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Is This One of OUR People on SF?

Posted by Bob on August 7th, 2007 under Coaching Session

Until the head is removed, the problem will remain.

We may not have to…

The beast has a mind of its own now. Notice in the past few years where the vanguard Jews go? They’re becoming “conservative.” Orthodox rabbis call for increased birth rates, some even call for expanded conversions. Neocons try to marry evangelistic “democracy” to Israeli interests. Pro-Israeli talking heads, like Limbaugh, are joined by Jewish Savage, Levin and others.

They’re running scared.

Hostile press coverage of Israel’s on-going Lebanon adventure reveals a new game. The emotional child has usurped the cunning father. Just as they lost control of Christianity and Communism, the new creation turns on its founders. Call it Internationalism, or Fonte’s Transnational Progressivism, Diffuse Marxism, Racial Marxism, whatever. Even Jews are divided. Some habitually stick to the old egalitarian deconstructions, some realize the created-thing has an agenda of its own.

The habit will continue to single out two Nazis in Minnesota while excusing 2 million wahabis in Michigan. Good. Accidental allies abound.

Momentous times. We’re not only living through Peak Oil, but also seeing Peak Moyle. Que chaos – and new opportunity

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