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Mike M

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  • in reply to: PALTALK FOR AUGUST 22 #96296
    Mike M

    Paltalk tonight ? I hope ^^

    in reply to: Mantra in the News #96278
    Mike M

    Ow. They shared the meme I did, but the one with a lot of faults :(. Anyway, it had thousands of shares and likes (if combined with those on ARIACWFAW page and those on the pages who downloaded it and uploaded it as their own).

    They love to roll in the grey goo 😀

    Mike M

    Though I’ll have to admit, it’s complicated to go back in the previous posts. Really tedious. Couldn’t we implement a search fonction by month or year ?

    in reply to: Paltalk Event Saturday July 26th #95039
    Mike M

    Might not be necessary to say it but be sure to decline when prompted by the installation program, to install “search app by ASk”.

    in reply to: Paltalk Event Saturday July 26th #94971
    Mike M

    I won’t be there tonight, way too late for me. Have fun )

    in reply to: Paltalk Event Saturday July 26th #94970
    Mike M

    I won’t be there tonight, way too late for me. Have fun )

    in reply to: Paltalk Event Saturday July 26th #94963
    Mike M

    I fon’t know if anybody else had this problem, but I couldn’t download the program on the main page of Paltalk. I had to fetch it from here :

    in reply to: Paltalk Event Saturday July 26th #94961
    Mike M

    What is ET ? Eeastern time, right ?

    in reply to: Paltalk Event Saturday July 26th #94956
    Mike M

    Do we need to register to get access to the event/chatroom or just clicking the link is enough ?

    in reply to: Intro to Twitter #94951
    Mike M

    At first JPO was nice with me on Fb, telling me to get on twitter explaining things to me. But lately, I don’t know what’s going on, he’s been very agressive. He posted on TIE that the page was designed for and only spreading the Mantra, and it’s incorrect since that’s the job of the english Mantra page, and when I deleted his comment he got all pompous telling me I should not take his friendship for granted and I shouldn’t be rude otherwise I’ll get on his bad side.

    So yeah JPO. We’re supposed to work all together, not piss the crap out of each others.

    And we should keep religious thoughts outside of our business.

    in reply to: Why are you worried about skin colour? #94721
    Mike M

    “Japan and Korea are approximately 98% Japanese and 98% Korean. Yet no one is writing endless articles in Japan or Korea, telling them it is in their national interest, to be more diverse, ie less Japanese, or less Korean.

    Yet they write endless articles in all White countries and only White countries, saying they must be more diverse, ie LESS White, using all manner of outlandish excuses. Obviously their plans for humanity, do not include people with White skin.

    Let us be clear, according to UN Law, what they want is GENOCIDE for White people. They want White GENOCIDE.”

    Actually Japan has been targeted for a long time by Genocidal bastards, wether over there or here in France. Whe nI was in Japan, I remember being told in College, that japan might need to import massive non japanese working force. In France, antiwhites journalists always talk about how japanese NEEEEEEEd so badly non japanese workforce.

    But in the end Japan is staying strong and Japanese.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94696
    Mike M

    I replied :

    What about you read correctly what is written. We’re talking about density of population, not global numbers.

    In all white countries, white people are forced to accept massive non white immigration and live under constant race mixing propaganda. When Tibet is full of Chinese, it’s genocide. When white people are full of non whites, it’s “Diversity”.

    “Diversity” is a code word for White genocide.

    You say you’re “antiracists”, but what you really are, is antiwhite !

    “Antiraciste” est un nom de code pour antiblanc !

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94695
    Mike M

    Second comment :

    Useless comment.

    there are people raping, killing, robbing. Does that push other people to do so ? Of course not.

    You look like a kid : “but why can he do something and I can’t”. Even if other people do it we don’t have to do it too. And as the first guy explains it, those point of views depends of a lot of political and cultural factors. It’s not comparable.
    And don’t put everybody in the same basket. All africans, europeans, and asians do not think all the same.

    So when you’re hostile to a certain group of people to protect your own group (eve nif I don’t fee lthe need to be protected of other races by people like you), it is racism.

    A whole lot of generations fought against hate, and have protected peace and tolerance to give their offspring a better world. i can’t believe I see that in 2014 ! A lot of dead people must be rolling in their graves.
    Those people who fought during the french revolution. The first constitution of 1792 gave the “right of the soil”, giving to people who have been living here for a certain amount of time, the right to become french like you and me. Would you deny this cultural legacy ? If you don’t you’re contradicting yourself. And if you do you deny your own “white culture’.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94694
    Mike M

    So the first comment is something like :

    First of all : Japan and Taiwan integration policies are not of our concern. Belgium’s population is not equal to Japan’s population : 126 M for Japan, 11 M for Belgium. Same thing for Netherlands and Taiwan.
    Secondly, if “White coutnries” need to integrate foreigners, it’s because those countries are developped and that human rights are more respected in those countries.
    You’re afraid that the “white race” goes extinct ( and that won’t happen) if we accept foreigners.
    There is of course one thing that is required of foreigenrs and it’s adapting to the local cultures while keeping theirs, and not impose their culture on us (like the hallal in public schools cafeteria).
    We can all live together, if everybody respects each others culture and once again, integrating foreigners don’t force you to marry them. Spouse a white and your “race” will perdure.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94679
    Mike M

    Can you tell me what is the best definition for justifying in your understanding ?

    I understand “you’re justifying” as you’re looking to find an excuse to say we deserve White genocide (for ex when they talk about slavery etc)

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94678
    Mike M

    Can Sysop delete my reply number 94656 please ?

    Edited text for the mini you requested :

    Imaginez Ă  quoi ressemblerait le GĂ©nocide des Blancs 

    Dans un premier temps, vous ouvririez les frontiĂšres de TOUS les pays blancs et SEULEMENT les pays blancs.
    Ensuite vous feriez venir des millions d’immigrants non blancs seulement dans les pays blancs et vous pousseriez les blancs Ă  se mĂ©tisser avec les non-blancs.
    Pour finir vous traqueriez tout endroit oĂč les blancs ne seraient pas encore en minoritĂ© en disant ”Cet endroit est trop blanc, nous devons avoir plus de diversitĂ©â€.
    Ce programme serait appliqué SEULEMENT aux blancs et ce, dans TOUS les pays blancs.

    Ah mais attendez voir 
 C’est dĂ©jĂ  ce qui se passe !
    Ceux qui font dĂ©jĂ  ce que je dĂ©cris plus haut disent qu’ils sont “antiracistes”. Mais ce qu’ils sont, c’est anti-blancs.

    “Antiraciste” est un nom de code pour anti-blanc.
    La “DiversitĂ©â€ est un nom de code pour le gĂ©nocide des blancs.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94677
    Mike M

    Don’t you want to know what they said ?

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94656
    Mike M

    I edited the text above. Here is a better version :

    Imaginez Ă  quoi ressemblerait le GĂ©nocide des Blancs 

    Dans un premier temps, vous ouvririez les frontiĂšres de TOUS les pays blancs et SEULEMENT les pays blancs.
    Ensuite vous feriez venir des millions d’immigrants non blancs seulement dans les pays blancs et vous pousseriez les blancs Ă  se mĂ©tisser avec les non-blancs.
    Pour finir vous traqueriez tout endroit oĂč les bancs ne seraient pas encore en minoritĂ© en disant ”Cet endroit est trop blanc, nous devons avoir plus de diversitĂ©â€.
    Ce programme serait appliqué SEULEMENT aux blancs et ce, dans TOUS les pays blancs.

    Ah mais attendez voir 
 C’est dĂ©jĂ  ce qui se passe !
    Ceux qui font dĂ©jĂ  ce que je dĂ©cris plus haut disent qu’ils sont “antiracistes”. Mais ce qu’ils sont, c’est anti-blancs.

    “Antiraciste” est un nom de code pour anti-blanc.
    La “DiversitĂ©â€ est un nom de code pour le gĂ©nocide des blancs.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94655
    Mike M

    I’ll correct the Mantra. Just a sec. I need to eat 😀

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94652
    Mike M

    Here you go :

    Imaginez Ă  quoi ressemblerait le GĂ©nocide des Blancs …
    Dans un premier temps, vous ouvririez les frontiĂšres de TOUS les pays blancs et SEULEMENT les pays blancs.
    Ensuite vous feriez venir des millions d’immigrants non blancs seulement dans les pays blancs et vous feriez l’apologie du mĂ©tissage avec ces non-blancs.
    Pour finir vous traqueriez tout endroit oĂč les bancs ne seraient pas encore en minoritĂ© en disant ” Cet endroit est trop blanc, nous devons avoir plus de diversitĂ©”.
    Ce programme serait appliqué SEULEMENT aux blancs et ce, dans TOUS les pays blancs.

    Ah mais attendez voir … C’est dĂ©jĂ  ce qui se passe !
    Ceux qui font dĂ©jĂ  ce que je dĂ©cris plus haut disent qu’ils sont “antiracistes”. Mais ce qu’ils sont, c’est anti-blancs.

    “Antiraciste” est un nom de code pour anti-blanc.
    La “DiversitĂ©” est un nom de code pour le gĂ©nocide des blancs.

Viewing 20 posts - 41 through 60 (of 110 total)