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The Truth is a Devastating Argument

Posted by Bob on August 25th, 2006 under Coaching Session

Ten years ago, when all I did on the Internet was to fight it out in what were then called Newsgroups, I naturally gravitated to the ones about race.

I soon found that “Newsgroup” had nothing to do with news. It was a bunch of places that ranged from people exchanging information about their favorite TV program ( mine was Married With Children) to where people duked it out over political issues.

After all my whining and bitching about how you don’t put Bob’s Mantra in “newsgroups,” Shari finally made me realize that they may not EXIST in that form any more.

Again, I just admitted I may have made a mistake. I do that a lot in Bob’s Blog.

You know, an old man like me loves to wow you with my wisdom. But the mistakes I make and have made are of at least as much value to you.

I rememeber a line from “Married With Children” that said, “I did what Custer SHOULD have done. I sent scouts.”

Why should YOU make a mistake which your old scout Bob has already made. Or, if you are kicking yourself for doing something stupid, why shouldn’t Old Bob tell you he did the same thing?


Back to the Newsgroups.

In one of them a white woman was telling us all that she had a black husband and three children.

I said, “Poor kids. They are going to have to go through life being UGLY!”

She pitched a fit, and my answer was, “All I am saying is what everybody in this newsgroup is THINKING.”

Now let me tell you the amazing part. Remember that more than half of the newsgroup consisted of fanatically anti-white whites. I knew I was telling the truth, but I was absolutely amazed when NOT ONE of them disagreed with me!

I had just said that everybody there was thinking that a white woman who produces mulatto children is condemning them to ugliness for the rest of their lives.

But I was ALSO saying that that was what everybody there was thinking.

One anti-white white said an almost fond, “Oh, Bob, what you said!” But not ONE of them said, “I think mulatto children are beautiful!”

Nobody even said, “Well I, for one, was NOT thinking that.”

The fact is that, in a close-up argument like that, being silly gets you laughed at.

Truth is outlawed. It is outlawed because it is effective.

  1. #1 by Dave on 08/26/2006 - 12:31 am


    Go to the Googleplex (Google video) and find the hour-long presentation on is a product of the genius of crowd sourcing IT talent to finally achieve a virtual 3D simulated world online. is destined to become the most potent platform for the fomentation of political conspiracy ever conceived.

    The vile traitors who have ruined our country are continually one step behind Internet developments and destined to be forever flummoxed in their efforts to propagate their tyranny there (I hope).

    The great advantage of is that it will facilitate the forming of conspiring secret communities that will be able to engage in facilitated strategic planning and operational coordination under the mask of 3D simulated reality.

  2. #2 by Elizabeth on 08/26/2006 - 9:03 am


    One of the long-standing problems in studying groups of people is that many countries,
    especially this one, classify someone by race by what that person wants to be classified
    as. (The only exception is the Federal government: they have a lengthy list of criteria
    for “Indian preference” hiring.)

    The only good-looking mulattos I’ve seen are ones who could “pass” if they wanted to.

    Speaking of which — I was watching a televised panel discussion the other day and realized,
    looking at one panelist’s hands, that she is black. I thought she was just a rather plain

  3. #3 by Ian Santiago on 08/26/2006 - 9:20 pm

    It is also important to know that most mullatos will have a far lower IQ than their White parent. Ugly and stupid is a bad combination.

    Viva La Raza Blanca!!

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