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Shooting in Ohio

Posted by Bob on December 9th, 2004 under How Things Work

Four people were shot by a nutcase on a rampage, including one famous rock musician. He would have killed more, but a cop there shot him before he killed more people.

That is because that cop was the only honest person there who had a gun on him. Gun rampages don’t happen where people are armed.

The one group that really violent people hate most is the police. But have you ever heard of a gunman going into a police convention and shooting people?

There are no special security arrangements at cop meeings. But everybody in the room has a gun on him. And there are no mass shootings.

About twenty years ago, I was talking to a cab driver in New York City. I asked him if he had ever been robbed, and he replied, “Man, I’m a CABBIE.” Cab drivers in New York City were killed about one a week at that time by armed robbers.

Suddenly, the rate of taxi robbery dropped like rock. What happened was that policemen had been given permission — not assigned — to drive cabs to supplement their incomes.

Even off duty, a policeman must be armed at all times.

Robbers started getting shot.

Cab drivers were overjoyed. Liberals were outraged at the number of robbers pulling guns who got gunned down without due process. So the mayor stopped policemen from driving cabs and things went back to normal — for New York City.

  1. #1 by Richard L. Hardison on 12/09/2004 - 10:10 pm

    Ohio recently enacted concealed carry legislation. Perhaps things will improve in the future.

    Personally, I think the best thing you can do with crooks is gun them down without due process. If bleeding heart lefties like crooks so much, let them deal with them in their neighborhoods without gates or bodyguards with auto weapons, like “Ted” Kennedy uses to keep the hairy unwashed away from his pristine personage.

  2. #2 by Horace on 12/10/2004 - 3:57 am

    I’m leery of the vigilante mentality and shooting people without due process.

    First of all it does not make sense economically. Imagine how it can negatively impact the entire criminal justice system. A unemployed lawyer is the devil’s workshop.

    And the prisons. Do you think it would be good for all those cells to be empty because impatient citizens took self defense seriously?

    No, no, no. Here is the way society must deal with this situation.

    Disarm all the honest and decent citizens. That way those who are inclined toward crime can go about their business in a more relaxed and gentle way.

    Register criminals. Properly registered criminals who pay their taxes should be allowed to earn a decent living. But excessive greed should be discouraged.

    In a nutshell, we should decriminalize crime and criminalize resistance to crime.

    I hope this all sounds logical and consistent. I am trying to be reasonable and using applied common sense.

  3. #3 by Don on 12/10/2004 - 4:48 pm

    Remember the Kansas City Massacre. Five Whites (I say that with some degree of embarrassment)- two or three were male – accosted by two skinny african aborigines with a 38 special. You know the story.

    Is it time yet for a big change in White psychology? Is it time for the bleeding hearts to become extinct?

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