Archive for May 8th, 2010

Temporal Provincialism and the Uppah Clahss

Anyone who is not a liberal in our society is a “conservative.” There is the Established Church and there are the Others. This can get confusing.

If you are the sort of moron who is easily confused.

The fact that there was an Established Church and Others in England does not make a Baptist the same thing as a Catholic. But if you are a truly dumb rube of the kind Cambridge pours out, you could easily not know the difference.

They used to turn out Established Church Anglicans who thought that it would be Lowah Clahss to know the difference between a Baptist and a Presbyterian. Established Church Political Correctness has the same attitude.

You are either Us or you are Them. If you are Them, the only distinction is between those who know how to grovel to their Betters, now called respectable conservatives, and those who simply don’t know their Place.

This is not a special observation. One reason I see the world so clearly is because I recognize that some things represent no change at all. It is part of the Established Religion to really believe that people in 2010, Modern People, are really different from those in 1910.

The most common argument for Political Correctness is simply to say “This is 2010.” That fogs your mind, it draws a curtain over a simple understanding of humanity.

Yesterday’s self-styled Better Clahss thought of themselves as Aristocrats or Captains of Industry. Today’s think of themselves as Idealists and Intellectuals. Your mind has to be pretty far gone in the “This is the Magic 2010” not to see that nothing has changed.

The Propah Attitude of the Uppah Clahss has changed. Now to prove you went to college you have to have the propah outlook. If you really think that because the propah attitudes have changed this is a New Age, you really have to have your head in the sand.

It has been truly said that a major reason so many Southerners are liberal is because they are one generation from white trash. At least Mommy Professor defined their parents as white trash, meaning they did not finish college.

So the guy rejects Mommy and Daddy’s ideas for this big, smart Mommy Professor’s. Mommy Professor has never been anywhere or done anything, but he tells them he’s Educated, just as the Slave Generation’s Sergeant told them he was Tough.

Man is a very suggestible animal. Morons are the most suggestible of all. It is more interesting to talk with a tape recorder than with one of Mommy Professor’s Southerners.

But he really thinks he’s being Uppah Clahss.

Mommy Professor, like their ideals in New York City, call all Southerners “hillbillies.” I remember one referring to CAJUNS as “hillbillies.” Most Cajuns historically lived and died without SEEING a hill.

Not only does the Uppah Clahss not know this, they are PROUD of not knowing it, in the same way their direct forebears would be proud not to understand Cockney. A Southern liberal is proud to pretend not to know the difference between a hillbilly and a Cajun.

As usual, the way to deal with them is to show them how silly they look. That is, after all, all they care about. And it’s FUN!

No matter how creative you would like to be, you simply can’t say, “Well, that IS the standard opinion” often enough. They got those ideas from Smart People whose ideas are original, not like their white trash parents who never went to college.

They really BELIEVE that. But when you burst their bubble, they know enough now to know what your attitude toward them is.

And, to repeat, that is all they really care about.

PCs are very often reduced almost literally to TEARS when you insist that everything they say is what it is, pure standard and packaged Yuppie stuff.

And the truer what you say is, the more it rocks them.
