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I’m Back!

Posted by Bob on November 26th, 2007 under Bob

You will notice that my pieces the last couple of days have been posted by Brain. After the one-day breakdown we had, my posting on my computer still didn’t work

SysOps and BoardAd DID work. So I just sent my postings to BoardAd in our Yahoo group and BoardAd posted them:

You can copy and paste this address in your address bar. The fact that I STILL cannot make this a link despite BoardAd’s patient explanation is an illustration of the problem I discuss below:

This fact that this cured itself is a big relief because system problems our techs handle — while I was just discovering that one-day problem, SysOps and BoardAd were already on it like soldier ants on an intruder before I wrote a piece on it below. But problems on MY computer are a problem for me, because I know so little about the problem and a tech has to walk me through it. I have been dreading that.

The fact is that I level with you about my problems with computer fixes like my being older and having attention deficit. But that doesn’t make it EASY. Our techs understand my problems perfectly, but I am almost human, and it hurts my pride to constantly have to tell them, over and over and over on the phone that I don’t understand things that to them are routine. No matter how many times I do it, I still feel like a whiner constantly justifying himself.

So I dread it and I put it off. This time, the passage of time made it unnecessary.

A lot of the torchlight parade or Greatest Generation types brag about how brave they were or would be in a violent confrontation, but the idea of losing benefits or sacrificing their pride leaves them cowering in a corner. In the real world, the sacrifices you REALLY have to make are not the ones you can brag about.

But I would keep it up if necessary. If it is a choice between my pride and the cause, you know which way I’ll go.

So, BoardAd, my thanks and I am now able to do this myself.

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