Christians killed, only the 6 million Jews by the Nazi’s. He gave me some bullshit answer – and I saw right through it. He also told me, “That is not what we are studying. You must write your essay on something else.” Well, I continued to study it anyways….”

    A heck of a story c-bear. Reminded me of college. Day one, in one school, was assigned every major communist book (including Das Capital, 3 volumes). Also, “The Frankfurt School Reader,” and so on. Gramsci, etc.

    Well, this had nothing to do with what I was paying for, lol. So, went to the teacher, and asked why we had to read the stuff. Some other people wanted to know, too, and I said I’d go find out. But he didn’t answer, just asked WHERE I WAS FROM, lol. Then he bored me stiff for about an hour on the evils of the Bible Belt, like he was born-and-bred on Deliverance or Mandingo, with no other exposures or influences (he was really New York Provincial.)

    The whole thing just whetted some students’ appetites for studying the left, new left, deconstruction, etc, etc., just b/c was just so bizarre and ironical— really dumb writing, on top of Big City Provincial teachers priding themselves on world views they got from pop movies or an annual trip to France.

    My favorite leftist writer from school was Louis Althusser. The one who strangled his wife. Fearing for the career of this illustrious great man, the other feminist teachers heisted him away to an insane asylum so he would not be punished for this crime of lady killing. He was on a lot of shrink drugs, from what I recall. And he even he said nothing he wrote really made sense— he just couldn’t think clearly.

    In classes, people really struggled with his work— but some students eventually said they “a light bulb had gone off and they got it.” No doubt, they would have saved him from jail, too, b/c he was so illustrious a scholar.

    Last I looked, it’s those students are still teaching in that very school to this day. If they haven’t gotten the tenure jobs, they are hanging on, and staying in the good fight for the great career, by working between numerous schools as adjuncts and so on.

    in reply to: Outside reading #9215

    When the establishment, the media, etc. ignore the plight of Whites in Africa, when they ignore 37K White women being raped by Negros every single year, etc., then when one colored is victimized by a White they charge “hate crime”, they – the government, the media, the schools are telling us Whites our families’ safety, dignity and very lives are of less worth than coloreds because mommy professor says “we had it coming for all the bad things we did”, the White race which doesn’t exist, who feed Africa, etc, are the evil of the earth. We’ve all heard and read this countless times from anti-Whites have we not? They are the lowest scum of the earth, and the people who turn their backs on this truth are the SAME scum!

    In the new movie THE HELP, (there’s a review on TOO)— the black maid serves up a PIE MADE OF EXCREMENT for the southern female to eat, (and she loves it, and asks for more!) It is the highlight of the movie!

    This is the entertainment that creates a genocidal situation.

    A minstrel show was bad, bad, bad. But feeding white women EXCREMENT PIES is good.

    The whole audience laughs, b/c they like that show!



    there are muslims in the u.s., but not like europe. The “immigration” is something quite different (whole towns and country areas gone “south american” (meso-indian).

    but –and yes, here it goes— the fact that this is a catholic movement (and yes, maybe not “real” catholic, but Liberation Theology) is a true consideration.

    Imo, if you are going to be White, then that means viewing all the white sub-groups as clearly as possible. Incited non-white catholic populations are, in fact, seen by some factions (both jewish and catholic) as useful (votes, etc., displacing the protestants and germanics).

    In Britain, the problem seems muslim—- and this seems to set up a pitting of u.s. against u.k. (as the new immigrants in u.s. are set up to be “Anti-Anglo” and against the “colonists” (who are usually defined as English colonists (although plenty of people had colonies).

    This vilification of English (by extension those who look like them, northern europeans and have similar religion)— makes it EASIER to genocide them.

    The Boers and farm murders are an example of this. Vilification begins years before people simply begin to overlook harm being done to someone.

    This happens on an individual level, just as surely as on the societal. Defamation, degradation, setting a “tone” and atmosphere so that positioning a person badly is normalized, natualized and not even noticed.

    Just saw a vid with William Pierce, who locates the problems with protestants, saying that they are the ones who “let the jews in.”

    Well, jews obviously were “in” before protestants even existed. But even in the “wn” community, no one will point this out, for it is so normalized that the buck stops there.

    ‘if it hadn’t been for the damn prods.’

    It is a much better for clear thinking, maybe, to look at jews as white, in a sense (as a different and distinct sub-group) as well as all the others— rather than the tack many wn take.

    otherwise, you really are in “divide and conquer,’ the question becoming (on the religious level) are protestants loyal to the catholics or jews in THEIR fight with each other.

    the muslims are key— b/c both jews and catholics have their separate histories with them, of which, in a way, protestants have different feelings toward.

    they are apt to be more concerned about how they are being used in england and catholics in u.s. (meso-indians) to further divide u.s./ u.k. in the future, thus further cutting the americans off from Northern europe which is their spiritual homeland.


    They taught me in schools and the cartoons that America was based on some Sephardic Jewess’s poem.

    The evil sickness in that.

    If a school system was really teaching Johnny TO THINK, then they would have students read that poem, THEN they would have the students read about Emmas REAL LIFE, and THEN they would ask: what do you students make of THAT???

    Thinking involves questioning how things add up. How actions fit with words. How what is done fits with what is said.

    Is there a “free market” when only SOME PRODUCTS are wiped out by laws and policies. For instance, how all tobacco farms were wiped out overnight by The Smoking Act, which came in tandem with the ‘civil rights’ act?

    Why, if a product was around since the dawn of time, would it be good to wipe out when other products are encourage that are obviously more dangerous?

    Fact is, all farming uses land. And land can be bought up.

    Why don’t people WONDER about things? It’s very bizarre, no?


    Even if God is NOT on one’s side, the fact is He made people who were not meant to simply be wards of some state or robots for the world’s latest theocracy.

    The code says ‘we have a right to PURSUE happiness.’ If we’re not happy, we should be able to DISCUSS it, with the other unhappy people.

    And if not “able” to DISCUSS something (in other words A LAW has been made against discussion, or a public program of vilifications, discouragement, silent social censorship, etc. so that we have BEEN MADE UNABLE— then that just means discussion is outlawed! And the people who outlaw discussion should also be discussed, lol.

    How can you say you have free speech if you outlaw a discussion?


    The whole Emma saga is something it would be fun to hear a person s/a incogman man really go off on, lol.


    Don’t hold back Sycthain, tell us how you really feel.

    LOl. But anytime “give me your poor, tired, f-ed up” is mentioned, feel compelled to again say that Emma Lazarus’s daddy was a big SLAVER, and they were sephardic jews who lived –not in the south— but on Fifth Ave in Nuevo Yorkay. The Office of Negro Labor Management visited the family, due to absentee slave abuse issues. And much more.

    How wogs (word order govs) repeat that poem without knowing the history should be very funny.

    If blacks had a clue, they’d be ripping that poem off the liberty statue, instead of hunting down some last remaining confed battle flag in the boon docks.

    Emma’s daddy also got about 8000 infants killed due to tainted byproduct in milk from a dairy farm in what’s now Chelsea, in manhatan ny, and he used the sugar cane (which was what their louisiana plantation was) for a booze business. Also tried to lobby to keep slavery in la.

    —facts are from jewish sources in Emma Lazarus in her World, (jewish publication)

    yet they go on and on about her poem. The other ones are often hard-core zionist. The Brooks Farm people took her up, the transcendentalists, but other than being jewish, who knows why. she was not exactly a looker.


    Cool idea. No porch talk from me, but love to hear people’s take, and their stories. Think Griffin’s One Sheaf, One Vine is good that way, also, doesn’t seem to get mentioned much, but along with the book on Pierce, he interviewed regular people and they talked about how their own consciousness emerged.

    What got me about Mr. Whitaker’s work was what’s now called The Texbook Wars, and some things are uploaded on yt under that name. This was in WV, where there was a lot of back and forth in the 70s about school books, was some violence surrounding, also, and Mr. Whitaker organized there. He’s mentioned in a book Reading Appalachia From Left to Right, that is about that time, and covers some of the issues of the books. Also, people s/a Charlotte Iserbyt whose interviews are on yt also, about her experience with school systems.

    Previous to that, a usual thing for girls to do was be a nurse, teacher, librarian— things that easily dovetailed with the natural inclination to be moms. But after the textbook junk, and health care fiascos, who’d want to do those things? for those who genuinely wanted to teach people to think, or get them well— those were less and less places to work.

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