Archive for July 12th, 2008


I see that Bob has used an observation of one of our own, Dave, in his reply: “More blacks have come to America since 1965 than in the entire slave trade previously.”

– Pain

“Plagiarism is stealing from ONE source. Research is stealing from several sources.”

I do this so well you don’t recognize that almost everything I say nowadays is directly from the comments. If I could get the process across to you, a major lesson our seminar should be teaching would be learned.

I seldom give you a stream-of-consciousness reply. I write for a bit and then do the hardest thing any writer has to do: I start over. I WORK on what I put here.

As I go along I realize, “Come on now, THIS isn’t what you want to say. What is the POINT here?”

By the time I finish you don’t RECOGNIZE the piece of your comment that I am EXPANDING on.

That is why the Alex Haleys and DOCTOR Martin Luther Kings (his dissertation was plagiarized) get caught plagiarizing and I say things the original writer wants to read.

It is real victory when you realize that what you originally wrote as a comment has been worked on and thought out so much you have to put it in General Comments. It becomes a whole new outlook I want to see separately.

No one teaching any version of Political Correctness or any other version of theology wants to see his seminar members doing THAT. I LIVE for it.


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“Jews are in the same boat. In the wake of Iraq, the media are turning against them, too.”

A demurral. The jews are the media. The erosion of the media by technology, that is, the Internet, may help turn the tide but the cancer of jewry is very persistent and lethal.

— backbaygrouch

This is a combination of the standard “All is STILL lost” and the “Jews are the All-Knowing Enemy” bit.

This term “Jews” refers to a group which is presently doing a better job of destroying itself than Hitler ever imagined. The crash in Jewish birthrates makes them jealous of JAPAN. Alan Dershowitz is almost as desperate about Jewish disappearance as he is about getting rid of whites.

What backbaygrouch is talking about is the one thing we associate with the word “Jews,” a millennial hatred of whites. He is NOT talking about what I call pigtail Jews, REAL Jews like the Hassidim.

His Judaism consists entirely of self-pity and hatred. That makes sense, since that is what concerns US. But I was not referring to that definition. I was talking about JEWS, not the only legacy Jews are going to leave.

In their desperate drive against whites, Jews have fouled every nest they have. When Europe loved them dearly and paid them money after WWII, they turned it into a Moslem continent to which they can never return. Their Communist revenge cost hem Eastern Europe. Their Israel made enemies in the entire third world.

In fact, the only country Jews have left is the USA. And here their friends, the left, is turning against them in the wake of Iraq, as I said.

If this is success, it is the kind of success I wish all our enemies.


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