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Reply to Zachary

Posted by Bob on November 26th, 2005 under Comment Responses

You folks are making me hop, and I LOVE it!

Zachary says,

“Some theologians you guys are. You’re morons. I myself am a Christian White Nationalist and I can’t help but laugh at your ignorance of history and Biblical Scripture. You make a mockery of the Bible.”

Zachary, I would not talk about the Old Testament if I didn’t think it was important. I make a mockery of the people who twist it.

You have taken the Old Testament and gotten a healthy attitude from it. You and I both know a LOT of people who have taken both Testaments and made them into something sick.

If I remember correctly, Jesus said those people would come along and do just that.

The earliest and probably the most important debate in Christian history was the one between Peter and Paul about whether converts had to be circumcized. I cannot see how a person who takes the Old Testament as unshakeable and final truth could have concluded that a convert did NOT have to be circumcised.

I am not a theologian, I am a historian. I am sure that many who backed Peter in this said critics were making a mockery of the Old Testament. But Peter did something almost unimaginable for so many who call themselves Christians today, as my correspondence with the Methodist Doctor of Theology below demonstrates.

Peter saw he was wrong and said so. He then went on with his job, which was spreading the Gospel. Can you imagine a modern theologian doing THAT? Have you ever heard a modern theologian admit that he was justplain wrong and go on with his real job?

Ther is another astounding differene between Peter and modern theolgians. He did not try to hog all the action. He gave Paul the job of preaching tot he gentiles, because he felt that he couldn’t do that job.


I repeat, Zachary, can you imagine ANY modern theologian or preacher doing THAT?

The Book has survived a lot worse trials than Bob Whitaker’s insisting that it is not on the same par with Gospel.

As you can see from the comments, some agree with me and some don’t. That is why both of us are here.

We are not on the same par with Peter and Paul, but we should follow their example.

  1. #1 by Mark on 11/28/2005 - 6:58 pm

    “Peter saw he was wrong and said so. He then went on with his job, which was spreading the Gospel. Can you imagine a modern theologian doing THAT?”

    Bob, I seem to remember a blubbering, bawling, t.v. preacher who had gotten caught w/a prostitute (who later appeared in Penthouse — funny how I remember these thing isnt it?) who repented on nationwide t.v. and asked forgiveness for his errant ways. Does that count?

    ALSO: “He gave Paul the job of preaching tot he gentiles, because he felt that he couldn’t do that job.”

    Would Peter be considered an anti-semite if he had said he couldnt preach to the jews?

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