Archive for December 5th, 2004

Join Me on Stormfront Now 12-5-04

It starts here: Bob Whitaker with David Duke, Live Online Now!

Started LIVE at 2 PM EST with David Duke, and the moderator says we’re about to top 1/4 million views.

David Duke Live with Bob Whitaker NOW, Dec. 5th
Charles A Lindbergh Today 02:12 PM
Posts 3,591, Views 237,088

Re: David Duke Live with Bob Whitaker TODAY, Dec. 5th


I said:

David, I marched with the Klan in Pulaski, TN.

It was one of the major sacrifices of my life.

You see, when the Klan marches, they are silent. I had to march a mile with my mouth shut the whole time.

It was torture.

“Dits” asks:

“Forgive me but I’m only 14 and from New Hempshire so I’ve never seen the Klan in real life but why did you have to be silent?”

ONLY 14!!

Don’t miss this.


Originally Posted by ericthered
Mr. Whitaker, I am reading your book for the second time now. Trying to get these brutal, straightforward, facts established in my head. After reading it one thinks, ‘I can’t believe I’ve never realised this before, or was able to put it in words.’

Much of truth is like that, once you learn it, you wonder why you ever believed the way you did before.

I believe your book displays a very effective technique, laugh that crap right down to the ground!

It is brutal, isn’t it? Very few people on our side realize that.

I really get a letdown when someone writes me, “I agree with you, and another book about professor, XXX, says the same thing.”

XXX does not come within a mile of saying the same thing. The book at


is a political weapon, not just one more “criticism of academia.”

No, the criticism of academia written by the neoconservative Weisenstein is NOT what I wrote.

You got it right.

For a condensed version, another member has reposted the interview answers and comments on one page:

David Duke Live with Bob Whitaker

Originally Posted by Joseph Morgan
Mr Duke or Mr Whitaker, if the Internet had been around in the 1950s, would white men have been able to stop the Jewish revolution that occured in America during the 1960s?

The internet would have helped beyond belief back then. The dumbocracy is finally realizing what Rather and Cronkite and all three networks that owned the news back then were doing. People like Dr. Fields and Willis Carto were limited to trying to get a sliver of truth through with tiny publications.

We were crippled, we were supressed, we were silenced without the slightest bit of effort. The internet would have been glorious.

But that’s an if. That time is GONE.

As we sophisticated Southerners put it, “If a bullfrog had wings, he wouldn’t bump his butt everytime he jumped.” You got wings now, bullfrog.

Use them.



12/4/04 Insider Letter

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

(reprinted to Blog from 12/4/04)

Every day it seems that there is a new outrage in Washington, D.C., and on a college campus somewhere. Bush is appointing non-whites to fill every slot he can, and seems to have a plan to make Hispanics the Negroes of the Republican Party. Even the New York Times is pointing out how completely Bush and the Republicans are selling out their Christian constituents. Too bad these blind supporters can’t or won’t see it.

But their kids can. Once they hit a campus, they will be thrown into an anti-Bush leftist feeding frenzy. Most of the anti-Bush rhetoric they hear will be infantile leftism, but it may separate them just enough to get a few of them to start thinking a bit on their own. It is during that critical time that they need to find a voice of encouragement, of reason. That is why I wrote Why Johnny Can’t Think.

Everyone who has ever thought about much of anything has wondered whether he was the only one who thinks that way. Often he will never know. What if he could find someone of like mind, at the critical moment when he is beginning to doubt the official nonsense. How much difference would that make? I can’t be on every campus, but my book can be. It would be better to have a Bob Whitaker available to every campus in America, and my book is a weak substitute. But, as my staff has told me, they are working for the book not because it is the best book ever written, or the ideal book, or the perfect book. They are working for it because it IS.

Bill Clinton can confuse the word IS, but something either IS or it isn’t. Why Johnny Can’t Think IS. It is available. We have made it very affordable, so that people can get it out to those who need to read it. Maybe the perfect book will come along one day. Why Johnny Can’t Think IS HERE NOW!

Before you buy that neice or nephew or grandchild a new video game, or T-shirt, or yet another CD so that they can become further Whiggerized, won’t you consider a gift of my book? How about a gift for a friend’s kid, or that bright kid down the street?

There are enough people on this list who could send a book to a kid or parent to make an enormous difference. Ten lousy bucks might change the course of a life forever. It might save them thousands in tuition. It might be something they thank you for twenty years from now.

We will even make it easy for you to do. We’ll gift wrap it, and put a little note in there from you, and send it directly to whomever you want us to — all for the same cost. (note: we can’t split discounted multiple book orders to different addresses, due to mailing costs).

My staff committed to taking on this extra work not to humor ole Bob, but because the time IS NOW. or

Merry Christmas.



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