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Posted by Bob on August 29th, 2006 under Comment Responses


Liberals complain about their representation as well. I heard someone on Howard Dean’s blog complain about the pitting of an ugly Semite, Alan Colmes (the liberal) against the handsome Aryan Sean Hannity (the conservative) on the Hannity and Comes show. The commenter said that Colmes tends to be wimpy, goofy and put up a weak opposition in debate.

Comment by Al Parker


I was at a talk radio convention in New York a couple of years back and I heard liberals complaining about exactly that.

But the old screaming liberals simply can’t scream any more. They’d get cut to pieces or laughed at.

The reason for the wimp libs like Colmes is simple. The only protection for the antiwhites today is the respectable conservatives. If they had the old screaming leftists on listeners would start raising hell about respectable conservatives not coming back at them.

If Democrats win control of Congress this time, they are going to have nothing but black, ignorant loudmouths as chairmen of committees. Those loudmouth blacks are going to make the present thin facade of respectable conservatives all too obvious.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 08/29/2006 - 10:23 am


    Political liberalism is basically a few thousand whites who dominate
    the party fundraising and its media editorial boards who put a thin
    veneer of respectability on black and brown facism (bullying authoritarian
    political machinations). The rank and file whites who remain liberal
    have fled to the ghettoes of peak oil and global warming or the youth
    league of PETA. And Bob you are right its the “respectables” who now
    prop up the game, but they could be taken out in perhaps an election cycle
    or two by a series of candidates actively coming out against the religion
    of PC.

  2. #2 by Tim on 08/29/2006 - 1:31 pm

    So Bob, how does the blog vote on this? Do we hope the democrats win?

    From what you wrote, I am guessing yes. Nothing brings attention to our race issue like loud africans. Makes sense to me.

  3. #3 by Shari on 08/29/2006 - 2:19 pm

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    I saw a little of the reporting of Barek Osama in Africa. They were greeting him as their own messiah or ticket to America. He had to down play that saying that he was a senator from Illinois. Ha! It’s not going to work.

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