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Practical History: Slavery in Practice

Posted by Bob on March 18th, 2008 under History

A generation ago, a black-white couple set out to write a book called “Time on the Cross” which was to be the usual crying session about the suffering of blacks under slavery. They then started READING for it.

The result was a book that got screamingly denounced by all the Mommy Professors who would have demanded the usual Prizes for the one originally intended.

It turned out that as the authors READ THE FACTS, they found that masters encouraged stable families among their blacks. Score one for Family Values! They WORK!

Secondly, a master didn’t want to cause trouble in the population they had to LIVE among.

Thirdly, another practical point. A man who owned a plantation who wanted to dally was rich. He could find plenty of white girls to dally with.

The really awful plantations, and there were plenty of them, were the ones where the owner was an absentee. Unlike Northern factory workers, the resident owner knew every one of his workers BY NAME. He had daily contact with them. So they were treated, BY NINETEENTH STANDARDS, well.

“Time on the Cross” ended up being an econometric study, showing the percentage of total output that went to the workers. It was astonishingly high on plantations compared to other NINETEENTH CENTURY production facilities.

Oddly enough, in tandem with this point, the study concluded that the plantation economy, contrary to the accepted belief, was actually very profitable. It PAID to treat your workers well.

This was a deadly blow to Marxism, which insists that the more you exploited workers, the more you profit.

This, and the confirmation tha families values worked, turned Mommy Professor’s anger into sreaming rage.

There were octoroon parties and like disgusting crap in the cities, but that was voluntary.

Reality is a real damper on Politically Correct history.

  1. #1 by Dave on 03/18/2008 - 12:23 pm

    I have an East Indian friend who waxes nostalgic over his “wonderful childhood” growing up in British ruled Kenya.

    He says, “Kenya was such a wonderful country then with its pastoral beauty, sweet people, inexpensive trains that allowed you to travel all over the country in complete safety, cricket games, and rural road rally sports car races.”

    The British sent the people of Kenya to hell when they pulled out.

    It has been a long process of deterioration, but today Nairobi is an extended dump with some of the most extensive and ghastly slums in the world. And if you are not white, having possession of an assault rifle certainly enhances your prospects for survival in today’s Kenya.

    I marvel at how little Mommy Professor and her legions of talking dolls mention those slums and the deterioration of places like Kenya. And today the people of Kenya are bolting towards a civil war of the mass genocide variety, while the whites that black Kenyan’s desperately cling to mull around impotently.

    But this moves the conceits of Mommy Professor and her talking doll legions not one bit. They are still too busy denouncing Hitler’s crimes of 75 years ago to notice the brutalities, unimaginable suffering, and rolling seasons of mass murder in the here and now.

    Let us not even think of the humiliations and ruin Mommy Professor and her talking doll legions have condemned the black people in America to for the past 65 years.

    Unlike the Nazis, Mommy Professor and her legions have a tendency toward taking abandoned and pure and undisguised bacchanalian delight in the humiliation and suffering of others. And she and her legions are connoisseurs of torture in a way no Nazi extractor of confessions could ever be. Her delight in sustained brutality and suffering is endless.

    That is why ordinary murder isn’t good enough for her. She likes to see people die slowly in humiliation, delighting in their agony, while lecturing them on her moral superiority and godlike nature.

    That is why we are not allowed to see Obama, this culturally and educationally speaking “white man” truthfully. We are not allowed to intuit his hatred and the danger that he might possess a proclivity towards brutality. A hatred and proclivity for brutality that is probably aimed at black people!!!

    I have never met a black man in my whole life whose mannerisms, speech, thought, and whole body and mental “posture” that seems “whiter” than Obama’s.

    How can that be? How can he be so wholly “not black”, yet nobody really notices or is allowed to say that they notice?

    You have to have a life that is driven by real hatred to be like Obama in my opinion.

    And then Obama insults us by claiming he is an “American”. I can’t imagine anybody LESS American. He is a specimen from another planet if he is anything. In reality he is utterly weird.

    Doesn’t anybody else notice?

    How can people get conned by such evil? How can ordinary blacks not see that Obama is not like them at all?

    It is a mystery only God knows.

    And how Mommy Professor and her talking dolls got to dominate our lives so much is a mystery only God knows also.

  2. #2 by Pain on 03/18/2008 - 7:30 pm


    This is very good. The only historically verifiable pattern, that I know of, of suffering involving blacks under white control was on the slave ships. Maybe New England, which perpetuated the slave-trade, should have been known as “the slaver states.”


    I really enjoyed the first five paragraphs in your post above. Very poignant. Thank you.

  3. #3 by Bob on 03/19/2008 - 11:32 am

    Bless you for mentioning that, Pain!

    Another point us benighted Southerners know is that the day slavery ended, the death rate among blacks doubled. Black population didn’t expand again until the Welfare State.

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