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It IS the Color of the Skin

Posted by Bob on December 11th, 2004 under Race Matters

I write ideas and, years later, some scholar or heretic uses some version of it. You can read what I wrote in both my earlier books you would see those ideas.

You would SEE them but you probably wouldn’t RECOGNIZE them because they are so common today. It is very hard to know, at this late date, what people DIDN’T think of three decades ago. Most of what I wrote caused a storm at the time, but today you would think it was routine stuff.

So here is another idea that will amuse people. In fact, the first time I wrote it, you thought it was a joke. But someday a Serious Radical or will pick up a version of it and cause a huge debate. It will go through the routine four steps: ridiculed, denounced, debated, and accepted.

Meanwhile, everyody else is arguing about President Carter’s family initiative, or is it Reagan’s intelligence, or is it Clinton’s immorality, or is it Iraq?

I lose track. I’m doing something important.

So the reason white people have dominated throughout history is for the same reason they are white. Any animal can either survive by adapting to a hostile environment or by taking the best environment. Brown and black skin protects one against the sun. Sickle cell anemia comes from a special protection against disease that black people MUST have.

Orientals have horned skin and “slant eyes,” i.e., epicanthric folds over their eyes, because they developed in murderously cold environments.

Whites have no natural protection. They took over environments where they didn’t need them. Whites are the result of wave after wave of people into those environments. The fight in each case was brutal.

So whites are white because of millennia of fights for the places people would WANT to live. Then waves of them came down and took over the riches and slaves in other areas.

I wrote this earlier in a WOL called something like “E.T. Reports on Human Races.”

It was meant to be amusing, because I tried the concept out of Serious Intellectual Races and they could think of nothing but showing me all the details they know about history. Also, since their explanations of race involved reading volumes of complicated works and knowing them, they didn’t want to hear anything simple and, in retrospect, obvious.

I have been doing this all my life. I impressed few with my absolute knowledge of an endless number of obscure facts. I have impressed nobody with my latest exposure of why Bush is a liar or President Coolidge won’t run for another term, whichever was the Big Deal of the moment.

I am doing what I have always done, and it is very, very serious work.

  1. #1 by Mike on 12/11/2004 - 8:43 pm

    There is a dire need for a translator to put these issues in laymens terms. I’ve come across a theologian who does a pretty good job of it in the area of theology, Robert Brinsmead. I can say that I never really believed in God until I attended a seminar where he spoke. He removed all of the religious garbage from the message of Jesus, revealing a truly compassionate, just God.

    Bob Whitaker has been the translator for me in the area of politics. Now I just need to figure out how to pass it on effectively.

  2. #2 by Don on 12/11/2004 - 8:44 pm

    But what about Monica Lewinsky? Just kidding. Glad to see that someone knows that we are not playing a game of Trivial Pursuit.

  3. #3 by Peter on 12/12/2004 - 9:52 pm

    So what you’re saying is, we’ve developed just to be beautiful?

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