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Mike M

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  • in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94616
    Mike M

    Don’t have twitter yet. I’ll take care of that soon. Got to go to sleep. have a good day fellow white people.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94614
    Mike M

    If you want 5 people to just copy paste the Mantra in french in youtube, I could find them. No worries.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94611
    Mike M

    I don’t trust the existing pro white organisations in France. So I’ll be doing it myself pretty soon with a banner I’ll made, and i’ll request the authorization fr a one man protest in the biggest town of the area.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94609
    Mike M

    I don’t know at all. I’ve been trying to spread the Mantra, and the idea that what we’re living is a genocide, not a replacement, with the french mantra page. But I haven’t been trying to create french bugsers.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94607
    Mike M

    Waters have run under the bridge. It’s all forgotten now, don’t worry. It’s a tiresome fight we’re fighting so yeah it’s taking its toll on us.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94605
    Mike M

    Apologies accepted. Have a good evening Johnny :).

    Ok Benjamin. If you have other points you want to be taken care of (and btw I think it’s very good to check things like that), throw them in here. I’ll adress that.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94602
    Mike M

    I remember that conversation and I told you that I totally understood the security issue. A few months later, looks like you were wrong about me ;).

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94601
    Mike M

    Yeah, I can swap “Les gens” for Tout le monde” everybody” if you want. But “Tout le monde” is really “everybody”. When I say “Les gens” it’s people in a large spectrum, and I felt it was better since, it’s mostly anti-Whites aht say there is a race problem. But maybe my comprehension was not good enough.

    Concerning : “‘Metisser’ means ‘crossbreed’…? Your translation doesn’t specify that ‘TOUS les pays blancs et SEULEMENT les pays blancs’ must crossbreed with ‘all those non-whites’ . Can you include ‘all those non-whites’?” I don’t state it because it is implied by the word “métisser”. When you’re a “métis”, it’s obvious you’re either black/white or asian/white but not irish and polish for exemple.

    Translating word by word is not very good in the end. I think that’s it’s best to adapt to the tongue you’re translating in. But if you think it must be stated, I’ll do it.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94598
    Mike M

    I think you’re seeing a tone where there is none. I’m stating facts. There are grammatical mistakes.

    “I have three separate people—two French, and one French-Canadian—saying theirs are best. Who should I trust? “Mike M”, about whom I know a sum total of nothing, other than that you seemed to have a Facebook page (last time I checked) that had been extant for a couple of years? Or the guy who had had a YouTube account since 2007, with about 300 French videos uploaded? Or the other guy?”

    Benjamin Newells said almost exactly the same thing about me (about the trust issue) when I first arrived. Now if you don’t trust me there’s nothing I can do.

    Maybe I’m tired and that’s why I feel that you’re being condescendent, maybe you’re tired and you feel that way too. In any case as I said it earlier, I don’t care. You guys will do whatever you want. I’ll do my own stuff in my own backyard anyway.

    And by the way, are you the guy who made the great tunes on youtube with The Mantra in it ? If so then I must say good job.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94595
    Mike M

    Well Johnny Mantraseed, you don’t speak french, I do. I’m not here to undermine the translation work of the guys who translated the Mantra in french for you, but there are grammatical errors in the translation and/or meaning. If you don’t want to use what I’ll post, it’s your call mate. But if you want to use the Mantra in MY language, it would be at the very least more professional to use it without mistakes.


    Les gens disent qu’il y a un problème de RACE.

    Les gens disent que ce problème de RACE sera résolu lorsque les pays en voie de développement se seront déversés dans TOUS les pays blancs, et SEULEMENT dans les pays blancs.

    Les Pays-bas et la Belgique sont aussi densément peuplés que le Japon ou Taïwan, mais personne ne dit que le Japon ou Taïwan résoudra ce problème de RACE en faisant venir des millions de gens de pays en voie de développement et en les “assimilant”.

    Les gens disent que la solution finale à ce problème de RACE est de métisser TOUS les pays blancs et SEULEMENT les pays blancs.

    Que se passerait-il si je disais qu’il y a un problème de RACE, et que ce problème de RACE serait résolu si des centaines de millions de non-noirs s’installaient dans TOUS les pays noirs et SEULEMENT les pays noirs ?

    Combien de temps est ce que cela prendrait pour que quelqu’un comprenne que je ne parle pas d’un problème de RACE mais que cela serait la solution finale au problème NOIR qui serait mise en œuvre.

    Combien de temps est ce que cela prendrait pour qu’un noir sain de corps et d’esprit le remarque ? Il faudrait que les noirs soient lobotomisés pour ne pas s’opposer à cela !

    Mais si je dis la vérité à propos du génocide en cours contre ma race, la race blanche, les progressistes, les conservateurs respectables et les gauchistes vont tous se mettre d’accord pour dire que je suis un sale “naziquiveuttuersixmillionsdejuifs”.

    Ils disent qu’ils sont antiracistes. Ce qu’ils sont, c’est antiBlancs.

    Antiraciste est un nom de code pour antiBlanc.

    in reply to: Mantra in different languages #94558
    Mike M

    I think the french translation of the Mantra can be improved. I’ll send the improved version to Horus via mail and also post it later on here this afternoon

    Mike M

    I can’t watch it … It’s blocked in my country.

    in reply to: Improved communication and more #94174
    Mike M

    Thanks guys for the answers.

    : Anytime. You know where to find me (on pidgin).

    : I’ve never tried Twitter, even for me, I don’t know if I would be great on that platform, but I think I’ll have to try.

    @Patrick Whiterabbit : Yes, the idea is quite similar. What I was thinking of, was more like a seminar. In the exemple of Northern Ireland, it’s quite simple to know what’s going on overthere since they speak english. So even a non irish/english could get a lot of information. But for non englishspeaking countries, we need locals to tell us about their particular political situation (ex with my country, I could tell you what has been said/done to fight against what we want to protect us from (but sadly not with Mantra thinking and words).

    So for the Ireland thing, I could if you want, ask via some Fb pages, if there are nationalists followers from N.I. The if he agrees with the Mantra, we could teach him what he has to know and do in order to be effective.

    I’m sure you all know that a lot of european political leaders, were taught politics when they were young by American government/think tanks. well basically, we could do the same. Train the european volunteers to be Mantra ambassadors in their countries.

    What do you think about that ?

    in reply to: Stop White Genocide Flags – Get them here #93943
    Mike M

    Thanks for the good job as always !

    in reply to: Mantra on bills #93879
    Mike M

    Good to know ! Thanks.

    in reply to: Mantra on bills #93877
    Mike M

    Thanks Gar5. If it’s illegal in one country, but you have automated cashier, then you can write on your money and use it on the machine. I’ve tried and it worked !But I don’t know if those bill are going straight back to the bank and then exchanged or sent back to the system. Now what I need to do is to use money for my groceries and give it directly to a clerk.

    I’l go for : “Asia for the asians, Africa for Africans, but White countries for everybody !? That’s genocide ! “Diversity is a code word for anti-White” line. Or should I use Antiracist is a code word for antiwhite ?

    Should I link back to WGP ?

    in reply to: Mantra Terminology on Wikipedia? #93821
    Mike M

    I think it’s a good definition. Correct me if I’m wrong, but affirmative action also exists in other countries (SA, France I’m sure, we need infos for the others).

    There is a Mantra entry on rational wiki, that has been written by antiwhites. It says we’re tin foi hats supremacists unable to get a life. On Metapedia it’s a good one though.

    in reply to: When family is anti-White #93667
    Mike M

    I don’t think you should have second thoughts about using the Mantra against your dad. He’s antiwhite. You won’t be able to convince him. But you need to give rhetorical “weapons” to the rest of your family, especially if they think like you do. You could point out the contradiction, say that he’s full of words like democracy freedom and liberty of speech yet he doesn’t allow you to practice it in his house, like antiwhite gvt does in most white countries (in France, Germany and italy, a lot of “intellectuals” are fined because they oppose or talk about what’s going on, wether it’s about White genocide, gender theory being forced into children, or gay marriage. In France, some people were arrested by police and military police because they were waiving the french flag in the streets before or after the anti gay marriage protest, even a US citizen was arrested because she was jogging with a pink sweat shirt looking like one of the symbols of those antigaymarriage girls, in Germany parents are thrown in jail for opposing gender theory at school). Your dad, like the state, the teachers, all of those paid to enforce white genocide on us, are full of contradictions. Point it out in front of your family !

    I don’t know how old you are. But I’m happy to see a young guy like you ready to stand up for our race. You’re not alone on that fight, and yes, we are right. I personnally lost so called “friends” by dozens, and I don’t care. You might be young but there are a lot of normal white people thinking like you do. Older guys like Bob and jimmy (and the others I don’t know), middle aged guys and young guys like you ! Some police officers thinks like we do, some military men too, a few teachers too (I know one or two) but nobody can openly talk about it otherwise they’ll lose everything … And that’s where we have to make a stand (IMO) we have to show all those whites, we can fight the system and that we shouldn’t be afraid of anything, otherwise everything’s lost. Remember people need leaders, Bugsers not so much, they’ve got a coach, but normal people, they do need to be leaded, and who knows, you might be that guy one day 😉

    in reply to: Mantra in the News #93481
    Mike M

    Don’t know if it fits in here or if it’s even worth mentioning, but an AMPW contaced me in the mantra page and told me to publish this (wich I didn’t do of course 😀 ) :

    “Do you just want to share a slogan or to awaken white people? Seriously, phrases like these could be more effective”

    in reply to: Advices/ Counseling wanted #93480
    Mike M

    Denounce . PC are the guy’s initials, not “politically correct” 😉

    Thanks Gar5. I see. I need to bounce back everytime, attacking him on the fact he supports white genocide. I’m not offensive enough yet !

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