Archive for January 21st, 2012

South Carolina Primary

One commenter asked me to do a piece on the Republican primary here on Saturday. As an exception to my usual ignoring of news and Jews.

South Carolina’s Republicans shame me.

They are, above all things, obedient. After Buchanan won the New Hampshire primary, I knew for sure that South Carolina would reject him.

South Carolina has the highest percentage of soldiers and of veterans of all the states.

They defy nobody.

I was raised in a state which defied the world on segregation and which seceded first. But in today’s Potemkin Patriot society, it is the state of Dole and Bush and Romney.

There is an old subpopulation here, one that will give Ron Paul the second place.

But the sons of the white trash are desperate to prove they are middle class, and that the world of William Buckleys and Miss Piggy need not be ashamed of them.
