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Woad Warrior

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  • Woad Warrior

    Good job Adelheim! You’re my hero of the day!

    in reply to: "How to DEFEAT the RACISTS Trolls/Spammers!" #37219
    Woad Warrior

    He is blocking all comments that make any relevant points anyway. I told him “Thanks for the plug and he didn’t mention that noone is flooding Africa with non-africans” and it didn’t post. He said he would leave the full mantra and articles II and III on his channel tho.

    Woad Warrior

    Signed them all! 🙂

    in reply to: "How I found BUGS” #36110
    Woad Warrior

    I was actively searching for somebody doing something about this problem in the back of my mind (I now have a name for it GENOCIDE). I looked at KKK and Aryan Nation but thought that was too taboo and violent to be accepted by the masses as a serious movement. Also they were an obvious target for the anti-whites as well as being demonized by the media disallowing any kind of real open conversation. I was about to throw my energy towards Infowars when a “this message is for you” pop-up appeared. I figured it was someone trying to get money, but clicked cause I was a curious rabbit.

    The pop-up led me to a blog called “stop chasing ghosts”. It told me Alex was a fraud. I thought great, a conspiracy about the conspiracy leader. I checked out their links, they made good arguments for who was behind it all rather than scare tactics with no plan except “the sky is falling, the sky is falling”. One link was for white rabbit radio. So, I followed the white rabbit and he led me to B.U.G.S. I figured these are some smart people with a plan of action. Given Mr. Whittakers background, I reasoned he knows a thing or two about whats going on and how to do it right.

    That was a couple of weeks ago and now I am playing catch up on the podcasts from Horus and B.U.G.S.


    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #35846
    Woad Warrior

    Got it, anti-whites. Your right. Anti-rascist is their word.

    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #35844
    Woad Warrior

    Definately, so much info to get thru, still working on FTWR’s podcasts. So much gold there! I actually already had a portion of the facts I’ve used to defend MY PEOPLE in real life just thru my own natural tendencies of not letting A-R’s attack me. Previously I tried to take a “nuetral stance” but thats not possible anymore. It’s just not. 🙂

    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #35764
    Woad Warrior

    Nice to see something better than what I saw at SF. Seemed like it was under the bridge over there (full of trolls). It pleases me to see some constructive action. I was seriously thinking WE were doomed and noone cared if OUR PEOPLE survived. Still trying to get my feet wet, but heres to the road less traveled and the hard fought war……………………….LONG LIVE THE WHITE RACE!

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)