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  • in reply to: BUGS Video Skype seminar with Coach Bob #49207

    I attended a LOT of “secret meetings” in my time, and the only ones that didn’t include a reporter were simply not that newsworthy.
    After one “secret meeting” I attended in New Jersey with Kelso and others I was quoted in The Village Voice. As with the SPLC it was OK because I don’t say things I
    wouldn’t want quoted.
    And invariably the quotes are ones I WANT quoted.
    The only reason Horus got us an article in the SPLC was because he kept his identity SECRET. Then he got important enough so that unmasking him was a scoop.
    Please keep that in mind.
    Any pro-white conference is a place to Unmask you if you think you are important enough to be Unmasked.
    The problem with a conference is bomb threats and meeting on top of a mountain.
    We cant avoid those by doing what anyone in the future would do: Hold the meeting on Skype.
    Our proposed use of Skype is NOT for secrecy. I prefer Skype because the old fashioned mass gatherings are just plain out of date, and the thugs can’t prevent them — yet.
    After the Cold War it was found that every single West German agent in East Germany had been turned by the Stazi.
    When they came on any possibly useful information for the Soviets, fully a third of the Labour Party MPs would report it straight to the Soviet Embassy, routinely.
    So you should decide on the Skype (or whatever) conference as you would on a regular meeting.
    You will have a better chance of staying anonymous at this get-together than if you went to a national meeting AND SOMEONE CARED WHO YOU ARE, but it is not FOR secrecy.

    in reply to: Sites That Ban Discussion on White Genocide #35821


    It was frustrating seeing other swarmers getting stuck in and me left out.”

    It shouldn’t.  They are there because of your covering fire.

    in reply to: Practical Politics Seminar 2012 (AUDIO) #33909

    I just tailgated.   All that IMPOSS stuff is just another excuse for genocide.


    Don did a marvelous job.   It is the spokesman who hires staff, not the other way around.  The spokesman then must know a good point when his staffer gives it to him, but he must make it part of HIS dialogue.

    There was no way to know the little I wrote and Don’s talking.

    It was seamless.



    Don is the first pro-white Name to use my services.   I came to the movement as a writer and advisor whom leaders had paid lots of money and power  to put their message into words

    I offered and I offered and I offered to do that gratis for them, a staffer with no credit for his work, but not one of them showed any interest.

    We could have had the Mantra going full scale a decade ago, and I would ask less credit than I am getting now.

    in reply to: How whites took over America #20878

    Beefcake, we are a VERY small force.
    Don’t SUGGEST it.
    TRY it.

    in reply to: Mantra images & fliers #18823

    Gar 5, the last flyer is really great. I think where referring to “whites (who don’t exist)” really needs to be (who they also say don’t exist).

    in reply to: Mantra images & fliers #18822

    Thanks, Gar 5. Keep it up!

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