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Voting for Crooks is no Joke

Posted by Bob on August 1st, 2010 under Coaching Session

I was talking to one of our best European BUGSters on Skype, and he said he was honored to be in contact with one who, in a saner time, would be one of America’s leaders. Like most men, I get awkward when handed a sincere compliment, so I joked about it.

But he’s right. I WAS a leader, despite everything.

This makes me think of people like David Duke. Every time I hear about the Katrina disaster, I remember that oh-so-funny bumper sticker against him during his run for Governor: “Vote for the Crook. It’s Important.”

Everybody knew that Dr. Duke’s Democratic opponent was a crook. But they didn’t choose to spend a lot of effort on it. It was Duke who eventually went to Federal prison.

So it was better to have somebody Politically Correct who put state money wherever others chose. Then came Katrina, and New Orleans was totally, unbelievably unprepared for it.

That bumper sticker said it all: We elect politically correct crooks here, to hell with how the budget is handled.

And Katrina made them pay for that exact mistake.

Did I say that no one mentions it?

It was so sophisticated, so FUNNY then: “Vote for the Crook, It’s Important.”

Oh, yes, I notice I DID say no one thinks it’s so funny now.

I doubt seriously there would have been all that rioting and looting under Governor Duke or his successors. When Lester Maddox became Governor of Georgia he announced that looters were to be Shot on sight. He said that if a riot broke out he would be there to personally take the badge off of any policeman who did NOT shoot a looter.

In Maddox’s four years in the tumultuous 1960s, there was one riot in Augusta. It was short. Every news story showed its single casualty, a black man shot dead looting a liquor store with bottles in his hands.

I repeat, that was the ONLY casualty. Looting stopped instantly. Rioters left the streets.

It was obvious that a Katrina was coming. In fact, I saw a National Geographic from a few months before it hit predicting exactly the Katrina scenario in astonishing detail.

Dave would have been prepared. He is interested in everything, and he would have known the Katrina scenario cold long before it reached NO.

But they voted for the crook, that is, forty percent of the white population and all the blacks voted for the crook.

They are still paying for it.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 08/01/2010 - 6:09 am

    There was another bumper sticker in that race: Vote the Lizard. Not the Wizard. Ha ha.

    Humor this week here centered on Sen Kerry getting caught not paying the state sales tax on the $7,000,000 yacht the widow Heinz’s dower rights bought him. Best line has the Senator announcing, “I’m John Kerry and I’m reporting for duty – free.”

  2. #2 by BGLass on 08/01/2010 - 8:45 am

    The bumper sticker might sell now, as Mr. Whitaker described it: the words in quotes, then a dash, with an attribution to New Orleans as the speaker. The words “Vote for the Crook,” gets 972,000 hits.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 08/01/2010 - 10:58 am

    Now let us be honest there are limits to liberal craziness. For instance are the libs all up in arms that the Afrikaaners did not give Mandela and Co. their nuke weapons? No, and not even in the sense of fairness did they want to give their nappy headed children such weapons.

    Now the USA has way more than the few the RSA had, and our politics is slipping into the hands of some really wacked non-whites.

    All I’m saying is that the white anti-whites have another burden to be placed upon them, and Richard Spencer veres onto something here;

  4. #4 by Dave on 08/01/2010 - 11:41 am

    Robert Whitaker is the only voice left, the only voice remaining of an education that has died.

    I don’t think most of our BUGSTERS get this.


    Temporal provincialism is about this FORGETTING.

    And when a people are lost, they are truly lost. This is the way Mother Nature works folks!

    The tragedy of death is in all that is lost when people die. And what is lost is what they know!!!

    This is why the present generation of “soft science” intellectuals is so profoundly ignorant. They really and truly are a sad sack bunch.

    The “celebrated” intellectuals of our time (outside of the hard sciences and certain business leaders and innovators) are jokes. They really are pathetic ignoramuses and hardly anybody is aware of it.

    This is the MSM. The MSM is a low thing. It is a shameful thing. It is an unworthy thing. It is a stupid and ignorant thing. This is also our present Orthodoxy. It is a low thing, a shameful thing, an unworthy thing, and a stupid and ignorant thing.

    It is what DEATH has wrought, but hardly anybody understands this!

    Who, but Robert Whitaker is reminding people that the Constitution is merely a contract? Who?

    Everybody today thinks it is a sacred document.

    Who but Robert Whitaker is reminding people of the perils of Wordism and how the struggle against Wordism is an integral part of our thousand year old struggle for freedom? Who?

    Who but Robert Whitaker cogently explains the travesty of the Federal Court system and how and why it became so insidiously corrupt? Who?

    Who but Robert Whitaker lays out a cogent, comprehensive, legal foundation, the foundation that can withstand real interrogation, the foundation that actually underlies the laws of freedom and its history, and successfully condemns the current usurpation and illegality and does it successfully? Who?

    Robert Whitaker defies death. Not his own death, but the death of knowledge, knowledge that died because their possessors died. That is why academia became corrupt. Those that knew what needed to be done to keep academia whole and honest died. That is what really happened. THEY DIED!

    Somebody has got to REMEMBER. Somebody has got to punch through this veil of death, this death that keeps happening because every generation dies, so THAT CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE IS NOT LOST!

    That’s Robert Whitaker. He is a guy who punches through the veil of death to throw up on the Internet absolutely critical stuff that HAS TO BE REMEMBERED. If academia was doing it, Robert Whitaker WOULDN’T HAVE TO DO IT.

    But academia isn’t doing it! Academia FORGOT!

    This is the story of life, folks. Better understand what is really going on.

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