Archive for February 4th, 2008

Internal Filter-Down

It is very hard, as woundednietzsche explained below, for one person to take on a unanimous crowd. I have done it a long, long time, time after time.

Unless you are in the middle of a group of unquestioning Mommy Professor Clones, which happens a lot, the anti-WHITE crowd is unanimous only in the sense that a lynch mob is unanimous. That is, nobody dares say that the object of the lynching may have a point, because the person making that comment may end up dangling beside the guy the mob is after.

If you want to know how a lynch mob functions, you work with respectable conservatives for a while. If you are not one of the boys and want to keep from being the object of a mob’s affections, one shouts for the hanging louder than anybody else. So William Buckley is the only national spokesman on record as favoring Europe’s Speech Crime Laws on the Holocaust. This is routine for a Buckley or a McCain. It is something they and “the boys,” the media and the Kennedy’s, do to keep the “respectable” label.

When I was in a position where people had trouble ignoring me and I expressed concern for my race, they would write me back referring to whites as “YOUR race.” They did not want the lynchers to confuse them with the lynchee.

And this is basis of one of my seemingly too-simple statements: “We are not talking about THE white race. We are talking about MY race.”

I keep repeating points people do not get because they seem too obvious. This is one of them. You cannot face down a crowd if your mentality is that you are trying to get an abstract point of justice across to them. But I can do it because they are destroying MY race. That is why it is harder for people to deal with a black saying what HE feels about the oppression he claims to feel than it is to face a Mommy Professor speaking abstractly.

Pain hit on this when he was criticizing me. He pointed out that my statement that blaming everything on whites is white supremacy is the sort of thing he sticks with us for. Saying MY race is in the same vein. We see blacks and Jews battering away at people all the time, but we don’t GET it. Despite all those observations we still haven’t learned the basic lesson here: A Jew talking as a Jew is effective; a black talking as a black is effective. But it never occurs to us that a white talking as a white about genocide aimed at HIM is effective.

There are two forms of filter-down, one is spreading our message in the world in general, to let it filter down among those who have not heard it. The other is to a filter-down inside OURSELVES. The too-simple points I keep repeating, as Pain sees, are PREGNANT ideas. OUR race answers the need woundednietzsche touches on: how to take on the mob mentality.

I keep insisting on anti-WHITE rather than just “anti” because what are we here for if we don’t keep slamming our POINT home. Long after I am dead you will still be digging into the implications of what I said that now seem so obvious. They are far more my legacy than the kind of sophisticated observations I make as the result of my knowledge.

One commenter has repeatedly called it “street smarts.” That is probably as close to the mark as we can get right now.



Thanks, woundednietzche, Coaching is not Cloning

There are times in life, regardless of how intelligent or independent one is, where it is beneficial or even necessary to lean on the logic/arguments of others that we trust are aligned with ours, which in this case is ending/reversing white genocide. I don’t believe Bob wants to create an army of clones, however he does realize the limitations (experience and depth) of many of us here when it comes to debating the cultists outside the accepted box. Our debates are always waged in arenas where we are outnumbered, so Bob reinforces the need to stick with basic tools that work, so that we are not overwhelmed by their numbers. Taking on individual distracting arguments opens your flanks up to being overwhelmed. We cannot go frontal assault because we do not have a minimum 2/1 advantage to do this. Our opponents go frontal all the time because they have the mental conscripts trained to unthinkingly charge when the whistle is blown. They count on overwhelming with numbers, period. They have no other strategy. We have to flank, we have to take and hold small but vital positions, white genocide being a high ground Bob knows from experience they cannot take if held properly.

There are times when I feel I am out here on my own, incapable of accepting advice or guidance from any man, and then there are times when I lean hard on those I trust, to regain my bearing, motivation and strength, so that I can move forward again powered by my own logical strength.

Note, I don’t pretend to speak for Bob, this is my own interpretation of what I hear him saying.


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