Archive for December 11th, 2004

Sometimes My Questions are Just Questions

I have always looked in vain for someone to discuss the Bible with who actually knows the Bible.

People who know the Bible come in two flavors: fundamentalists and theologians. The theologians have heard it all and look down upon me from a lofty peak.

Another problem is that professional theologians are all psychopaths. They answer whatever they need to answer.

When I ask a basic question, fundamentalists go bananas.

Now that I have Hardison and some other rational people who know the Bible, I would like to discuss some stuff.

One thing that occurs to me is that the writers of the Old Testament are a lot more honest than modern Jehovists. Genesis does refer to “elohim,” meaning “the gods,” in one case, and modern Jehovists simply tossed that out of the translation.

One major oversight modern Jehovists made was replacing the Commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” with the Moslem declaration, “There is one God, and He is God.”

Is there a particular point in the Bible where monotheism began. I have a feeling it was from Zoroastrian influence when so many Jews were in Persia. They were very grateful to Persia and the Persian emperor Cyrus was, I believe, the only gentile inthe Old Testament who was said to be “doing the work of God.”

Today we have a hard time believing in God at all. But in those days, I think they had a different problem. It was hard for any people to believe that the gods of Egypt or Sumeria or even the Greeks did not exist, and they had the only one.

Note that, in the Commandment, there are THREE words the modern Jehovists should have deleted. They are capitalized below:

“THOU shalt have no OTHER gods BEFORE me.”

That could have been a commandment from the Egyptian god Amon to the Egyptians. That could have been a commandment from Zeus, the Father-God, to the Greeks.

At this point, the fundamentalist would be shrieking at me. I had to get a blog going to find some logical people to talk this over with.



The Growing Falwell-Liberal Alliance

I use Falwell’s name generically. I have a lot more respect for him than I do for the other right-wing Jehovists.

The other day, Falwell was insisting that “no one is born a criminal. No one is born a homosexual.”

Why? Because of Jehovist Dumb Science. Since crime and homosexuality are sins, so every man has an equal choice about being a criminal or a homosexual.

Liberals love the general idea that there is no such thing as heredity, though the gay libbers like the idea that homosexuality is inherited.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, identical twins raised in totally different environments from birth not only tend to commit crimes, they tend to commit the SAME crimes at the SAME age! But Dumb Science Jehovists stand shoulder to shoulder with liberals to suppress any mention of that fact.

Different people are born with a greater tendency to homosexuality than others. In the Victorian society Jehovists worship, Britain’s boys’ school were routinely hotbeds of homosexuality, with almost every Senior having some young lowerclassman in his bed every night.

There is a tendency and there are ways to discourage that tendency. Falwell denies there is tendency, but he has no idea how much Jehovists, with their crazy attitudes on sex, push homosexuality.

Speaking of suppression, the Jehovists and the left are united in favor of censorship. Conservatives say they want to suppress pornography on the Internet “to protect the children.”

Everything conservatives want to do is supposed to “protect the children.” If you are able to treat the public like children, you can forget freedom.

Leftists want to censor anything they call Hate Speech on the Internet.

Everything liberals want to do is supports to “suppress Hate.” If you can tell everybody that you will allow them to do only what leftists call a “preference” and they can keep you from doing anything they call a “prejudice,” you can forget freedom.

In congress, Jehovists and leftists form a solid bloc in favor of censorship.

And they are getting together in other ways. The weird logic of the left that is evil to execute someone but it is OK to lock them in a cage for life goes right along with the idea that a fertilized cell is morally exactly the same as a newborn baby.

They’re both nuts, and this is the only time in history, and it won’t last long, when people take that nonsense seriously. But right now the anti-death penalty and general “criminals are victims” leftists and pro-lifers is growing.

The problem with abolishing the death penalty is the logic behind it. Once you agree the state has no right to execute, you are on your way to saying the state has no right to punish. But Jehovists couldn’t care less about the future. Right now they are getting patted on the head by liberals.

More and more the only difference between Jehovist conservatives and leftists is how you treat Jehovah. Prayers in schools, Merry Christmas, the Ten Commandments, stuff like that.

And everyday, more and more people, including actual Christians, are realizing that both these groups are actually insane.



I WAS a Conservative

I formally resign from being a “conservative.”

Today’s conservative is a Jehovist who is trying desperately to crawl back into his mother’s womb.

I only use the word “conservative” about myself because I am one of the many types of people who opposes America’s Established Religion of Political Correctness, which called itself liberalism until that became so obviously ridiculous they changed it to “progressive.”

Conservatives today are dedicated to Jehovist Dumb Science. They demand that the world be regarded as being created in six days. They violate the Constitution by saying that life is not from birth to death, but from a one-cell conception, something the Pope insists on, just as he insists that it is a sin for a married couple to have sex for any reason except conceiving a baby.

Conservatives are dedicated to the liberal program up to the year 1968. They say they are more dedicated to liberalism than liberals are. Their political Bible is the Democratic platform of 1964, and all they ever do is accuse liberals of heresy.

I despise conservatives.



It IS the Color of the Skin

I write ideas and, years later, some scholar or heretic uses some version of it. You can read what I wrote in both my earlier books you would see those ideas.

You would SEE them but you probably wouldn’t RECOGNIZE them because they are so common today. It is very hard to know, at this late date, what people DIDN’T think of three decades ago. Most of what I wrote caused a storm at the time, but today you would think it was routine stuff.

So here is another idea that will amuse people. In fact, the first time I wrote it, you thought it was a joke. But someday a Serious Radical or will pick up a version of it and cause a huge debate. It will go through the routine four steps: ridiculed, denounced, debated, and accepted.

Meanwhile, everyody else is arguing about President Carter’s family initiative, or is it Reagan’s intelligence, or is it Clinton’s immorality, or is it Iraq?

I lose track. I’m doing something important.

So the reason white people have dominated throughout history is for the same reason they are white. Any animal can either survive by adapting to a hostile environment or by taking the best environment. Brown and black skin protects one against the sun. Sickle cell anemia comes from a special protection against disease that black people MUST have.

Orientals have horned skin and “slant eyes,” i.e., epicanthric folds over their eyes, because they developed in murderously cold environments.

Whites have no natural protection. They took over environments where they didn’t need them. Whites are the result of wave after wave of people into those environments. The fight in each case was brutal.

So whites are white because of millennia of fights for the places people would WANT to live. Then waves of them came down and took over the riches and slaves in other areas.

I wrote this earlier in a WOL called something like “E.T. Reports on Human Races.”

It was meant to be amusing, because I tried the concept out of Serious Intellectual Races and they could think of nothing but showing me all the details they know about history. Also, since their explanations of race involved reading volumes of complicated works and knowing them, they didn’t want to hear anything simple and, in retrospect, obvious.

I have been doing this all my life. I impressed few with my absolute knowledge of an endless number of obscure facts. I have impressed nobody with my latest exposure of why Bush is a liar or President Coolidge won’t run for another term, whichever was the Big Deal of the moment.

I am doing what I have always done, and it is very, very serious work.
