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Posted by Bob on August 10th, 2006 under Comment Responses

I would bet money that Falwell and Robertson are racist as hell. Both these guys used to very conservative on issues concerning non-whites etc.

Now they embarce diversity. These things tend to go hand in hand with embracing Jews.

Comment by Tim


You are probably right. Robertson is the son of Senator Robertson, who was a hard-line segregationist and would never have backed down. But as I keep repeating when people tell me about their WWII kin who thought right, this makes it worse, not better. When Buchanan said their comrades died to open up Europe to third world to, none of them had the guts to disagree.

Those WWII “right thinkers” were absolute wimps, at best. Theirs was an open, knowing betrayal, as Robertson’s is.

But let me check this out. To give him credit, I have NEVER heard Falwell praise multiculuralism or promote interracial adoptions. At his college, if a parent is willing for their child to date a non-white (or vice-versa) and writes it down, he will let them. I doubt seriously THAT pecentage is above zero.

At the height of the Confederate flag conversy and before and after, Falwell said, “I’m a Southerner. If there were a war between the North and the South, I’d go with the South.”

What he has is a fanatical loyalty to Israel. That is common. Many, many evangelicals believe that Jesus was just a fulfillment of the important part, the convent between God and the Jews. As I have heard more htan one of them say, “The Old Testament is seventy percent of the Bible.”

So all I know that Falwell has done is go with the Old Testament faith of his followers.

  1. #1 by Al Parker on 08/11/2006 - 11:47 am


    Bob, what do you think about this article? Is it overblown?

  2. #2 by Tim on 08/12/2006 - 4:52 pm

    Apparently Pat Robertson just recently talked about how Europe was committing racial suicide on his show. I am surprised that we did not hear about it. Maybe the Jews are giving the White Christians a free pass? Maybe not. The Neocons probably HATE Pat Robertson but that need him BIG TIME.

    BW, What will happen if Isreal gets Nuked and Jesus does not come? What then?

    All you bapitists sound off?

    That is going to be my 64k dollar question at the next cocktail party I attend.

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