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Posted by Bob on November 16th, 2005 under Coaching Session

If you go to and hit on Audio Archives you will see the shows listed below and you can hear them.

Each set of ideas connects with the others. Connected together the programs give you a world view and a practical way to plan to achieve it.

In order to understand what I really have to say, you would have to listen to each several times and THINK about them.

The first one listed here, called DICTA, means Don’t Interfer Call the Authorities. It explains how we have become so helpless since the Obedient Generation, the one that calls itself The Greatest Generation, took over.

My program called The Weakest Generaton doesn’t seem to be here yet. But the world before and after them was and will be utterly unrecognizable right now. I see things in younger people that they think are new, but were taken for granted in the 1930s.

Temporal Provincialism discusses the fact that what cripples our ability to predict, and this was what I made my living at, is the fact that we reside in NOW. This program could give you a lot of pointers on how to PREDICT accurately the tide of history.

And The Tide of History is related to Temporal Provincialism. It explains, from a practical political point of view — again, I made my living this way — the difference between practical politics and revolutionary politics. If your big thing in life is that you want the budget deficit to go up or down a few billion, practical politics is the way to go. And you can have a great time talking politics at a party.

But you better do it fast, because nothing you say will mean a thing a month from now. People remember only the tide of history.

NOBODY would remember the entire Weimar Republic if it hadn’t been Hitler that overthrew it.

NOBODY would remember Kerensky if it weren’t for Lenin.

Practical politics has NOTHING to do with changing the system or changing basics. To do anything important, you must position yourself in a way that nobody who deals in “real politics” will understand.

Few do understand, which is why there are so few revolutionaries. But if you are a temporal provincial, “There is a tide in the affairs of men which, when taken at the crest,” is not the way you want to live to live.

The tide didn’t come to the party, so who cares about it?

One of the first sacrifices a revolutionary makes is being alone and knowing that the tide may not come in his lifetime.

The people at the party will remind you that all your effort may be wasted. You will not remind them that ALL their effort is wasted. When the tide of history comes, nothing they do will mean a thing. If you don’t believe this, try talking the political strategy of the last gubernatorial election.

So I deal with people who know nothing about the tide of history, temporal provincialism, the Experts they are quoting, why they are just trying to be Shrewd again.

Even if they do grasp the concepts, they can apply it to ancient history but not to the society in which they just obsessed over the latest headlines, The Holy World of Now.

They are being Shrewd and they quote Experts. I have a program on each of these subjects.

So I sit down and try to talk with somebody and they tell me “They have discovered that…” which means that particular old fad is a popular fad again. They say that “That’s been tried, meaning history has not come there yet, or “Republicans are going to GET the black vote this time” or “AIDS is becoming a heterosexual disease”.

And I am supposed to TALK with them?

I’d rather drink alone.

I wish some people would do what Joe is doing. You could THINK about the chain of ideas I discuss and how it affects the tide of history and why I say YOU are part of my chain of ideas.

At VERY rare intervals I find that someone has not only gotten my point, but they have see a line of logic or reality I had not seen. They are not trying to shoehorn the universe into the Old Testament or yesterday’s headlines.

In other words, at rare intervals I have the kind of actual discussion other people take for granted.

In my lonely world when that happens I feel exactly the way Robinson Crosoe must have felt when he saw the footprints of another human being for the first time in twenty years:


October 29, 2005 – D.I.C.T.A.
October 22, 2005 – Temporal Provincialism
October 15, 2005 – Truthseekers
October 8, 2005 – The Thread of History
October 1, 2005 – Shrewd
September 24, 2005 – I Support The United Nations
September 17, 2005 – White Survivalism
September 10, 2005 – Experts
September 3, 2005 – Wordism Revisited
August 27, 2005 – Criticism Is Not Hate
August 20, 2005 – The Silly Ideas We Live By
August 13, 2005 – Our Established Religion
August 6, 2005 – What is Truth?
July 30, 2005 – Experts
July 23, 2005 – Annotated Constitution – Preamble
July 16, 2005 – Sobsister History
July 9, 2005 – Not Bias, Silliness
July 2, 2005 – Re-Play: Bob and James Edwards:
The Political Cesspool – MAKE IT PERSONAL
June 25, 2005 – Idiocracy
June 18, 2005 – Arguments
June 11, 2005 – Routine Racism
June 4, 2005 – The Tide of History
May 28, 2005 – WORDISM: The Alternative to RACISM
May 14, 2005 – A “Living” Constitution = DICTATORSHIP
May 7, 2005 – Debut – What’s the Untrained Eye

  1. #1 by Peter on 11/16/2005 - 9:08 pm

    A reader rants on: “the difference between practical politics and revolutionary politics.”

    I think of them you call “practical politicians” as “arm-wavers.” They look for the latest fad, jump on the bandwagon, then wave their arms, shouting “look at ME.”

    You were very useful, Bob, in bringing down Communism although I imagine you would deny that. The arm-wavers who took your ideas never expected them to be so effective. But they were happy that the ideas revitalized the GOP.

    But really, Bob, these arm-wavers are no good. They were happy that your ideas revamped their little old party and once they got what they wanted they ignored you.

    A revolutionary government, on the other hand, would be full of Bobs like you. They wouldn’t have to put their ideas in a blog and wait. They wouldn’t have to take a post approving clearances. Each would be doing the job that suits him best.

    But we aren’t ready for a revolution. There aren’t enough ideas out there. None knows what to do.

    Did you see Fight Club? At the end they blow up the credit card companies (after evacuating the night-time security staff). A White revolution will change EVERYTHING; will we blow up the credit card companies, too?

    In a white future, we would rebuild American cities. More than a hundred years ago, they were beautiful and their modest beauty was the talk of the world. Rebuilding them would at last give preservationists something significant to do, and it would give architects something more rewarding than designing parking garages and fast-food stops. If rebuilt downtowns and small town replaced centrally-controlled Walmarts, communities would have not only something to be proud of for generations, but the new stor-space would give American employees a chance to leave their employers and become real entrepreneurs as of old — independent.

    Independence: working for oneself, unhindered by an employer; what about the family farm? Yes, that old-fashioned picture that was once the symbol of America. Now 98% of the land is owned by centrally-planned corporations that are legal fictions and accountable to none. A new White America would create the greatest land rush in our history (and we could still expand our great wilderness, too!).

    But without thinking ahead the transition to the dream could be a nightmare. People are right now used to living a certain way, OBEDIENT to an employer, so change to self-determination would be hard. But more than a hundred years ago, when men struck out on the Oregon Trail, they made use of guidebooks. These self-starters were men taking the risks, selling all, putting what they could in a covered wagon, and heading west on foot. They thought ahead but the move west was not centrally planned.

    So why aren’t our people putting up pictures of old historical buildings online? In the new world, we could rebuild them.

    Why doesn’t the White movement avail itself of the back-to-the land-literature? In the new world, we need to be self-sufficient and independent.

    That way, the communities would become places where great art and music are created, just like in Germany two and three hundred years ago.

    Planning ahead doesn’t mean a star chamber of commissars and aparachiks ordering everyone about. But if we have no idea where we are headed and the choices we will face, how could the Revolution possibly succeed?

    Look at the Russians. They did not think ahead. They simply realized that Reagan’s rhetoric was right and they tore down that wall. But they are still in a mess.

    What revolutionaries need to do is think ahead about ways to move from a controlled economy to independence without causing anyone to starve during the transition. Much of the guidebooks should be written NOW by those with an understanding of economics, like you Bob.

    Where are our guidebooks? Where a VISION?

    Forget the arm-wavers. Hire them when you need publicity. But remember that they are thinking first about promoting themselves. So never cede control to them. Left alone, the arm-wavers will accomplish nothing.

    We need you, Bob.

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